Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Delights: Chilled Strawberry Soup With Pistacchio Snow Eggs

When summer finally arrives I love to visit the farmer's markets and enjoy the huge variety of seasonal veggies and fruits they offer.
Their joyful colors and wonderful aroma brightens up even a rainy day and is good for body and soul.
In Austria and other countries of central and northern Europe, people enjoy on hot summer days  a special kind of dessert which we call "Kaltschale", a kind of chilled fruit soup, loaded with vitamins and great natural flavors as nothing else is added than pure fruits,((sometimes) Greek yogurt a bit of sugar and spices.
My favorite one is  chilled strawberry soup with oeufs a la neige (snow eggs) and pistachios.


750 g strawberries   (about 3 cups)
1 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1 cup Greek yogurt
 3/4 cup of caster sugar (or less, depending on the sweetness of the strawberries)
some basil leaves for decoration
For the snow eggs:
1 egg white
50g sugar
1 pinch of salt
2 spoonful coarsely chopped pistachios

-Cut about 200g of strawberries into small pieces

-Puree the rest of the strawberries together with Greek yogurt, sugar and lemon juice until smooth.
-Refrigerate until chilled.

Snow eggs:
-Put the egg white in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until foamy.

-Add a pinch of salt and then gradually add icing sugar and  keep beating until firm peaks are formed and the mixture is thick and glossy.

-Use two large metal spoons to shape ovals of the meringue mixture.

-In a large pot, bring 2-3l water to boil, then lower the temperature until water is simmering
-Drop the merengue ovals gently into simmering water.

-Cook for 1 minute each side, then transfer to a baking sheet.

-Place the chilled strawberry soup in a large glass bowl, add the small pieces of  strawberries and top with snow eggs.

 -or serve the dessert in smaller portions in cocktail glasses

-Sprinkle the snow eggs with chopped pistachios and some basil leaves.

Serves about 8 portions.
See you next Tuesday.

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  1. Never seen anything like this.. Honestly had no clue you could drop merigues into simmering water!! Wow... Thanks.. learned something new today!

    1. Hi Mr&amp Mrs.P, so glad to hear that this recipe is new to you.
      It's actually the unbaked merengue mixture you drop in simmering water.
      That way you obtain a very soft snow egg that literally melts in your mouth. Bon apetit !

  2. Love the snow eggs. And i could never imagine plopping meringues into simmering water. Need to try this and be convinced :D

    1. Hi Kiran,
      So glad to hear you like the snow eggs. When you prepare them, you will see it's quite easy, it just needs a bit of practice.
      It's actually a very traditional french
      way of preparing the unbaked meringue mixture. Cheers.

  3. Oh mine! Strawberry soup and meringues - This is fine dining at its best!

    1. Hi Julia,
      Thank you so much for your kind feedback, I truly appreciate it!

  4. This is LOVELY! Such a cool and creative recipe for the summer!

    1. Thank you so much Natalie, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the post and summer :)

  5. The fresh fruits and vegetables is what I look most forward to every summer. Strawberry soup sounds like a great way to enjoy the bounty and keep cool. What a great recipe, thanks for sharing Daniela:)

    1. Hi Nancy,
      Thank you for your kind feedback!
      It's always a pleasure to share with my blogger friends :)

  6. The meringue eggs and fresh berries are super together! This is one very beautiful summer treat.

    1. Hi Angie,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. This recipe is always a hit and a crowd pleaser at summer parties because most people enjoy fresh berries.

  7. This strawberry soup sounds amazing!

  8. I have been seeing lots of fruit soups lately but snow eggs are a first. What a great combination and the pistachios...a perfect finishing touch!

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      yes, fruit soups seem to be quite en vogue this summer.
      I like them in combination with some different textures, it gives a little twist to the presentation :)

  9. Hi Daniela, wow... this is something very unique. Have not seen or eaten this appetizer. Look so delectable and elegant in the cocktail glass. The combination look excellent, love the egg white meringue too. Beautiful presentation.

    I bring my Elvis birthday cake to exchange with your appetizer. :))

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards.

  10. Hi Amelia dear,
    Thank you so much for your kind words, always highly appreciated!
    It's a deal : would love to exchange my strawberry soup for your Elvis Birthday Cake! :)
    A big hug for you from Lima.

