Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pesto Rosso & Pesto Verde- It's All In The Family

Pesto comes in many variations, colors and flavors, is always delightful and is the perfect summer dish.
It is easy to prepare and can be made up to 3-4 days in advance- the ideal sauce to jazz up your summer party.
Pesto verde -this traditional cream sauce comes originally from Genova and is often called Pesto Alla Genovese.


I love everything about it:
The color, the fresh herbs that are used in the preparation, the wonderful aroma and last not least it's versatility.
According to my Italian friends pesto tastes much better when crushed with a  pestle in a  marble mortar and I think they are quite right.
Unfortunately I do not own a marble mortar and so I had to restrict myself to a boring food processor but the pesto turned out delicious, despite of this little detail.
One of the things that fascinates me about pesto is it's multiple use.
 Just rely on your creativity, use the ingredients you have at hand and I promise you won't be disappointed.
Here are some of the many ways to create delightful dishes with this marvellous sauce.
-Pesto tomatoe crostini
-Pesto spring salad (top all kind of seasonal veggies with a Pesto dressing, then sprinkle with shaved Parmesan)
-Cream cheese Pesto linguini (Cook linguini al dente, mix pesto with soft cream cheese and mix pasta with the Pesto-cheese mixture)
-Pesto butter (mix Pesto with soft butter, tastes wonderful on grilled steak

It's sister, Pesto Rosso or Pesto alla Siciliana tastes fantastic as well and is made with sun dried tomatoes for extra flavor and texture.

You can use it as
-A delicious dip
-Pizza al Pesto Rosso with addition of fresh tomatoes, feta cheese and rucola
-Spaghetti and prawns al Pesto Rosso
- Chicken or fish gratinated with Parmesan cheese and Pesto Rosso
Please take note that for Pesto there is no need for exact quantities. Just trust your sense of taste  and play around a bit with the quantities of  the ingredients.
For the Pesto Verde you need :

1 cup fresh flat leaf parsley
1 garlic clove, roughly chopped
1/4 cup of slightly toasted pine nuts or almonds
1/3 cup of good quality Extra Virgin olive oil
1/4 freshly, finely grated Parmigiano Reggiano
1/2 cup basil leaves
1/2 cup baby spinach leaves, previously blanched for 1 minute in simmering water
1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice(optional)
Salt and pepper
Method :
Place  all ingredients in a food processor and pulse until obtaining a creamy but not to smooth consistence. If necessary add a bit more olive.  With machine running add the oil in a steady stream.
Season with salt and pepper.
Serve immediately or keep in an air tight container and drizzle some extra oil over the top.

Garnish with Basil leaves and toasted pine nuts.
Makes 1to 1/4 cup of pesto.

For the Pesto Rosso you need:

1 cup sun dried tomatoes in olive oil, drained
1 1/2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup Pine nuts, slightly roasted
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
3/4 cup fresh Basil leaves
1/3 cup good quality extra virgin olive oil
Salt*, freshly ground black pepper
*Add very little salt as the sun dried tomatoes are usually quite salty
Basically the same as for Pesto Verde.
Place  all ingredients in a food processor and pulse obtaining a creamy but not to smooth consistence. If necessary add a bit more olive oil.With machine running add the oil in a steady stream.
Season with salt and pepper.
Serve immediately or keep in an air tight container and drizzle some extra oil over the top.

Garnish with Basil leaves and toasted pine nuts.
Makes 1to 1/4 cup of pesto.

Enjoy! see you next week.

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  1. Yum! I'd love a bowl of both of them to go with some wine, cheese and crusty bread after work today. :-)

    1. Great idea, Monica, you inspired me, I'm going to go for this combination :)

  2. Me encanta el pesto, sobre todo cuando se hace con piñones, pero claro, como aquí son un poco caros no se ve con frecuencia.

    1. Si es cierto, los piñones son un poco caros pero la receta sale también muy rica con almendras o pecanas.
      Un abrazo

  3. YUM! Both pesto look fabulous...I would to try them both...great as appetizers...
    Enjoy the rest of your week Daniela :D

    1. Thank you Juliana, happyto hear that you enjoyed the post!

  4. I love both pesto sauces. They are great as pizza sauces too.

    1. That's a great idea, Angie.
      I tried the Pesto Rosso as Pizza Sauce and it was fabulous.

  5. lovely,tongue tickling and summer perfect pesto....and that tomato rose you carved is such a beauty....adorable post as always,thanks :-)

    1. Hi Rakesh and Swikruti,
      so nice to read your sweet comment, glad to hear you liked the little rose.
      Have a great day!

