Monday, June 16, 2014

Amazonia - A Journey To The Green Heart Of Our Planet

It was always my dream to get to know the rainforest.
So this year my husband decided to offer me an extra special surprise gift :A journey to Peru's Amazonia region.
I must not forget to mention that the best husband of all was  quite skeptical about this trip.
Not a huge fan of adventure trips, his main concerns were:
mosquitos, snakes, tarantulas and the jungle in general :)
So there was not much left for him to look forward.
But what a surprise when his transformation started before my incredulous eyes as soon as we arrived: in one moment from couch potato to Indiana Jones!
Oh boy, I felt so proud. 
Already the flight from Lima to Puerto Maldonado, capital of the Madre de Dios region, offered some incredible sights first over the snow covered Andes, then over the winding Madre De Dios river, enclosed by deep rainforest, looking from above a bit like an accumulation of giant broccolis.
After arrival we were driven to the small river port  of Puerto Maldonado and after a 50 minutes boat ride arrived at the InkaTerra Eco Lodge.
The place is a fusion of comfort, culinary excellence and has developed a project of sustainable tourism and conservation that is unique in the region..
The first impression were the fantastic shades of green, the enormous extend of the river and the jungle and the sights and sounds of the wilderness.
Even the smell is unique: a particular mixture of water, mud, chlorophyll and humidity.
Excursions were led by very well trained guides and gave us the opportunity to get a close look at rare wildlife and unique natural beauty.
Sometimes we walked ankle high in mud, so thank heavens for the rubber boots we were provided with.
Thanks to the outstanding service and dedication of the Lodge's stuff, we spend an amazing and unforgettable time.
(I would like to mention as well that this post is proudly non sponsored, so our impressions and opinions are totally free of commercial interests.) 
According to the World Wildlife Fund at least 441 new species have been discovered between 2010 and 2013 in the under explored forest of the Amazon.
There are of course problems as well in this paradisiac region.
One of the most concerning comes from illegal mining.
The activity cuts deep wounds into the rain forest and polluting water and soil for decades and generations to come. 
Therefore, conservation plans to save the rain forest and improve the life of indigenous communities have an outstanding importance.
All in all this journey was an unforgettable adventure to a paradise of biodiversity and home to indigenous communities that is worth the effort to conserve this unique place for future generations.

View over the snow covered Andes on our flight from Lima to Puerto Maldonado

The Airport of the Capital of  The Madre de Dios department

The sun sets over the Madre de Dios river, displaying amazing colors and adding drama to the scenery.

Our cabaña at the InkaTerra Amazon Lodge 

View from our Bungalow at the Lodge's garden

Relaxing at our little veranda after a long walk through the jungle


Coming home at sun set

 Front view from our cabaña at the river

Walking at the river side at the Lodge's garden

Excursion to the rain forest
A turtle with a little butterfly on his head

The InkaTerra canopy walkway is made of the aggregation of continuous treetops intertwined with each other, giving the impression that the rainforest is a giant carpet.
The average tree size at the rainforest is about 98m (147 feet).
Crossing a hanging bridge over the giant trees at 23m(about 80 feet) height.

A view at the hanging bridge from the ground. Don't you think it looks a bit scary??? But I promise, it's worth while.
The trunk of a giant tree.
A cocoa tree
Exploring the rain forest, feeling so small
A lake with the most beautiful reflection, mirroring the landscape at Quebrada Gamitana.
Landscape at Quebrada Gamitana
The remains of Fitzcarraldo's boat
Fitzcarraldo was one of the famous rubber barons, who accumulated amazing fortunes during the rubber boom in the Amazonia's region. 
Evening impression

These boots were made for walking :)

A cashew nut fresh from the tree 

Beautiful fresh, exotic fruits. This one is called Zapote.

Amazonia landscape
Close encounter with a graceful snake
Sun rise at the Tambo Pata National Reserve

A swamp

A Cayman enjoying a mud bath

Lodge garden

A Shaman from a local indigenous community preparing a "Flowering Bath" where medicinal plants are used to relax body and soul and help to charge positive energies.

Full moon

Samy, the charming Tapir is the Lodge's pet and a very friendly and curious companion

Roots of a tree from which the indigenous communities prepare a kind of local Viagra. The shape is quite explicit.

One of the innumerous, exotic flowers of the region.

Puerto Maldonado, the lively capital where everybody moves around in motorcycle or scooter.

Saying goodbye to the rainforest at sunset
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  1. Excelente reportaje, así da gusto viajar.
    Y bonitas fotos, muy ilustrativas del recorrido...
    Un abrazo y feliz semana.

    1. Muchas gracias , me encanto recibir vuestro feedback.
      Lindo que me han acompañado en este viaje virtual :)

  2. WOW, what an amazing trip!! I've never been anywhere that exotic (Morocco was pretty cool though!) and I would love to do something like that. So happy for you!

    1. Hi Kristy ,
      thank you fr joining me at this virtual trip.
      Hope you can make it one day, I'm sure you would enjoy it.

  3. THIS IS MY DREAM!!! I want to visit the Amazon so much! I love that cute tapir! What a wonderful trip and great photos!

