Monday, May 26, 2014

Decadent Chocolate-Merengue Semifreddo With Caramelized Orangesauce

Dear all,
thank you so much my friends for your patience and support during the time my blog was "under construction" for a much needed facelift and solving some technical problems. You rock!
A special note to Amelia@ameliasdessert for offering me her support when my blog got, as she put it "the hick ups" and made it difficult for visitors to comment. Merci, Amelia :)
I was definitely missing blogging much more than I ever imagined.
Have I become addicted?
Addicted for sure to the interaction with my friends, readers and fellow bloggers..
Addicted to the Adrenalin rush when time is short and you need to publish your next post.
Addicted to read the new posts my fellow bloggers wrote meantime.
Anyhow, this is probably one of the most harmless addictions and I'm sure every blogger knows what I'm talking about..
During the time I was updating my blog, I was facing a true construction site and there were days when I thought this is never going to finish.
I should have known...many of you warned me that this is going to take time and patience.
We are nearly ready ( there are always small things to adjust) and if you have any suggestions, I would appreciate your comments very much.
Now it's time to celebrate the new season and I would like to share with you one of our favorites for this time of the year.
This rich, melt in your mouth semifreddo is a great treat for guests or to enjoy with your family during spring and summer days.
You need:
 225 g of 70% dark chocolate
180 g soft, non salted butter
7 egg yolks
112g dark, non sweetened cocoa
225g icing sugar
370g heavy cream
3 cups Meringue crumbs
For the orange sauce:
2 oranges
The zest of one orange
1 spoonful of butter
3 spoonful caster sugar
2 spoonful of Cointreau  (optional, can be replaced by freshly squeezed orange juice)

Whip egg yolks together with the icing sugar and soft butter until creamy and light in color.

Then fold in the cocoa, first with a rubber spatula ( to avoid the Cocoa dust) , then whip well until creamy.

Apart, melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
Take care that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water.
Beat in the melted chocolate in the mixture.

Apart, whip heavy cream to soft peaks.

Fold in the whipped cream with a rubber spatula, gently but thoroughly.

Pour mixture carefully into a loaf pan, the first layer chocolate mixture, the next meringue crumbs.

Continue to alternate the different layers until the mold is filled.
Cover with plastic foil and freeze for at least 4 hours.

Orange sauce
2 oranges
The zest of one orange
1 spoonful of butter
3 spoonful caster sugar
2 spoonful of Cointreau  (optional, can be replaced by freshly squeezed orange juice)

Zest the orange.

Cut off the top and the bottom of the other orange, then slice off the peel with a sharp knife. Make sure to remove all the white bits.
Then cut the individual slices of the orange along their thin skin.

Melt butter in a large, flat pan, add sugar and let cook at low heat for about 2 minutes or until sugar has dissolved and the mixture has slightly caramelized.

Add the Cointreau, Orange zest and fillets and simmer for 1 minute.
Then, remove from heat. Set apart.

To serve, remove the parfait from the freezer.

Place in a deep baking sheet filled with hot water (or place a hot, wet kitchen towel over the mold) until the outside of the parfait has softened.
Then place a serving plate upside down on top of the mold until the parfait slips out.

Remove the mold.
With a sharp knife , cut in slices (Rinse the knife with cold water from time to time to avoid that the parfait sticks to the knife).
Garnish with warm orange  sauce, zests, fillet and mint leaves.
Serve immediately.

Enjoy, see you next week.
Serves 8-10 p.

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  1. Hi Daniela, bravo! Congratulation to your new blog. Very nice and neat. Thank you for your kind mention, you're always welcome if you need any help in your blog problem.

    Anyway.. I'm going to work now, be back later to read your posting. Be seeing you.

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards. Hug to you.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Glad to hear that you like the new look :)
      Have a great week ahead, hugs.

  2. Great job on your new look. The Dynamic view, I tried it too and changed it soon after.
    Your semifreddo looks decadent, Daniela. I say it's definitely the semifreddo season!!

    ela h.
    Gray Apron

    1. Hi Ela,
      there are so many options in formating and one always learns by doing :)
      Glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  3. Dear Daniela, your blog looks beautiful....and this is just the right thing to have and get chilled after finishing off that work...semifreddo parfait with dark chocolate looks and feels so dreamy and delicious....melt in mouth perfect dessert...and with homemade orange sauce....a burst of citrus in every spoonful...gorgeous food clicks,thanks....Have A Wonderful Day!!! :-)

    1. Hi my friends,
      Thank you so much for this sweet comment, wish I could invite you to try the semifreddo:)
      Have a great week ahead, hugs.

  4. That does look decadent! I want to lick the bowl!

    1. Hi Monica,
      when my kids were small, I actually didn't need to wash the bowl a lot, because they finished all the rests off in the kitchen :)

  5. Congratulations on your new blog format! And your semifreddo dessert looks like it would be a winner in Peru, or anywhere!

