Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Herb Crusted Pork Filet

Airplane travel is nature's way to make you look like your passport photo.
I think it was Al Gore who made this statement and I couldn't agree more.
The trip from Vienna to Lima lasts door to door about 20 hours

 and after finally arriving I looked even worst than my passport picture. Believe me it is possible.
 Nowadays a good flight means probally that your plane didn't have any major delight, that you didn'tget hijacked and that you did arrive at the right airport. So you see, making passengers happy is quite easy for the airlines.
 Now we have recovered and I can't believe that it's already two weeks that we are back to Peru.
Actually, sometimes it feels as we would have never left, so fast we were back to routine.
Anyhow, looking at the bright sight of life, we have escaped the incredible heat in Europe and are emjoying an extremely mild winter in Peru, due to "El Nino"
After redirecting my kitchen GPS, I was finally able to find my way around and even found surprising kitchen items I didn't know I had.
The piles of laundry have disaapeared, luggage is stored and I was in the mood for some comfort food that is light and easy to prepare but still wakes up your taste buds and appetite.
This pork tenderloin, combined with fresh, aromatic herbs that melt together with bredcrumbs to a crispy, delicious crust is one of our family favorites, no leftovers ever.
Pork filet is one of the moste tender  and lean parts of pork meat.
Preparin it is easy and fast but keeping it moist and juicy can be tricky as it tends to try out soon when overcooked.
Just use your kitchen "Sense Ad Sensibility" and you won't be sorry to prepare this fantastic meat.

Herb Crusted Pork Filet (Tenderloin): 
1 cup of finely chopped toast bread
1\2 cup of olive oil
2 spoonful olive oil to brown the meat and seal in the juices
1 crushed garlic clove
1 spoonful Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
3\4 cup finely chopped parsley
2 spoonful finely chopped chives
2 spoonful finely chopped roesmary
1 spoonful finely chopped thyme (fresh or dried)
1 spoonful mild paprika
 Freshly ground salt and pepper

With a sharp knife rempve the white, tough membrane from the meat.

Preheat oven to 450 F (230C )

Heat the 2 spoonful of olive oil in a heavy frying pan, season the meat with salt, pepper and paprika and brown it well on all sides to seal in the juices.
 Combine chopped bread, herbs , lemon zest, mustard, crushed garlic and olive oil in a bowl.

Press herb mixture on both sides of the tender loin adhering well.

Transfer the fillet to a roasting pan. 
Roast pork fillet only 15 to 20 minutes or until just a hint of pink remains.
 Transfer to a cutting board and let rest for about 5 minutes before cutting into slices.


Serves about 4 p.

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