Dear friends of The Ambassador's Table,
first of all, we would like to thank you from the bottom of
our hearts for all of your amazing love and support you have given this blog
through the years, it meant the world to Daniela.
It is with great sadness that we, her beloved family, have
to inform you that Daniela passed away a short while ago after a long illness.
As evident from her blog, she was an amazingly talented women with so many
interests in culture, food, photography and many more topics that she loved to
share with the world through this blog. The Ambassador's Table was always a
project of love for Daniela. The amazing response she received over the years
has been incredible to see and was always a great source of motivation and strength
for her. She will be greatly missed.
We would like to thank you again for always following,
liking and commenting with so much love. Please keep her in your thoughts and
carry on the spirit of her work.
Best wishes,
Daniela's family