    1. Thank you so much Fran, for your kind words!
      Have a great day.

  6. Wonderful new look! I adore the layout - very nice indeed. Such fun to blog - and I agree, the interaction and friendship is the best. I also love this recipe. I've always wanted to make something like this and the chocolate is very appealing. Great recipe!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      Yes it's fun to blog and I really missed it during the time I was away for the re-design.
      I'm sure you would enjoy this chocolate treat, it's quite addictive :)

  7. Your blog is so much easier to navigate now! Well done, both with the blog and the delicious semifreddo :)

  8. Grazie mille, mia cara amica !
    So glad to hear that you like the new look.

  9. Hi Daniela your blog look amazing and of course we missed you:)
    This chocolate semiffredo love georgeous and delicious:)

    1. Hi Gloria,
      So glad to hear that you liked the "facelift" and the semifreddo.

  10. Hi Daniela, I'm back to enjoyed your chocolate dessert. This delectable dessert is really awesome. I sure love to have second serving. Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe.

    Love your new new template Keep up the good job.
    Have a lovely week ahead,regards. Hugs to you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Amelia!
      Wish I could invite you not only a virtual but also a real bit eof the semifreddo :)

  11. Congrats on the great facelift and I am definitely addicted to you :-) And this semifreddo is a great way to celebrate, love chocolate with orange!

    1. Thank you so much for this sweet comment Evelyne, you made my day :)

  12. Orange and chocolate is a great pairing.

    Sorry for you blog problems. I am having issues now, but hope to have them worked out soon. I think it is just a way of life if you are going to blog.


    1. Hi Madonna,
      so true this kind of issue's are part of a blogger's life.
      Fortunately most of it is solved now and I 'm looking forward to post regularly again.

  13. Ooooh, I totally could relate to how that is like as I am going through the same thing right about now! I am also working on my main domain; and integrating my food and travel blogs with it. It's a LOT of work, and things tend to go awry, ughs!:-P It can be fulfilling though, when you see how things work well and seamlessly, and that kept me going ;-)
    Of course, it helps once in a while to hop to blogs belonging to our 'virtual friends' (as you say) and be tempted or entertained with sinful temptations like these, gosh! It can be really evil too...haha, but seriously, this looks so good and I love the sound of dessert! :-) Great job, on both; the new look of the site and also this decadent treat :-)

    1. Hi Christy,
      thank you so much for your kind words of support.
      I see why you can relate so well to my story but let me tell you- there is light at the end of the tunnel :)
      It takes a lot of work and patience but it's worth while.
      Good luck for your new home!

  14. Hello Daniela, I just love your updated new crisp and clean new template layout. When you move from one template to another there is always some sort of hiccups. Glad you got it sorted. This recipe is just stunning. I love oranges and chocolate cake together. Have a super week. BAM

    1. Thank you so much BAM, glad to hear that and happy that you enjoyed he chocolate parfait recipe.
      Have a great day!

  15. I was ecstatic to see the new blog design when I came to your site! Whoo hoooooo! Congratulations! For a blogger, this is a big thing and it's something worth celebrating! With this chocolate meringue semifreddo... yum! I can imagine how delicious it is! I'm excited about the blog update, Daniela!

    1. Hi Nami,
      thank you so much for this sweet comment it's like enjoying dessert after a hard day of work:)
      Wanted to tell you as well that your advice for bloggers in your page was very helpful.

  16. Good to see you back! The new look is terrific -- good job with that. And such a great dessert you're offering us as a housewarming treat! Really nice -- thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      thank you so much, so glad to hear that you enjoyed seeing my new home and the house warming treat:)

  17. Totally decadent and delicious Daniela. Fabulous!!!

    1. Hi Lia,
      happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  18. Persevering through all the problems has paid off, your new look is terrific. And oh what a delicious dessert to share with us. Chocolate and orange flavors are perfect together.

    1. Thank you so much ,Karen for your kind words. Welcome to the house warming party :)

  19. You know what? Yes. Please make this for me.

    1. I will be more than happy to do so, be my guest :)

  20. I just happened by your blog today and good golly - I so wanna reach in and grab me a spoonful - heck...who needs a spoon - I will just use my hands! WOW - so much chocolatey goodness!

    1. Hi Shashi,
      so nice to have your visit at my new virtual home.
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the post!

  21. Everything looks great - your site and the semifreddo. It's the time of year for these light, but tasty cool desserts. Brava!

  22. It looks decadent and delicious!

  23. wow...this looks sinfully decadent and irresistible!
    Love the new template!

    1. Hi Angie,
      Thank you so much, so happy to hear that.

  24. Love the new look :D
    and definitely love your semifreddo :D

    1. Ho Lisa,
      So glad to hear that you liked both.
      Have a great day!

  25. De lo que definitivamente yo soy adicta es al chocolate, este semifreddo es justo lo que necesito.
    Me gusta el nuevo look de tu blog.

