Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sweet Valentine with delicate Crepes Suzette

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and my friends have very different opinions about the 14th of February.
There are the ones that prepare the celebration and gifts well in advance and get shining eyes  whenever somebody mentions this special day and then there are the ones that joined gladly the "Occupy VD´s " movement.
Here are some quotes I found about the subject which I wanted to share wit you, they are just so cool :)

"I don´t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day.
When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon"

 Happy Single Awareness Day!

"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"

"Dear Cupid, next time hit us both!"

So what do you think - to Valentine or not to Valentine?
For me, its a kind of dilemma. On one hand I think its a great idea to celebrate love  and friendship  on the other hand why only one day of the year?
Honestly, I´m already a bit dizzy by seeing heart shapes and pink deco everywhere.
Can anyone tell me when the frenzy began that caused overcrowded restaurants, sold out chocolate stores and exhausted florists?
Not to forget that there are desperate people around, trying to live up the expectations and not to mention the ones of us who forgot, oops, to get a girlfriend or boyfriend just in time :)
We decided to take it easy this year. No queuing up in fancy restaurants, just a lovely, romantic dinner at home.

This was the romantic table our children prepared for us at Valentine´s Day last year.

And the highlight on a day like this, is of course, the dessert.
Crepes Suzette, delicate and with a light orange flavor touch, seemed a good choice.
This is what you need:

For the crepes:
100g flour
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon caster sugar
170ml milk
60 ml water
25g unsalted butter, melted

About 2 spoonful unsalted butter to bake the crepes
Mix the ingredients (except for the butter to bake the crepes)in a blender until obtaining a smooth mixture.
Pour into a jug and let the mixture sit in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Brush a medium size nonstick  skillet with a bit of melted butter.

Heat over high heat, pour in just enough crepes mixture to cover the base of the skillet. and lower the temperature to medium.

Run a wide rubber spatula around the edges to loosen.

Turn and cook other side until golden brown.

 Cook until underside of the crepe is golden brown.

Fold crepes into halves, then into quarters and place into skillet again.

For the orange sauce:
1 spoonful sugar
40 g unsalted butter, melted
3 spoonful icing sugar
300 ml freshly pressed orange juice
2 spoonful Cointreau or Grand Manier
1 1/2 spoonful Brandy
melt butter in a large, flat pan, add sugar and let cook at low heat for about 2 minutes.
 Add orange juice bit by bit. Be careful as mixture might splash.

Increase temperature to medium and let cook until the mixture has reduced for about 1/3.
Apart, warm the folded crepes with the orange  sauce in skillet.
Let simmer at low heat for about 2 minutes.  Remove from heat.
Immediately, pour Cointreau and Brandy over the crepes and ignite
Cook until flames subside. 

Serve immediately with vanilla ice cream (optional).

Serves about 6.
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  1. A very romantic recipe, a no fuss dessert perfect to share! One of my favorite French recipes.

    1. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the recipe, Daniela!

  2. Haha! I am afraid I'm one of those who frowns upon VDay. Its become so commercialised and its about money and business. I tell my husband he's not allowed to buy me flowers that cost 3 times a much on Vday, I hate those nasty heart box candies, and restaurants are nothing but waiting. We celebrate everyday, with dinner out on unexpected evenings, I only allow flowers on my birthday. I will take European chocolates though :), anytime.
    Now, crepes I adore. These are perfect special occasion dessert. I love your beautifully decorated table and plate :)

    1. Hi Nazneen,
      I couldn't agree more, VD has become very commercialized but the good news are that it's possible to save romance and to celebrate love every day of the year :)
      I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Oh Daniela, this crepes look fabulous, so delicate...I love the simplicity of it...
    Thanks for the recipe...have a great week my dear :D

    1. Thanks so much Juliana for this sweet feedback!
      Have a great day ahead.

  4. Your crepes are lovely.
    And I'm of both opinions on Valentine's Day. When I was single, I didn't like the pressure of having to "pair up". Now, my husband and I don't go overboard, but we do exchange cards and go out to dinner.
    Hope you enjoy your dinner in!

    1. Hi Beth,
      seems to be that you found the perfect balance in celebrating Valentines Day.
      Romantic but not giving in too much to commercial pressure.
      Have a wonderful day ahead!