  6. I want both of these pestos!! I'm a pesto fanatic :)

    1. Be my guest Ashley and let's enjoy these pestos together :)

  7. Scrumptious! Both pestos are mouthwatering.



    1. Thanks so much Rosa, hope you enjoy summer in Switzerland!

  8. We eat a lot of pesto in the summer as it just seems to really hit the spot with anything grilled, like meats, chicken or even grilled veggies. Your basil looks so fresh and beautiful as so do both of your pestos.

    1. Hi BAM,couldn't agree more with you, pesto and anything grilled goes so well together.
      As you can see from these pictures,I love fresh Basil and can't get enough of it :)

  9. Pesto is such good stuff! Love both of the versions you've made, particularly the one with sun dried tomatoes -- it has such fun color! Super post -- thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      Pesto and summer go so well together and we keep on trying new variations, it's fun.
      Glad to hear that you liked the post. Cheers.

  10. I'm a huge fan of pesto and literally sometimes will just eat it off a spoon. I love both of your versions and printed them out to make this summer. I'm sure my family will enjoy them. Thanks for sharing these.

    1. Hi Vicki,
      thank you for your kind feedback, nice to hear that you want to try out both pestos. Hope you will enjoy them.

  11. You are so right - about everything. Pesto is amazing and perfect on almost anything. These are both beautiful, fresh and I bet they are so tasty. Very nice Daniela!

    1. Thank you so much Tricia for your great feedback, hope you will enjoy both
      Pestos on one of these warm summer days :)

  12. I love both pestos but i am thinking the sun dried looks very good right now! Can't wait to try it! i agree their are a zillion and one uses for pesto. Thanks, Daniela!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      My favorite one is the rosso as well, but we keep on trying out new versions of pesto, it's fun to create new flavors with fresh herbs in summer.

  13. I'm so waiting for warm weather so my basil in the garden starts growing. I always love using my cherry tomatoes to slow roast in the oven to make "sun dried" tomatoes. Love the vibrant color in your photos.

    1. Hi Karen,
      fresh Basil from your own garden is definitely the best and has such wonderful aroma.
      Thank you for your kind feedback.

  14. I love pesto - they are so perfect for summer especially when fresh herbs are ready! These both look great!

    1. Hi Amy,
      So glad to hear that you are a pesto fan too, it's such fun to prepare and never
      boring cause of the huge variety of different pestos.

  15. Hi Daniela, these pesto sauces look great and it do come in very convenient whenever we need it. Very delish and irresistible! You have a wonderful weekend ahead and warmest regards :)

    1. Thank you Ivy for your kind feedback , good to hear that you are a member of the Pest lovers club as well :)

  16. I just LOVE pesto - any kind! My favorite is cilantro-jalapeno but both of these would be delicious on just about anything, I'm sure. Thanks for another great recipe!

    1. Hi Kristy,
      cilantro jalapeno pesto sounds amazing, must try this one soon.

  17. I love pesto - they both look terrific!

  18. For sure made by hand must be better...but a finds! Both of your look so delicious.

    1. Thank you Evelyne, happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Have a great weekend!

  19. This look amazing Daniela!
    I love pesto!

  20. Hi Gloria,
    Nice to hear that you are a member of the pesto fan club too , I just love it's versatility and the use of fresh herbs.

  21. Sounds like you read my mind. I have pesto to use in next 2 days before my trip, and I was wondering how I can finish it. Pesto butter? Never heard such thing and I'm now curious to give it a try. I always enjoy pesto salad or crostini... gotta have them this weekend and finish the delicious pesto. So irresistible! Love both version! ;)

    1. Hi Nami,
      You know what they say about great minds :))
      Happy to hear that this post was useful to you.
      Your EBook looks fantastic and I'm forwarding it to a friend who collects cooking books. Cheers.n

  22. Love pestos...
    good to go with pasta especially on my lazy days ;P

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Yes it''s perfect when you want something tasty on lazy days:)

  23. I love the "texture" of your pesto! Very coarse, this is how I like it.

    1. Hi Daniela,
      me too I prefer pesto with a coarse texture, it makes it nicely crunchy :)

  24. Both recipes sound truly delicious! I know I will love them both but the one with the sun-dried tomatoes is something I have to try first!

    1. Hi Susan,
      thank you for your kind words! My favorite is the pesto rosso too.

  25. Liebe Daniela, ein gutes, selbstgemachtes Pesto ist immer wunderbar - deine beiden Variationen sehen fantastisch aus, frisch, lecker und einfach nur wundervoll.
    Vielen Dank für die tollen Rezepte und die tollen Fotos - und euch allen noch einen schönen Sonntag (wir haben das lange Pfingstwochenende hier).
    Liebe Grüsse von Bonn nach Lima,

    1. Liebe Andrea , freu mich sehr von Dir zu hoeren und daß Dir der Post gefallen hat. Genieße das lange Wochenende, habe gelesen daß das Wetter strahlend wird.
      Liebe Grüße aus Lima.

