Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Delicate Pleasure:Sweet Omlette Soufflé

When I first read this recipe from handwritten recipe collection my grandmother left to me, I remembered that she told me never to prepare this dessert when in a hurry. You will see, she said , it's very easy to cook and its ready in no time but it´s delicate as a mimosa and demands your full concentration.
As I am a rather impatient person and, very much a child of the 21st century, do like practical and no time consuming cooking, I banned the recipe in a remote corner of my cooking book collection and forgot about it.
When we got installed in Lima after a two years stay in Italy, I reorganized my books and somehow this one drew my attention.
Today, on one of this rather gray and cold Peruvian winter Saturdays, I thought, OK, why not -  let´s try it.
And boy a surprise it was.
First of all it was ready in about 10 minutes, second it was not difficult to prepare at all but tasted so delicate that, if I would not have known better, could swear that this was a very complex mission to achieve.
My grandmother proved to be absolutely right- the only thing this dessert demands is not to hurry it up and a  bit of concentration - exigencies that are well deserved after all.

3 egg whites
3 egg yolks
1/2 cup icing sugar
1 cup ripe strawberries cut in slices
2 spoonful sun flower oil
1 teaspoon unsalted butter
1 spoonful of Strawberry Jam
1pinch of salt
Meant leaves  
For the sour cream filling:
1/2 cup sour cream
1/4 cup icing sugar

 -Put the egg white in a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer until foamy.

-Add a pinch of salt and then gradually add icing sugar and  keep beating until firm peaks are formed and the mixture is thick and glossy.
-mix the egg yolks gently and add them one by one

-mix carefully with the egg white mixture

 -in a non-stick frying pan heat the oil and melt butter

 -add the egg white mixture

-Gently smooth surface, cook over medium heat

-cook until omelette is puffed and lightly browned on bottom, about 5 minutes. (Lift omelet at edge with spatula to judge color.)
Turn omelette gently  (the best way is to lift the omelette with the help of 2 spatulas) and cook until the other side is lightly browned.

-brush the upper side with a bit of strawberry jam

-mix sour cream with sugar

-place omelette on serving plate,top generously with sour cream filling, add strawberry slices.
-fold omelette in half ,sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with halved strawberries and mint leaves
-If you prefer you can serve this dessert as well open faced.
Serve immediately.

Serves 1 portion
See you next week.
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  1. Great recipe! I've actually had something pretty similar in the past at restaurant, and enjoyed it immensely. Glad to see a recipe for it - thanks so much.

    1. Hi John,
      I hope you will enjoy this recipe as much as the omlette soufle you had at the restaurant.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh Daniela, this omelete souffle looks delicious and so pretty...I love the light and fluffy texture of it.
    Thanks for the recipe and hope you are having a fabulous week :D

    1. Hi Juliana,
      Thank you so much ,I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the recipe!

  3. My mouth is watering! This looks so delicate and very delicious! I'm so glad you gave your grandmother's recipe a try and shared it with us :)

    1. Hi Susan,
      It's always a pleasure to share this special recipes with my blogger friends and to receive such nice feedbacks as yours :)

  4. such an amazing omelette with just the right hint of sweetness to kick it, strawberries are a beautiful addition, rightly said, perfect for a cold/ drizzly day

    1. Thank you so much Rakesh & Swikruti. It's great to receive such nice feedbacks and to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  5. Thank you too Daniela cause we never leave your blog disheartened falling short of authentic recipes and your comments sound so genuine on our blog posts... :-)

  6. Oh it looks delicious,Easy indeed but it is those delicate peaked egg whites. Got to keep this one in mind.

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      Thank you for your kind feedback, I truly appreciate it!

  7. I am drooling...What a mouthwatering dessert omelette!

  8. I love the idea of whipping egg omelet! It looks absolutely irresistible with seasonal berries and sour cream filling.

    1. Hi Angie,
      The sour cream filling tastes very good and there are other options as well:
      Simple but very nice: home made cherry jam, or whipped cream with berrries.
      Have a nice weekend!

