Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Oriental Nights With A Savoury Hummus Trilogy

We spent 5 beautiful years living in Egypt and enjoyed traveling and discovering the incredible archeological, cultural and culinary treasures of this magic country.
One of the delicacies I enjoyed most were the delightful mezes (dips, small plates and salads) which are to be found all over the Middle East and some mediterranean countries.
Hummus has already conquered our tables a long time ago. We definitely prefer the home made one to the many offered ready made.
One of the virtues of this spread is it's fantastic versatility and how fun it is to play around a bit with different flavors and spices to add a multi-cultural touch.
Of course it's only half the fun when you don't add an oriental touch to your table as well when serving these delicacies.

We found this beautiful, handmade teapot holders in the Khan el Khalili Bazaar in Cairo

as well as this lovely tea glass

Hope this table setting serves as inspiration to awaken your creativity and try out different ways to give an interesting 1001 nights touch to accompany your Hummus Trilogy.
Have fun, I would be happy to know the results of your inventiveness :)

You need for the classic Hummus:

250g canned chickpeas, drained (keep the water apart)
2 tablespoon high quality Olive oil
2 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
2 medium garlic cloves
2-3 tablespoon of the chickpeas water (or normal water)
1 tablespoon Tahini paste (optional)
Salt for seasoning

about 1/2 tablespoon olive oil for serving
Finley chopped tomatoes or Paprika to sprinkle on the basic Hummus
Chopped ,flat parsley to sprinkle on the Curry Hummus
some whole chick peas to decorate the avocado parsley Hummus

Combine the chick peas, lemon juice, olive oil, cumin, garlic cloves, cayenne pepper and water in the bowl of a food processor and process until obtaining a smooth and creamy Hummus.
If necessary add some additional water or olive oil.

Classic Hummus

-for the Curry Hummus just add 1/2 tablespoon yellow curry to the basic hummus paste

for the avocado Hummus add 1/2 a ripe avocado and 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley to the basic Hummus and blend in the food processor.


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  1. Hummus is one of my all time favourites. I love all of these new versions with added avocado etc. I can't help but adore something that tastes so good and is healthy too.

    1. Hi Mónica ,
      we all at home are huge Hummus fans, and it tends to disappear quite fast from our table :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Such a beautiful table! And I love the teapot holders.
    You have lived in the most wonderful places!

    1. Hi Beth,
      Glad to hear you liked the teapot holders. I felt in love with them when I first saw them at the Bazaar.

  3. I love the three flavor hummus...and the pictures are so pretty Daniela...thanks for sharing it!
    Have a great week my dear :D

    1. Thank you so much Juliana, happy to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  4. How lucky that you got to live in Egypt for 5 years! This hummus' look delicious. I can never get enough hummus. I especially love to use it as a spread on my sandwiches : )

    1. Hi Natalie,
      yes we really felt blessed to get the chance to live in this interesting country.
      Welcome to the Hummus fan club :)

  5. Hummus is such good stuff! Easy to make, and I almost never do it myself! Shame on me. ;-) I really must do this -- love your curry version. Great inspiration -- thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      Hummus is really super easy to prepare and when it's home made you know exactly what you get.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Uh oh...I need to hide this from my husband! He LOVES hummus and would banish me to the kitchen forever to keep making it over and over and over again if he saw this!!! I've never made it from scratch, but we have eaten it from scratch when visiting the home of friends from the Middle East. (They even had real live belly dancers and a hookah for the men at the party!!!)

    I love the elements you chose to showcase this wonderful flavored hummus! The elephants are beautiful! I love the carving in them!

    Living in Egypt must have been an fabulous experience of a lifetime! Thank you for sharing a little bit of it with us! And yes...I will try to make the hummus from scratch! :-) Have a great week!

    1. Hi Alycia,
      please let your husband know that the Hummus fan club has already several members :)
      Thank you so much for your kind words, so glad to hear that you liked the post.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Homemade hummus is so much better than store-bought and you can make so many versions and flavors. I like the idea of the avocado hummus because I love avocados so much! Living in Egypt must have been an amazing experience.

    1. Hi Amy,
      the avocado flavored Hummus is one of my faves too.
      Living in Egypt was an extraordinary experience, so many things to discover.

  8. You set up a fantastic table that perfectly matches this trios of hummus. I've never been to Egypt and this table makes me dream of it...

    1. Hi Daniela,
      thank you so much for your kind words!
      Hope you can go once to visit, it's an extraordinary country.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Ashly,
      so true and the best is....you know exactly what you are eating :)

  10. I absolutely love your beautiful table setting and your trilogy of hummus.

  11. Gosh, what a festive hummus dip for superbowl!!!
    ps: i think i'm gonna love the avocado, made ne not guitly enought to diggin it all over....

  12. I am a big fan of mezes as well. So true hummus is way better homemade and I just love this flavorful trilogy, especially the curry one. Great pics!


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Evelyne!
      My husbands favorite is the curry flavored one as well.

  13. I'm so jelly! I'll be happy if I can even visit Egypt one day! Thanks for sharing these---such an inspiration!!

    1. Hi Angie,
      living in this amazing country was a fascinating experience.
      Have a great week ahead!

  14. I love making hummus at home, I do it all the time in my Vitamix! Gorgeous photos, Daniela!

  15. Hummus is always yummy. You sound like you live an interesting and exciting life.

    1. Hi Dawn,
      I really feel blessed to have the chance to get to know so many places from the insight.
      It makes quite a difference if you travel to a country just for a few days or if you get the chance to live there.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. We love hummus too! Have to try the one with curry soon. Thanks for sharing, Daniela.