  5. Everyday is Valentine's Day in our house! But it's fun to have a special day devoted to love, so we always celebrate Valentine's Day. Twice, usually. On the day itself we always make ourselves a nice meal (restaurants are too crowded). Then later we'll go out to a restaurant for the whole restaurant experience. Anyway, love this dish! I've never made Crepes Suzette, and really should -- we both love crepes, and this is actually a pretty easy dish to make. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Having Valentines Day every day at home, that's so sweet and that's the true spirit :)
      Love the idea of two celebrations, best of two worlds.
      Glad to hear that you liked the idea of preparing crepes Suzette, it's such a classic and really nice.

  6. What a lovely romantic set-up, Daniela! I love crepe suzette...It is great to have a non-chocolate dessert for V-day! Mine was a fruit one as well. Wishing you a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    1. Hi Denise,
      even I'm quite a chocoholic I thought it would be a nice change to have a fruity dessert for this day.
      As I can see, we are at the same wave length :)

  7. I have not eaten crepe suzette in FOR-EVER, really want to have some again with your recipe. I am take it or leave it for this holiday. If with someone nice to do a little something and if alone that year whatever. Friends usually get together fro drinks.

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      crepes Suzette are such a classic and I thought that, even I'm a confessed chocoholic, it would be nice to prepare something different.
      I love this take it or leave it attitude of yours, no pressure, just enjoying this special day.
      That's the true spirit :)

  8. I used to love Valentine's Day. Then I saw how much stress it was putting on my husband, and I declared it a day of "whatever we're feeling at the time" rather than one with everything decided up front. We NEVER go out to eat on Valentine's Day!!! The service and food quality are so poor due to restaurant overcrowding and the long lines waiting to get in. You don't feel as if you can just sort of linger and romantically stare into one another eyes. The server makes no bones about the fact that there are others waiting, so you just shovel the food down, pay your bill, and hustle on out the door. No romance in that! So we will most likely be right here at home. I'll prepare a stellar meal for my honey which we'll enjoy with a bottle of something that tickles our noses, then he'll most likely return to doing his dictations (his patient load is always heavy in February) and I'll head elsewhere in the house to play with dishes. Not 25-year-old fun, not newlywed fun...but it works for us! :-)

    Your crepe Suzettes look terrific! It has been a long, long time since I've had one. Not sure I'm brave enough to attempt creating a crepe. They're just so doggone delicate! I'm sure I'd rip the thing to shreds!!!

    So whatever you do for Valentine's Day, enjoy!

    1. Hi Alycia,
      I love the " whatever we feeling that day" idea for VD.
      No pressure, just pure enjoyment - you do it your way :)
      Have a great day ahead and thanks for stopping by!

  9. Love those VD's quotes! Fun to read...we will stay at home and eat whatsoever I bring on the table and the chocolate leftover from the X'mas.
    Your crepe suzettes look beautifully delicious!

    1. Hi Angie,
      Glad to hear you liked the quotes.
      Romance and humor go quite well along, don't you think so?
      Have a wonderful VD!

  10. The delicate crepes are certainly ideal for the valentines day and that orange sauce is to die for!

    1. Thanks so much for this sweet feedback, I truly appreciate it.

  11. WOW, how gorgeous and decadent is that!! What a great Valentine's recipe!!

  12. Hi Daniela, wow... soooooo romantic. Lovely presentation. Love your awesome crepe... I don't mind to eat this 3 times a week. :)) Everyday should be Valentine day... not only on the 14th Feb and celebrate once a year only. And for matured people like us but still young at heart, best to have the dinner at home with nice music and wine.... maybe Southern Comfort to enhance the night. :))
    Why go out and squeeze in the crowd and the food might not be tasty cos most restaurant are fully book. In Malaysia on Valentine day, the roses increase price by at least 200%. Crazy, right?

    Have a lovely week ahead. Hugs to you, my dear friend.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      so true VD should be every day, that's the spirit :)
      In Peru as well, flowers and specially red roses increase their price a lot.
      Thank heavens red roses are not among my favorites, so one problem solved.
      Have a wonderful VD !

  13. Those quotes were so funny! Loved the one about the chubby toddler with a weapon - LOL.

    Gorgeous crepes surround by rose petals, Daniela. I think I may make some and fill them with chocolate mouse :) I usually make my hubby his favorite steak on Valentine's Day.

    1. Hi Susan,
      That's a wonderful idea to fill the crepes with chocolate mousse. Must try out this.
      Have a great VD and beware of the chubby toddler :))

  14. Such a classic dish, Daniela and worthy of celebration. I think it is always special to celebrate a holiday and VD is no exception. It doesn't have to be big or overdone though. When the kids were younger it just meant making an extra nice dinner and eating in the dining room and giving them cards and teddy bears. No going out to eat for us. It did always mean a special chocolate dessert and I always set the table in red. I think holidays are for memories and tradition and if all they remember is a special evening then it was worth it. Oh, And I still do the same for Manservant!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      So true what you say about creating traditions and memories about a special day. I never thought about VD that way but you are right.
      Our kids used to celebrate it for us once "creating" a French Bistro flair in our kitchen, pretending to speak with French accent while serving us dinner - unforgettable.