  9. This looks incredible. And how lovely to have a collection of your grandmother's recipes. I wish I had my grandmother's collection - she was very good at bottling things and making preserves and jams etc. It's really sad when those recipes aren't passed down as they become lost forever. Your grandmother is living on through your wonderful cooking. I didn't know you live in Peru! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      It's true, these family recipes should be preseverved as they are something very special and unique.
      I live in Peru since the beginning of this year after living for two years in Italy and five in Egypt. It's a wonderful country and there is so much to discover.
      Have a great weekend!

  10. Hi Daniela, wow... very interesting recipe. It look absolutely inviting and delicious. Love the sour cream filling, I'm sure it taste heavenly. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe.

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you so much! It's always a pleasure sharing with my Blogger friends especially when recieving such inspiring feedbacks as yours :)

  11. This looks amazing!!! Love the sour cream filling. Have a great weekend :)

    1. Thank you Ashley , I'm happy to receive your kind feedback, have a great weekend!

  12. Genial idea Daniela un omelette suave y colorido,gracias por su coementario,abrazos.

    1. Gracias Rosita, me alegro que lo ha gustado el post!
      Fue un placer visitar su página, y con toda seguridad no será la última vez :)

  13. I love souffle but have been to intimidated to make it. Your recipe gives confidence that I can do it. Thanks for sharing I think it looks delicious.:)

    1. Hi Nancy,
      thank you for this kind feedback!
      You will see this souffle is very easy to prepare and I hope you will enjoy it :)

  14. I love step by step recipe. This omelette soufflé is heaven to me. Gotta try it ASAP!

    1. Thank you Daniela, I'm glad to hear you liked the post!

  15. I love these. I would stand in line for an hour for one of these. Really appetizing!

  16. Thank you so much. I would love to share them with you,no need to stand in líne :)

  17. Some of the best recipes i have are from my mother and grandmother and their advice never fails. i am so glad you made your grandma's recipe coz it looks fantastic and so delicate!

    1. Hi Abeer,
      I couldn't agree more, this family recipes should be treasured, it's great you kept your culinary legacy too.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  18. Grandmums recipes are always the best! This little stove top souffle looks so light and fluffy. I know it has to be delicious and light. Have a super weekend. Take Care, BAM

    1. Hi Bam,
      You are so right, grandmothers wisdom should be preserved.
      Thank you for you great feedback, I truly appreciate it!

  19. Hi Daniela, first time popping by your blog and I'm loving what I see! The souffle looks really good and yummy!

    1. Hi Jasline,
      Welcome to my virtual home!
      I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the blog and thanks for stopping by.

  20. I adore this! What a fantastic idea. My two favourites smashed together. Can I slop chocolate ganache over the top?!

    1. Hi Cass,
      Of course you can slop chocolate ganache over the top, I'm sure it will make it taste even better :)

  21. Wow this looks incredible, what a great recipe!

    1. Thank you Natalie, great to hear you liked the post!

  22. I love French desserts, and this one looks very French. Love the use of berries with my desserts in the Summer!

    1. Hi Julia,
      Yes this dessert is from French origin. The French version contains a bit of flour and is generally oven baked.

  23. That looks scrumptious Daniela! Who can say no to a sweet omlette souffle? Delicious!

    1. Thank you so much Anne- and- you are right, it's hard to resist :))

  24. A refined treat! That omelet soufflé looks exquisite.



  25. How unique! I love the sound of this=)

    1. Thank you so much Angela!
      Have a great day ahead.

  26. This recipe is so simple and delicious for brunch!! A better alternative to crepes that takes a lot of time and patience to make :)

  27. These are mouth watering Daniela!!! This soufflé looks so delicious!

  28. So jealous of your grandma's recipe. I was talking to my mom when I was back in Japan asking why we don't really have grandma's recipes and she said a maid was cooking when she was growing up. Hmmm it's always nice to have some great recipes handing down to next generation. Looks so fluffy and delicious!

  29. One word summary - fabulous! This sounds delicious. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary


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