Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Delicious Pisco Sour And A Very Special Father's Day Celebration

 We wanted to celebrate yesterdays Father’s Day in a very special way.

As our children all live in different countries like Austria, the USA and Peru, planning a Father’s Day celebration that involves everybody isn’t that easy.

According to my husband it's always more or less the same pattern of behavior:

First there are the different time zones to consider. When people in Austria are already full of energy after lunch and a nice walk in the green outskirts of the city, we here in Lima are just waking up.
So when a phone call comes saying “Happy Father's Day”, you most probably do not even remember that you are married, not to mention that you have four children.

After carefully sorting out possible hidden camera jokes, you realize that the friendly people on the other end of the line must be  close family members. 

This makes your emotions run through different stages:

- First you are  embarrassed that you don't remember anything

- After you recover both your memory and full consciousness you are moved that your children remembered the special day

- Then you try to find out what the hell that special day they are talking about is

- And when you finally understand what it is all about you are just the happiest father ever :)

After all this excitement we went out for lunch in one of the gorgeous fusion restaurants that are very much en vogue here in Lima.

 We started with a wonderful, refreshing Pisco Sour Cocktail. 

Pisco is a clear distilled grape brandy made from Quebranta grape grown in the southern coast region of Peru, mostly in the city of Ica.

Some Piscos are flavored by soaking different fruits or herbs in the Pisco.

A selection of flavored Piscos offered in the restaurant.

Mirabelle prunes and Coca leaves soaked in Pisco.

With cinnamon sticks and lemon grass.

I would like to share the recipe for Pisco Sour with you as it is perfect and very refreshing for summer.

This recipe is based on the splendid book "The Art Of Peruvian Cuisine" by Tony Custer.

To prepare Pisco Sour you need:
225ml (7  1/2 ounces) Peruvian Pisco  
75ml  (2 1/2 ounces)  key lime juice
1 egg white
Sugar syrup

For the sugar syrup:
1/2 cup sugar
3tablespoon water


Sugar syrup:
Put 1/2 cup of sugar together with the water in a small pot. The water should be just enough to moisten the sugar. Bring the mixture to a slow boil, and stirring constantly cook until sugar has dissolved. Set aside until cooled down to warm temperature.

Pisco Sour:
Pour the key lime juice, the Pisco and the warm sugar syrup, stir until all ingredients have blended well.
Pour the mixture in a blender and add just enough ice to double the mixture. Blend on high until ice has crushed. Add one egg white and blend on high for about one minute.
Serve immediately. Traditionally one drop of Angostura Bitter is placed in the middle of the foam.
You can replace the Angostura Bitter, just to add a bit of color, by sprinkling a bit of grounded cinnamon.

*Note: they are quite a few variation to this traditional Pisco Sour recipe.
The classic mixture is 3 parts of Pisco, 1 part of key lime juice and 1 part of sugar syrup.
Feel free to play with this measures, depending if you like your Pisco a bit stronger or sweeter.
Serves 4.

Enjoy, Salud!

See you next week.
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  1. Sounds incredibly delicious, very unique drink!

  2. Great drink, and you did a terrific job with it! I love these (and hope to squeeze it into my Summer Sippin' Series this year!). Great garnish.

    1. Hi John,
      Thank you for your kind feedback I truly appreciate it!
      Looking forward for your Summer Sippin Serie:)

  3. Daniela, this drink looks delicious...I have never had a drink with egg white.
    Thanks for the recipe and have a lovely wee :D

    1. Hi Juliana,
      Happy to hear you enjoyed the post!
      The egg white adds a special touch and is the traditional way to prepare this cocktail.
      Have a great day!

  4. Hi Daniela! Happy Belated Father's Day! That's kinda exciting that everyone lives in a different city! haha.. and oh my! Japanese Peruvian fusion sounds really exotic! Great drink you got there!

    1. Hi Sammie,
      Thank you for your kind wishes ,hope you had a nice Fathers Day celebration too!
      Yes, ours had it ups and downs but we have always fun celebrating :))

  5. It looks very unique indeed! I have never seen a drink that contains egg whites. It is very pretty too. I am sharing it!

    1. Thank you Denise, I truly appreciate your kind words and thanks for sharing the post!
      Salud :)

  6. Ha ha great interpretation of realizing what holiday it is. And a wonderful drink to cheer too. I have not had a good Pisco Sour since I was in Peru, miss it and it looks great.