  11. This is such a pretty and refreshing soup. I can sip a big bowl of this! :) Thanks for sharing Daniela!

    1. Thank you so much Anne, I would love to share a bowl of this dessert with you! :)

  12. I love the idea of these meringues floating in a strawberry soup! It's so light and summery.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I'm happy to hear you liked the post.
      It' s really light and I hope you will enjoy it one of these warm summer days.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Those snow eggs are SOOOO pretty! i didn't even know I could make meringues float...hehe

    1. Hi Abeer,
      It's a fun dessert and I'm happy to hear you liked the floating snow egg.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  14. My daughter and I love egg meringue. Strawberry soup is a brilliant idea and I love the colors and presentation. I have some strawberries that I froze while they were in season and now I know what I am going to do with them. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind feedback !
      I feel really flattered that you will use the frozen strawberries for this dessert and hope you will enjoy them :)
      Have a great weekend!

  15. Había comido estos huevos a la nieve pero con crema inglesa, nunca se me hubiera ocurrido hacerlos con "sopa" de fresas, me parece sensacional la idea.

    1. Hola Nydia,
      gracias , me alegro mucho que te ha gustado la receta con los huevos a la nieve.
      Que pases un lindo fin de semana y gracias por tu visit!

  16. I love your cold sweet dessert soup! I was amazed to see you drop those meringues into hot water and they survived the event and look beautiful in the dish. Sweet cold dessert soups are very big in Hong kong but they usually use mangoes, so it is refreshing to see it with in season strawberries. Take Care, BAM

    1. Hi Bam,
      It's so interesting to hear that you prepare a chilled dessert soup with mangos in Hong Kong. Must taste fantastic and I'm sure the color looks great.
      Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

  17. This is such a beautiful soup and so much fun to drink too. :) It would be great to serve at my next family gathering. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Amy,
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!
      You will see this dessert is always a hit at summer parties.
      Have a great weekend!

  18. thanks for visiting our blog,you have a great blog with yummy recipes.This particular one is gorgeous red and very appetizing

    1. Hi Kumar,
      Thank you so much for your kind feedback!
      Me too I enjoyed very much visiting your blog with great recipes and for sure I'll be
      stopping by again.

  19. Daniela me encanta el postre refrescante que nos has puesto con esa islas flotantes de merengue uhhhhhhhh delicioso, tomo nota muchas gracias, y me la reservo un beso

    1. Hola Conchi,
      Como estas? Ya me imagino con mucho calor en España ,que rico,nosotros aquí con un frío espantoso.
      Me alegro mucho que te gusto la receta, la verdad es que es ideal para días calurosos y es fácil de preparar.
      Buen domingo,beso.

  20. What a fun soup! It looks so refreshing and perfect for a hot summer day! I had watermelon soup at a restaurant once and loved it - it was my first fruit soup.

    1. Hi Amy,
      Watermelon soup sounds so nice as well ,I must try it.
      I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the post! Have a great week ahead.

  21. An ideal dessert, Daniela, for a hot summer night. I, too, am in awe of the meringues simmered in water.

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      I do agree, the meringues simmered in water are ideal for this dessert as they don't absorbe the strawberry soup and keep floating.
      Have a great week ahead !

  22. Replies
    1. Thanks Angela and lets continue enjoying summer :)

  23. Oh wow! I've never thought of chilled "strawberry" soup! The idea itself made me already cool down... it's been so hot here in Japan and I'm sweating as I type (sorry not a pleasant to say on food blog!). I want to drink this up right now. I love this idea!

    1. Hi Nami,
      great to hear from you, hope you are enjoying your time in Japan despite of the heat.
      Would love to share this "cool" stawberry soup with you, it' s a real lifesaver in summer :)

  24. This looks so refreshing and I love that you used greek yogurt. The perfect summertime dish. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Vicki,
      Great to hear you enjoyed the post , you are right the Greek yogurt makes the difference!

  25. This is stunning! I love everything about it. I have to get back into the farmers markets. I've been lazy and shopping at the supermarket.

    1. Hi Cass,
      I'm happy to hear you liked the post and- yes visit the farmer's market when you have time it's such fun!

    2. Hi Cass,
      I'm happy to hear you liked the post and- yes visit the farmer's market when you have time it's such fun!

    3. Hi Cass,
      I'm happy to hear you liked the post and- yes visit the farmer's market when you have time it's such fun!

    4. Hi Cass,
      so glad you enjoyed the post.
      It's worth while to go to the farmers market once in a while,it's so much fun and everything is fresh!

  26. I haven't had a fruit soup in years, but your post awakened those taste buds. This looks delicious and I can't wait to give it a try. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

    1. Hi Mary , I'm happy to hear you rediscovered this dessert through the post :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Hi Mary , I'm happy to hear you rediscovered this dessert through the post :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Gorgeous soup -- and so refreshing, Daniela! I think the snow eggs is such a clever idea. Have a great summer day!

  28. This is so creative and never seen anything like it before!! I miss going to the Farmer's market to get all my fruits and veggies...I need to start going again!


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