Sunday, May 25, 2014

Scallop Carpaccio

Scallop Carpaccio

In Lima it’s sunny and quite warm today. Most people left the city to spend the weekend at the beach.

As we have not quite finished our installation yet, we decided to stay  and unpack the last remaining boxes.

So to get at least a bit of summer feeling, I found these gorgeous fresh scallops at the market and tried to prepare them in an easy, light way.

You need:

-6 fresh, top quality scallops

-1 ½ spoonful  extra virgin olive oil

-The Juice of  1 Lime

-1 spoonful very finely chopped chives

-½ spoonful finely chopped yellow or red chili(deveined)
-4 spoonful sour cream
Cut each scallop vertically in 3 to 4 pieces (according to the size of the scallops)


Put a bit of lime juice, olive oil, chili and Chives on each piece.

Season with salt and serve with sour cream.

Serves 4-5


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  1. i would eat these simply because the presentation is so lovely! :D

  2. Who would have thought that these gourmet delights were so easy to make?! They look so tasty and professional! Absolutely a big fan of the scallops :)

    1. So glad you like the recipe, it's really easy and tastes great!

  3. Daniela, this looks like a work of art; so pretty! I love that you didn't complicate this scallop dish, but let the fresh, sweet scallop shine.

    1. Hi Kari,
      thank you so much for your kind feedback!
      It's really not complicated at all and always a big hit for guests:)

  4. My wife totally loves scallops, so we eat them all the time. I need to try this - we haven't tried them this way, at least not at home (we've had similar dishes in restaurants). Really good stuff - thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      welcome to the club of scallop fans! :)
      I tested the recipe when friends came for dinner and they really liked it.As it is so easy to prepare, it became one of my favorite appetizers.

  5. We love scallop or any seafood!(minus oyster for me) I've never had scallop with sour cream. That's new to me and I'm curious. This is very easy to make and I can already taste the refreshing flavor!

    1. Hi Nami,
      Just try the scallops with sour cream and I hope you like it, actually the combination of flavors works very well:)

  6. Hi Daniela, lovely scallops. I like your delicious recipe, something new to me. Love your classy presentation. :)

    Have a lovely week ahead,best regard. Hugs to you.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      so glad you liked the scallop recipe!
      Here in Lima it's so hot right now that this is the perfect light dish.
      Take care :)


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