    1. Gracias, Nydia, me alegra que te gusta mi nuevo hogar virtual. Bienvenida!

  26. WOW! Totally new look, love it! I want this dessert right now, too!

    1. Thanks so much, Kristy, wish I could invite you this dessert right now :)

  27. Congratulations on your new design - I think it looks nice! It's good to have you back! I love this frosty and decadent summer treat.

    1. Hi Amy, thanks so much for your sweet comment and welcome to my new home :)

  28. Love the blog facelift! And this decadent semifreddo. Oh yum :D

  29. That looks really luscious, Daniela! Perfect chocolate dessert for summer. Your new site looks really nice too!

    1. Thank you so much Susan, so glad to hear that you like the new site and the post!

  30. Love the new look, Daniela! And I can comment from my iPad now ;) Maybe you want to think about a recipe plug in? So people can print out or save your recipes? I'm not sure what the Blogger platform offers though.
    This semi freddo is so luscious! I can just imagine devouring it!
    Hope you are well!

    1. Hi Nazneen,
      thank you for your sweet comment and advise about the recipe plug in, I really appreciate it!
      I think it's a great idea and I 'll try to install it, hope the platform offers this possibility.

  31. What a great recipe to kick off your new blog! I think it looks wonderful and will definitely be trying it. Welcome back to the world of blogging!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Beth !
      So happy to hear that you liked the semi freddo recipe and my new blog home:)

  32. Hola Daniela guapisima, veo que ha merecido la pena esta espera del cambio total unas imagenes impresionantes dan ganas de meter la cuchara( o mejor el dedo) en cada foto, me alegro mucho de la vuelta con este semifrio que con tu permiso me cojo un cachito aumque somos muchas las que estamos contigo creo que llego a provarlo, muchas gracias y a seguir muy bien un beso

    1. Que linda, mil gracias Conchi por tan lindo comentario.
      Me alegra muchísimo que te gusto el semi freddo y el nuevo look de mi blog.
      Un abrazo

  33. It looks extremely luscious and really irresistible!



    1. Thank you so much Rosa!
      Hope you enjoy spring time in beautiful Switzerland.

  34. que delicia! me quedo por aqui para no perderme nada! saludos

    1. Hola Susana, me alegra que te ha gustado el post.
      Gracias por tu visita, un abrazo.

  35. One of my all time favorite combinations is orange and chocolate. This looks insanely delicious!

  36. That looks so fluffy. I could really go some of that chocolate now!

    1. Be my guest, would love to invite you some, Cass!

  37. Congratulations on your new site! It looks great. So does this lovely dessert! The orange sauce sounds delicious with it!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      thank you so much for your kind words, so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  38. Wow, Daniela! This semifreddo looks super decadent and finger-licking... I am jealous! Your new space looks awesome!

  39. your merengue looks beautiful! so happy you are back blogging!

  40. Congratulations on your new blog space. It looks lovely! I love the chocolate-orange pairing and I love semifreddo so this is next to Heaven for me.

    1. Hi Sonali,
      So nice to hear from you again and to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  41. Liebe Daniela, da habe ich doch glatt vergessen dir zu deinem tollen neuen Bloggerlook zu gratulieren - sieht sehr schön aus und das kommentieren geht schneller - gut! Der Nachtisch ist ein absoluter Traum aus Schokolade, Orange und Baiser - einfach umwerfend!
    Liebe Grüsse und ich freue mich auf weitere leckere Rezepte,

  42. Liebe Andrea,
    Vielen Dank für Deine lieben Glückwünsche!
    Freue mich sehr, daß Dir mein neuer "Look" gefällt und daß das Kommentieren einfacher geworden ist.
    Freu mich auch, daß Dir das Semi Freddo gefallen hat, habe dabei an alle ( mich eingeschlossen ) Schokoholiker gedacht :)
    Liebe Grüße

  43. Daniela, una delicia de postre: la combinación chocolate-naranja es infalible siempre.
    Ideal para los días de calor que se avecinan...
    Un beso grande.

  44. Muchas gracias Piedi y María , me alegra mucho que los ha gustado!

  45. This is truly decadent, Dainela! I am intrigued by the meringue layer - and the citrus sauce sounds so refreshing, combining my love of citrus and chocolate. ~ David

  46. This looks insanely delicious!! Want to eat it now!!

    1. Hi Asmita,
      So glad to hear you enjoyed the post! Wish aI old invite you so of the semi freddo now:)

  47. Welcome back to blogging! I used to check your blog from time to time to see if you were back on and I'm glad you have finally arrived! I like the photos where the food has been photographed on a dark plate- this helps to provide a nice contrast. Your nw recipe looks great- what better combination than chocolate and orange together!


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