    2. Liebe Daniela, das war das heißeste Pfingstwochenende - ever...37 Grad im Schatten...

    3. Oh, das ist wirklich ungewöhnlich heiß für diese Jahreszeit!
      Hoffe , Du hattest genug Eis auf Vorrat zu Hause :)
      Leibe Grüße

  26. Oh, Daniela, these look wonderful!

  27. I LOVE pesto, like I'm obsessed with it! I have a preference for the green over the red one, but the latter still makes me happy. Great recipes Daniela!

    1. Hi Mike,
      Good to hear that you are as well a member of the Pesto fan club:)

  28. Isn't pesto the best! your recipes are absolutely scrumptious Daniela!

    1. Hi Mary,
      I couldn't agree more , Pesto is the best, especially in summer when you want something light and refreshing.

  29. I have been playing around with vegan pestos this week. I too am obsessed :)

    1. Hi Cass,
      I think that's part of the fun of preparing Pesto: playing around to create new
      versions and to enjoy it's versatility.

  30. Love both the green and the red version of pesto - so delicious! Oh, I wish I had a whole bunch of fresh basil on hand right now!

    1. Hi Julia,
      I think that one of the best things of preparing Pesto is the use of fresh herbs.Basil has such a great aroma, my whole kitchen was filled with it when I prepared the Pest verde :)

  31. Love these two pesto variations! So perfect for summer.

  32. Both pesto looks and sound delicious. I could snack on them all day with some pita bread or chips.
    Great post! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!!!!

    1. Thank you so much Sandra for your great feedback, so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Have a great weekend as well!

  33. My Mom is such a big, big fan of pesto! I'm going to pin this and hope she can figure out how to re-pin it. That's kind of beyond her scope of pinning knowledge at this point. Still, I'd like for her to see your recipes with the photos. Maybe that will encourage her to try making her own instead of buying it from the store. It's so much better when it's freshly made!

    1. Hi Alycia,
      How are you? Long time not hear you.
      So glad to hear that your mum is a pesto fan.
      I'm sure she will manage to rep-in, as far as I've seen she is an incredible lady and very up to date.

  34. I totally agree about how using pestle and mortar makes all the difference; I grew up watching my late grandma and mum using that to make chili paste and it's fascinating, and then I learnt that the tastes are much better :-)
    It's true that old habits are still the best, and I am learning so much about pesto all in this post and nothing beats the homemade ones definitely! ;-)

    1. Hi Christy,
      Thank you so much for your kind words.
      I have seen the pestle and mortar preparation very often during the time we lived in Italy and the aromas of fresh herbs during the preparation are delicious.

  35. Oh Daniela, one of our favorite restaurants served this, or something very close. We went back a few weeks ago and the restaurant was gone. I was just getting brave enough to ask for their recipe and they are no more. I have pinned this to try my hand and see if it is the same or maybe even better. The pesto and pine nuts I make and it is so delish and now for the tomato version. Thanks so much.


    1. Thank you so much for your sweet feed back, Madonna.
      Hope you will enjoy this version of pesto verde and pesto rosso.
      Have a great week ahead!

  36. I absolutely love home made pesto and these two varieties look bursting with flavour! :D

    1. Hi Lorraine,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  37. Both versions of pesto look so wonderful, Daniela! I only have tried and made the verde one, and have never had the pesto Russo version. Thank you for sharing these amazing recipes.

    1. Hi Kitty,
      I'm glad to hear that the pesto rosso version is new to you.
      Hope that you will enjoy it.

  38. Two great pesto recipes. I love making pesto as it has so many uses. My favourite though is to just stir it through some hot pasta for a quick mid-week meal. I love the colour of both your pestos xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      it's true, using the pesto mixing it with a nice, warm pasta is delicious and easy.
      Must prepare it one of these days. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  39. I love your pesto recipes. They both look yummy!

  40. Wow! I haven't made it before(gasp!), but this will be the first thing I looks great!

    1. Hi Candy,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  41. These look wonderful! There is nothing better than homemade FRESH pesto!!

  42. Hi Daniela, interesting recipes. I yet to try this pesto but it look very inviting. Thank you for sharing your recipes and very well taken pictures. Lovely presentation. :))

    Best regards.

  43. Hi Daniela,
    I love pesto. Green or red, both are up to my street and yours look so delicious and chunky, just like I love them!!

  44. Grazie per aver condiviso queste utili informazioni.


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