  15. Oh, divine! That is something I haven't (yet) made...



    1. Hi Rosa,
      Hope you try it once, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

  16. Ha ha ha!! A chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon - I've never really thought of it that way, but that's too funny! I love crepes, and these look delicious!

  17. Hi Amy,
    As you can see, those chubby toddlers running around with a weapon can be quite dangerous :))

  18. I love crepes suzette, they're so yummy. There's a Creperie a couple of blocks from where I live that makes pretty decent crepes suzette but nothing quite like those that I had in Paris a couple of years ago. But yours, yours Daniela look even better....I'm literally drooling over my keyboard!

    1. Hi Mike,
      so true, until now I haven't met anyone who doesn't like crepes.
      Maybe it's their versatility because you can use them with sweet or salty fillings.
      I imagine that those Paris crepes must have tasted divine a d thank you so much for your sweet comment for mine :)

  19. How perfectly appropriate for Vday---I would love to have this for both breakfast AND dessert =)

    1. Thank you so much Angie!
      Will follow your suggestion - breakfast and dessert:)

  20. Que rico se ve està muy goloso y perfecto sus crepè,hugs,hugs.

  21. Me encantan los crepes, no los hago porque me dan un poquito de flojera.
    Es verdad que la imagen de cupido es algo extraña, digo, un gordito en pañales es algo raro.

    1. cierto, la idea de un niñito gordito como simbolo de amor es un poco sui generis,
      pero se presta para hacer bonitas decoraciones :)
      Un abrazo.

  22. Beautiful!!! I love crepes and this is no exception. Valentines day or otherwise, I want this for brekkie everyday :D

    1. Hi Kiran,
      So happy to hear you enjoyed the post. Do agree about your thoughts concerning VD.

  23. Daniela, crêpes suzette sound like a wonderful, delicious and very pretty choice for Valentine´s Day and for any other special day as well - yours look absolutely delightful! Also love the picture of the table that your children prepared for you last year - how thoughtful!
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus Bonn - die Sonne scheint heute,

    1. Hi Andrea,
      Freu mich zu hören, daß Dir der Post gefallen hat.
      Ja, wir waren ganz überrascht, als wir diese tolle Tischdekoration sahen.
      Da haben sich unsere Kinder wirklich was einfallen lassen.
      Freu' mich zu hören, daß in Bonn schon öfter die Sonne scheint. Das tut Körper und Seele gut.
      Alles Liebe.

  24. I've never heard of children preparing a Valentine's celebration for the parents - how nice! We normally have a bottle of Cointreau on hand, so it should be very easy to make up some Crepe Suzettes- yum!

    1. Hi Fran,
      yes it was quite a surprise to find this beautifully decorated table for VD.
      As you see, with a bottle of Cointreau you can come a long way- at least crepe wise speaking :)

  25. Crepe Suzette is a huge favourite of mine. For that matter anything with citrus. These look delicious and I love the table setting last year. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much, Sonali!
      Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  26. They look so delicate and delicious!

  27. I agree with you - the sentiment behind V-Day should be expressed every day! But these crepes do look amazing...definitely a special touch for the holiday!

  28. Thank you much Joanne, glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  29. I have always wanted to do the trick with the flame! We eat crepes every Sunday...I should give your delicious recipe a try! Thanks! :) ela

    1. Hi Ela,
      actually the trick with the flame is quite simple but adds an interesting touch :)

  30. These are beautiful. I haven't made crepes in upteen years but love them. I often go to a restaurant down the street just to have them. I really do need to make some and your recipe sounds like one that I should try when I do. So pretty.

    I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thank you Vicki !
      In case you prepare them, let me know how they turned out.

  31. How romantic?! Those crepes look great!

  32. I may not love V-Day as a whole, but i certainly do love eating V Day foods! These crepes are beautiful!

  33. Hi Joanne,
    yes, that's so true :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  34. This is a great dessert for Valentine's Day! I've wanting to practice making crepes. I definitely need more practice!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa!
      You will see you do not even need a lot of practice- it's actually very easy.

  35. Those are some gorgeous crepes. Such a beautiful table.
    Loved this romantic post.


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