    1. Hi Amy,
      It WAS like a dream and we enjoyed the trip thoroughly.
      Hope you can make it one day, I' m sure you would enjoy it.

  4. That cayman is so well disguised. It makes me feel so small being in the Amazon. We must do more to protect it. It's shocking the amount that has been cleared in the last few years to make way for the raising of beef.

    1. Hi Monica,
      You are so right, conservation of this wonderful, in part still untouched rainforest is one of the most important tasks, not only for us but as well for future generations.
      The impact when being on the spot was amazing, it really touches you to see the still unspoiled beauty of nature.

  5. What a wonderful trip! I would love to enjoy an adventure in the Amazon, but like your husband, I'd be a bit nervous about the mosquitoes and snakes! Great photos, and I adore zapote or as I know them, sapote. They're delicious!

    1. Hi Nazneen,
      it was of course an adventure but we exercised damage control concerning snakes, mosquitos and tarantulas :)
      Glad that you joined me at this virtual trip.

  6. From couch potato to Indiana Jones! ahahahahah you're husband is a hero... I would love to visit the Amazonia one day. I had my trip to Peru almost planned for this coming July... unfortunately I am still stuck in London. Soon, I hope.

    1. Hi Daniela,
      Hope you can make this trip in another opportunity , I'm sure you would enjoy it enormously!

  7. Daniela, mi niña esto no se hace que nos pones los dientes largos jajaja, de verdad gracias por este reportaje tan explicito que nos has dado (aumque un poco de envidia sana si me has dado)me ha encantado con lo que me gusta a mi viajar pero la selva concretamente no la he pisado , me da cosa que como a ti te salga esa serpiente que en la foto tienes que mirar mucho para poderla divisar, que decir del caiman que te lo encuentra y del susto te quedas alli, pero por lo demas tiene que ser impresionante con esa vegetacion tan impresionante, agradecele a tu marido de mi parte que te regalaria este viaje tan fascinante, ahhhh otra cosa el arbol ese que sacan algo asi como el viagra no me estraña porque parece que tiene esas raices o lo que sea forma de algo masculino noooooo!!!!!!!

    1. Hola Conchi,
      Como me has hecho reir con tu comentario, muy divertido.
      Ya lo he dado las gracias a mi marido en tu nombre por el viaje :), y gracias a ti por acompañarme en este recurrido virtual.
      Un abrazo.

  8. Wow, what a great post! I loved every photograph and it was just amazing to read about the wonderful rainforest of Amazonia. Thoroughly enjoyed!

  9. Thank you so much Purabi for your kind words!
    Glad that you accompanied me on this virtual trip.

  10. interesting place to visit thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures.

  11. Breathtakingly beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. OMG and WOW Daniela, I am so envious of this trip you took,lucky girl. I hope to go one day too. All your pics are amazing and that hanging bridge, wow, scary but exhilarating.

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      Thank you so much for this sweet comment.
      Crossing the hanging bridge was quite a challenge, and in the evening we celebrated the event with a glass of Pisco Sour:)

  13. Daniela: What a majestic, tranquil place to be... The Peruvian Amazon is gorgeous! I would love to stay at a lodge like that one -- comfortable yet so close to many exciting species.

    1. Hi Denise,
      yes it was a wonderful experience and after a long day of walking in the jungle and full of adventures there is nothing better than to come back to a comfortable, beautiful place to rest.

  14. Oh Daniela - what a wonderful experience - thank you so much for taking us along with you!!

    1. Hi Mary,
      Glad you could join me at this trip.

  15. How fun Daniela, isn't it an amazing and diverse world that we live in?! The resort looks beautiful. BTW, you are a brave soul, to cross that rope bridge!

    1. Hi Kari,
      so true, the diversity of creation is amazing and it's incredible how many new sites are still to discover.
      We were quite proud about our achievement to cross the hanging bridge, especially my husband because he suffers from vertigo and despite of that- he did it :)

  16. Love the picture of your muddy boots! And love this post -- what a wonderful trip. Thoroughly enjoyable read -- thanks so much.

    1. Hi John,
      Oh yes these boots - they get quite heavy when they are loaded with mud after a long walk into the jungle.
      Actually I slept out of the right one when walking through mud- probably the first jungle Cinderella symptom:)

  17. Wow! Such an entertaining and adventurous trip. Your pictures are so beautiful...I hope to visit some day in the future. Thanks for the visual treat!

  18. Hi Sonali,
    thanks so much, for joining me at this adventurous trip.
    So glad to hear that you enjoyed the journey!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Thank you Daniela for taking me in this amazing journey. I've been to Amazonia but on the Brazilian side. I honestly can't wait to go back again!

    1. Wow, the Brazilian side of the Amazonia must be amazing too, maybe for my next trip :)
      Thanks for joining me on the journey, Mike!

  21. Oh, Daniela, what a fantastic trip, and what great photos! This is definitely my kind of trip, and I'd take it in a minute. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences with us.