    1. Well, it's worth to make an extra effort when it comes to family celebrations :))
      It's great to hear you know Pisco Sour from your trip to Perú.

  7. My brother-in-law went to Chile and he brought me back a bottle of Pisco. I had never heard of a Pisco Sour before. He made one for me and I really liked it - I much prefer sour cocktails to the sweet creamy ones xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      So nice to hear that you tried and enjoyed Pisco Sour already in Australia :)
      I do agree that sour drinks are much more refreshing and light, specially in summer.

  8. Hanzo! That was our 2nd choice for my son's name, but we ended up with Enzo (you know why my husband preferred this name lol). Very unique cocktail. On the side note, my brother is dating with someone from Lima and they may move there.... I hope to visit there one day (and get to see you!). :D

    1. Hi Nami,
      It's such a small world that from all possible names you were considerating Hanzo! But Enzo is very cute too:))
      Would love to meet you when you come to Peru and show you around!!
      We have a very interesting and vibrant Japanese comunity and they created the delicious Japanese Peruvian gastronomy and fusion cuisine and enriched the culture as well.

  9. Beautiful drink and gorgeous presentation! Although the ingredient list has some items I am not familiar with. :)

    1. Hi Julia,
      Thank you so much for your kind feedback!
      About the ingredients you are not familar with I imagine it's the Pisco ( usually you can find it in shops that offer specialities and delicatessen from Latin America) and the Angostura Bitter in Shops that carry Italian specialities.
      Have a great day!

  10. I love different cocktails and this one sounds like a drink I'd definitely enjoy!

  11. Hi Amy,
    So happy to hear that you enjoyed the post!
    Hope you try this drink it's very refreshing, specially for summer.
    Salud :))

  12. What a beautiful refreshing drink.

    1. Hi Alex, it is indeed refreshing and perfect for a Summer celebration.
      Thank you for dropping by!

  13. I had pisco sour the first time when I traveled to Peru. It was strong but good! Thank you for sharing your recipe Daniela and have a great weekend! :)

    1. Hi Anne,
      Great to hear that you tasted your first Pisco Sour in Perú!
      As the recipe varies from place to place and from family to family when proportions are concerned may be the one you tried contained more Pisco than in my recipe.
      Have a nice week ahead!

  14. What a beautiful drink, Daniela, fitting for a Father's Day celebration. Love your photos. I spotted the cinnamon sticks right away.

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      happy to hear you enjoyed the Pisco Sour recipe.
      It was nice to have it for Father's Day celebration but always bearing in mind that one is enough :))
      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. My husband like to prepare Pisco Sour on Saturday's, when I decide to cook, both at the kitchen, I'm in the stove and he making the cocktail.
    And for the flavored Piscos, we like to experiment with different fruits, I have one with blueberries that is wonderful, so you can make Chilcano...!!!

    1. Hi Nydia,
      sounds like you are spending wonderful. relaxed Saturdays around the kitchen table :))
      La idea de macerar el Pisco con Blueberries es excelente, voy a probarlo.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Hi Daniela, that's a very interesting drink. Something new to me but looking at the ingredients I'm sure it taste heavenly. Your glass of cocktail is very nice and elegant. Thanks for sharing the other pictures and information.

    Have a beautiful Sunday. Regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thanks for your kind comment, I truly appreciate it!
      It' also great to hear that this drink is new to you so maye we can try it together ones here in Lima.
      Have a great week ahead !

  17. I'd love visit a Peruvian-Japanese fusion restaurant! The different flavors of pisco are so interesting. Wish I could taste them all.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      This fusión restaurant was really interesting and offered delicious food.
      Next time we will try a Pisco Sour Cocktail prepared with one of the flavored Piscos.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  18. The restaurants sounds great. The cocktail looks so delicious.

    1. Hi Pam,
      yes the restaurant was delicious
      and the cocktails as well. I wish I cuold have shared it with you :)

  19. What a unique and delicious drink!! Looks like you all had a great celebration :)

  20. Hi Kiran,
    so glad to hear you enjoyed the recipe!
    And yes - we had a fun celebration,with everybody in high spirits :)

  21. What a gorgeous drink! So glad you had a fun celebration.

  22. Hi Kristy,
    yes we really had fun :)
    Glad to hear you liked the cocktail recipe.
    Thanks for stopping by.


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