Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Figs Au Gratin With Goat Cheese And Crisp Prosciutto

Figs Au Gratin With Goat Cheese And Crisp Prosciutto

This dish reminds me of the wonderful years we spent in Italy.
It brings back the memories  of sun kissed, soft hills in Tuscany and the smell of rosemary and lemon blossoms.
So, if you want to bring a bit of an Italian holiday feeling on your table, this is the perfect dish!  
You need:
6 ripe green or black figs, halved lengthwise
6 thin slices of Prosciutto , halved
1 ½ teaspoon of honey
1 spoonful of extra virgin olive oil
200g of mild, soft goat cheese (or mild Gorgonzola)
1 teaspoon of finely chopped Rosemary
Rosemary sprigs for decoration
Salt, freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to  250 °C
Crisp prosciutto (as described in  post: Poached eggs with spinach and crisp Prosciutto)
Place Prosciutto on a baking sheet. If you want the Prosciutto extra crisp brush with a bit of olive oil.
Bake in preheated oven at 200°C (375 F) for about 15 minutes or until Prosciutto starts to crinkle.
To drain the excess fat, place the baked Prosciutto on a paper towel.
The Prosciutto will crisp after cooling down.
Mix Goat cheese, olive oil, rosemary, pepper and  salt (if necessary) until creamy.
Cut fig halves carefully crosswise and fill with the goat cheese mixture.
Sprinkle with a bit of honey.
Place in a baking dish.
Bake for about 15 minutes or until goat cheese begins to bubble slightly.
Remove and decorate with crisp prosciutto and rosemary sprigs.
Serves 12 portions. Enjoy!
See you next Tuesday.
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  1. This brings back many memories of my honeymoon in Tuscany - - what a gorgeous dish! :)

    1. How wonderful that you spent your Honeymoon in beautiful Tuscany!
      It's such a romantic place and the food is fantastic.

  2. Wow, what a terrific recipe! Look pretty and the flavors all combine perfectly, I'll be willing to bet. Really a nice appetizer - simple, elegant, and tasty. Good stuff - thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      What a nice comment, thank you!
      I thought this recipe would make a nice starter or appetizer for spring time :)

  3. Daniela these flavors are just perfect! You've convinced me that I must move to Tuscany. One can dream...

    1. Hi Kari,
      I wouldn't mind either to move to Tuscany :)
      Just spent the time there visiting all the beautiful sights and trying marvelous regional food and wine...

  4. These look delicious! I wish I had some fresh figs. Oh well... They will come. I do have some beautiful strawberries. No complaints.

    1. Hi Denise ,
      we can get fresh figs here in Lima because we are still in summer.
      So just enjoy the beautiful, fresh strawnerries, figs will be offered soon :)
      It's so nice to enjoy the seasonal fruits.
      Have a great week ahead!

  5. Omg such a bundle of amazing flavor and food, I would love to try these out.

  6. What a great sweet and savory bite!

    1. Thank you Yummy!
      Actually it's quite a hit when I serve it for our guests:)

  7. Hi Daniela, very nice appetizer. Look like from 5 stars hotel & nice click.
    Wish I can join you enjoying this figs and a nice cup of coffee too. And we can hear the birds singing from your apartment balcony. :))

    Take care, have a lovely week ahead.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Would be soo nice to have coffee together and enjoy the figs with prosciutto!
      Who knows, maybe we can do it some day :)
      Have a lovely weekend !

  8. Oh wow - there is nothing I don't love about this dish! Very nice and wonderful blog - my first visit :)

    1. Hi Tricia,
      What a nice comment, I 'm very glad that you enjoyed the post!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. A gorgeous dish, Daniela. It's amazing how the classiest foods are sometimes the simplest to assemble.

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      That's true, sometimes dishes that seem very sophisticated are easier to prepare than others. So it's fun to
      cook them and you can impress your guests :)
      Have a great weekend!

  10. what a beautiful blend of flavors Daniela! I'd just love to be eating a plateful of these with a glass of wine right about now!

    1. Mmh, that's a wonderful idea Jenn :)
      Maybe we will have some in the evening with a glass of wine .
      Cheers to you!

  11. Oh my - these look so very delicious! I love the flavors in these little bites.

    1. Thank you Amy, for this nice comment!
      In case you want to serve them- you will see they are a hit at parties :)

  12. Fresh figs, goat cheese and prosciutto...what's not to love these little beauties? They look delish.

    1. Thank you Angie, I'm glad you like the combination of flavors!

  13. Yum! I actually don't know where I can get figs. I need to look that up!

    1. Hi Cathleen,
      may be you can find fresh figs in about one or two month when the weather gets warmer at your local market
      Hope then you will enjoy this recipe :)

  14. This is such a simple, yet elegant dish. I love the flavor combination here. Can't wait to get some fresh figs and give these a try.

    1. Thank you Amy for the great feedback !
      Hope you can get fresh figs soon to enjoy this dish:)

  15. I just love this flavor combination! Figs and goat cheese are two of my favorite things in the world - pancetta, too!

    1. Hi Kristy,
      so glad you like the recipe, thank you for the kind feedback!

  16. I'm longing to see fresh figs in the market! Your dish is smashing and combines all my favorite flavors. I bet the rosemary is the perfect touch.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I love fresh figs too.
      We can get them here in Peru because for us it's still summer :)
      Thank you for stopping by!

  17. YUM! This sounds so good. Figs are one my favorites and I love how you prepared this. Very well done!

    1. Hi Sandra,
      thank you so much for your kind feedback!
      Me too, I love figs and now I can get them fresh at the local markets, too good to be true :)


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