    1. Hi, Beth,
      thank you so much for your kind words, happy to hear that you enjoyed traveling with me :)

  22. wow...what an adventurous,exotic and extraordinary trip....we are glad you made all of us travel virtually along those beautiful sights....and such a cute pet...thanks :-)

    1. Hi my friends,

      so glad that you accompanied me at this virtual trip and that you seemed to enjoy it.
      Thanks for joining me, have a great day!

  23. Wow, what a trip, Daniela!! The photos are just beautiful! I love the cabana you stayed in and I would've enjoyed the flowering bath. Thank you for taking me along for a peek at your vacation. I'm so glad that your hubby had a great time, too.

    1. Hi Kitty,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed this adventurous trip.
      Thank you so much for joining me, looking forward to have you as virtual travel companion soon again:)

  24. Yes, I'll have some of that Zapote fruit please! This is the sort of trip that I like- adventure mixed with some comfort. But I don't like mosquitos, so I hope they are under control!

    1. Hi Fran,
      the Zapote was delicious, fresh from the tree.
      You are right, part of the success of this trip was the mixture of adventure and comfort and - yes - the Mosquitos were under control :)

  25. What an amazing adventure you shared with us. An extremely interesting part of the world. Unfortunately, I think I'm very much like your husband.

    1. Hi Karen,
      thank you so much for joining me at this trip.
      Happy to hear that you enjoyed the journey!

  26. What a fantastic adventure! Thanks for sharing these pretty views. I want to taste a zapote!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      the Zapote was delicious, wish you could have tasted it with me - fresh from the tree :)

  27. Hi Daniela, wow... amazing and excellent trip. Thanks for the tour, I really enjoyed looking at each and every pictures. The scenery is really amazing and beautiful. Love the hanging bridge and the bungalow chalet too...really nice. The zapote look really good, I yet to have the chance to taste it. :))

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards. Hugs to you.

    1. Hi Amelia, so gad to hear that you enjoyed the tour, thanks for accompanying me on this trip!Oh, and wish I could have shared the Zapote with you - so delicious fresh from the tree :)
      Have a great day!

  28. What a fantastic trip! You are a lucky lady - that looks like a real vacation. So happy your husband got into it - mine enjoys adventures so I can't wait until we get to go on another one. Beautiful country, love the wildlife!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      Yes it was a fantastic trip and we both enjoyed it enormously.
      I think journeys like this are just the perfect mixture of adventure and comfort when you come "home" to your lodge.
      Glad to hear that you and your husband are fans of adventure trips as well, so I'm looking forward to hear from your next journey :)

  29. 1) What a sweet husband :)

    2) SUCH a beautiful spot. Lucky you. Your photographs captured it so well too.

    1. Thank you o much Joyti, so glad you old join me at this virtual jungle adventure!

  30. What a sweet, sweet husband! He's a keeper for sure. What an awesome adventure. It certainly makes one feel small...thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Angie,
      yes my husband was really cool and I'm proud of him:)
      All in all an awesome adventure.

  31. Beautiful and intriguing photos, Daniela! The lodge and bungalow where you stayed look charming. I would love to meet that taper - not the snake or crocodile :) I enjoyed seeing another part of the Amazon as my daughter just recently in Manaus, Brazil on a graduate school class trip just last fall.

    1. Hi Susan,
      Thank you so much for coming along with us at this unique trip!
      I think it was just the right mixture between adventure and in the evening coming "home" to a beautiful, comfortable lodge ( with delicious food)
      Hope your daughter enjoyed her jungle adventure as well.

  32. Such wonderful pictures and experience!!

    1. Thanks so much Natalie, glad to hear you enjoyed the adventure trip!

  33. So green and lush!
    The tapir is so cute :)
    This place reminded me so much of my home country, Malaysia.
    We have tapirs too :)

    1. Thanks so much for joining me at this trip.
      I imagine it reminded you a bit of Malaysia, I ave never visited but heard that it's beautiful and green with gorgeous vegetation and wildlife.

  34. What an adventure. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi Madonna,
      thanks for coming along with me on this adventurous journey!

  35. Liebe Daniela, alle deine Fotos sind ganz besonders und unglaublich schön. Was für ein toller Urlaub und was für eine unvergleichlich schöne Gegend. Mein Lieblingsbild dürfte allerdings doch die Hängebrücke sein. Ihr habt euch sicherlich gut erholt und konntet die Seele ein wenig baumeln lassen.
    Vielen Dank für diese wunderschöne virtuelle Tour und ganz liebe Grüße,

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Andrea, freu mich sehr daß Dir diese virtuelle Reise gefallen hat. Es war wirklich ein unvergeßliches Abenteuer an das wir uns lange erinneren werden und daß uns die Wichtigkeit , dieses Paradies zu schützen, vor Augen gebracht hat.
      Liebe Grüße

  36. OMG! Absolutely gorgeous clicks!! Would love to visit some day!

    1. Thank you Asmita!
      Hope you can make this journey, I'm sure you would enjoy it.

  37. The hanging bridge!!!!!! Whoaa... I'm not sure if my legs are willing to cross. :D Such an amazing experience in Amazon and I'm so jealous!

    1. Hi Nami,
      Yes the hanging bridge was quite an adventure but I assure you that every trembling step was worth the effort - it was such a wonderful view!


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