Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Really Cool: Chilled Cucumber Soup

My first encounter with cucumber was definitely not love at first sight.
I remember a raw,pale coarsely cut veggie with a less than appealing  washy green color and similar taste.
My taste buds decided to block out this experience and cucumber was from then on quoted on my (mental)
black list.
It took years to change this perception, more precisely until we spent summer holidays in Spain and were invited to try a kind of cucumber Gazpacho which we all agreed, was delicious and very refreshing.
This was the turning point and from then on I tried to play around a bit with different ingredients for the "perfect" chilled cucumber soup.
With the help of my family ( merciless food critics :)) ) we tried out all possible variations, created a little best of and at the end the result was so tasty and refreshing that it became an instant hit.


2 cucumbers
1-2 garlic cloves (optional)
2 spoonful high quality Olive oil 
800g Greek yogurt
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon finely chopped dill
2-3 ice cubes
dill for decoration
salt and pepper
Method :
Peel cucumber

halve and with the help of a teaspoon, remove carefully  all seeds

 check that there are no seeds left, because they taste bitter and will spoil the flavor

cut cucumbers in small pieces and peel the garlic

put all ingredients in a blender and puree until creamy

check salt and pepper  and refrigerate for up to 3 hours.
Serve chilled and sprinkle with remaining dill.

Serves 4-6
See you next week.
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  1. Fun recipe! I like cucumbers a lot, and prepare them in numerous recipes. But I've never pureed them like this to make a soup. Something I need to try. Nice touch of dill. ;-) Good stuff - thanks so much.

  2. Hi John,
    I do agree ,cucumbers are light,fresh and very versatile.
    Thank you for your kind words, I truly appreciate them.

  3. Hi Daniela, interesting recipe and look awesome. Bookmark this recipe. I love cucumber and we Asian used for garnishing, pickles, salad or savory dish. Cucumber is one of the most versatile vege and very refreshing. Best to cook sweet and sour shrimps with cucumber and tomato.

    Have a nice week ahead,regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you for your great feedback!
      So interesting to know that cucumber is widely usted in Asia.
      I must try this sweet sour cucumbers with shrimp and tomatoes, sounds wonderful.
      Have a lovely day!

  4. I love chilled soups in hot weather. When I was growing up my mother used to grow cucumbers and we had them so often I grew to hate them. But we didn't have them in a lovely soup like this - more just in salads and sandwiches! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      I cuoldn't agree more ,chilled soups are a summer delight.
      Could you recover some of your posts???
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. A perfectly refreshing and appetizing summer soup.

  6. Very nice and refreshing recipe! I love cucumbers but have never put them in a soup, must try this out.

    1. Thank you Natalie!
      It's true , mostly cucumbers are used in salads or crudit'es, so many people are surprised when you serve cucumber soup but it's always a hit :)

  7. Finally! I've been having difficulties lately with getting to the comment area of your posts. Took like 5 minutes, using multiple browsers. Not sure if other users have experience the same problem?

    Anyway, love the soup! Look so refreshing and perfect for a hot summer night. Great post Daniela.

    1. Hi Anne ,
      Thank you so much for insisting on commenting despite of the dificulties.
      Every comment is preciuos for me and I enjoy the feedback enourmosly.
      I had this problem already ones and will try to fix it again.
      Thanks to you I became aware of this issue.
      Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  8. I totally feel the same as you did for many years towards cucumbers. But I agree this is one of the best ways to consume it. The flavors look perfect.

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      I do agree completely with you it's sometimes just a question of presenting a variation of how to prepare a certain veggie and it changes your perception of it completely.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. looks lovely & delicious...mouthwatering!

    1. Hi Kalyan,
      I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed the post!
      Have a great weekend!

  10. This is such a wonderful soup! I especially love the dill and Greek yogurt in here - absolutely lovely!

    1. Hi Jenn,
      Thank you so much for your great feedback, I truely apreciate it!

  11. Love the use of greek yogurt and dill for this soup!! And yes, great minds do think alike with us both making a similar soup this week :D

    1. Hi Kiran,
      Thank you so much , I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the post!
      I found your cucumber soup gorgeous.
      Isn't it fantastic to learn about different versions of a similar dish?
      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. This look delicious, thank you!

  13. We've had unexpectedly warm weather here in San Francisco lately. (I'm sure you've heard the jokes about our cool summers.) This soup looks like it would have the cooling taste I've desired these last few days.

  14. Hi Denise,
    it's great to hear that you have a nice summer in S.F.
    This chilled soup is refreshing and light, hope you will enjoy it during these warm days.

  15. After strawberry (sorry I'm reading from newest post. =P), it's cucumber! Cucumber has nice cooling effect and even on a hot day when I don't have appetite, I can enjoy this chilled soup!

    1. Thank you so much Nami, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this recipe.
      Have a great week ahead!


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