  17. Daniela, love this post! Love the 3 types of hummus (all so delicious looking) and the presentation with the elephant in the background.

  18. Hummus is a big favorite for us - you will find it often on the snack table come cocktail hour on the porch time! I love your variations!

    1. Hi Donalyn,
      Hummus makes a fantastic snack with only one problem - sometimes we just can't get enough of it, it's always a temptation :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  19. I love your teapot holders and your table setting! So beautiful. Egypt is on my bucket list but might be some time till I get there. I grew up eating ME food and it's a part of my everyday food repertoire. I adore it. I love your hummus trilogy and the curry one is quite inventive. My favourite way at home is the one I make with harissa, nice and spicy or just a plain one with lots of tangy zaatar. Great post Daniela!

    1. Hi Nazneen,
      Hope you get to visit this fascinating country once.
      You are so lucky that you grew up enjoying ME food.
      It's so refined and tasty .

  20. How fun to have had those 5 years. Your hummus trilogy looks amazing! Hummus is something I always eat too much of but that's okay.:)

    1. Hi Nancy,
      I think we share a little problem - me too, I can never get enough of Hummus :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I LOVE hummus!! I have it at least once a week. Great post! :)

  22. Can I have some of that amazing avocado hummus, please? Looks so delectable!

  23. I absolutely love hummus and the trilogy sounds so good and tempting. It is such a healthy and delicious dip actually.

    1. Welcome to the club of Hummus fans:))
      Gad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  24. Each dish of hummus look fantastic! Great presentation.

  25. great hummus! wow! 5 years in Egypt! fun!

    1. yes it was fun and very interesting.
      Glad to hear you liked the Hummus variations!

  26. I love hummus and make it at home. The curry version sounds great and looks amazing. The table setting is gorgeous too and so traditional.

  27. What a creative set-up and theme to have fun, Daniela! The hummus trilogy looks super duper delicious!

    1. Hi Denise,
      glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  28. Always been wanting to make my own hummus! These look fantastic!

  29. I love this hummus trio! So much great flavor!

  30. Wow, so many nice things in one post! Love all these hummuses! :) ela

  31. I didn't know you lived in Egypt. That must have been fascinating although from what I hear about what's going on there at the moment, it's probably not the safest part of the world to be in right now. An innocent Australian man is currently in one of their appalling jails and is being treated very badly. He's been there for two months now and has been refused bail. Anyway, I love your red glassware - so pretty on the table. And I love hummus too. I have some curry hummus in my fridge but I didn't make it - whoops! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      It was fascinating and it makes me so sad that the situation is so difficult right now. So sorry to hear about the case of the Australian national.
      I'm sure your your Hummus curry will taste great!

  32. Ohhh...Egipto, uno de los lugares que tengo que ir algún día, sin duda. El humus me encanta, aunque nunca lo he probado con otras versiones, la de la palta me parece genial...!!!

    1. Hola Nydia,
      Espero que puedes hacer este viaje un día , es genial pero hay que esperar hasta que mejora a situación un poco.
      Un abrazo

  33. The table setting is an inspiration and beautiful. You know I love hummus and wish I could travel to the middle east to take in the entire atmosphere. You are one very lucky lady having lived all over the world. I adore travel! Have a great weekend

    1. Hi Tricia,
      Thank you so much, glad to hear that you liked the post!
      We feel truly blessed that we got the chance to live in so many different countries that gave us the opportunity to meet wonderful people and get in touch with interesting cultures.

  34. I visited Egypt once for a holiday with the family and I want to go back again. The food and culture are there is just wonderful! Your hummus recipe and all your pictures remind me of my trip and all the good times :)

    1. Hi Abeer,
      so glad to hear that this post awoke great memories about travels ,people you met and a fascinating culture.

  35. Oh boy, the oil sitting on top of the hummus makes me want to eat the whole thing in one sitting!

    1. Hi Fran,
      that's the traditional way it's served in the Middle East, topped with a bit of high quality olive oil :)

  36. What a wonderful 5 years that must have been! I love the treasures you bought while you lived there - so pretty. Hummus is a favorite of ours also and I make it often. We love ours with roasted garlic and cayenne or Tabasco. I must try adding avocado next time I make it!

    1. Hi Susan,
      Hummus with garlic and Tobasco sounds fantastic, must try this version.
      Have a great week ahead!

  37. These are some very inspiring hummus dishes! I love hummus but I've only made it a handful of times - with the most basic version. I'll have to get on the curry and avocado hummus soon. Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Hi Monica,
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed the Hummus variations.

  38. I love hummus but I have to says I'm rely on store bought ones. It's time for a change, especially seeing so many great recipes on food blogs. 5 years in Egypt? I love your life. <3 But I have a lot of expat friends and I know all kinds of side stories behind "fabulous expat life". Moving, kids school, I know a lot of arrangements are necessary and get used to unknown future (of where you will be).. but still I dream of your life. :)

  39. Beautiful table setting. And I love homemade hummus. So much possibilities with different flavors and textures :)

  40. I am eating Hommus right now!! With Hazelnut Dukkah :) mmmm. These look awesome. I will have to try your variations!

  41. Hi my dear Daniela, I love this hummus. Yours look so good and tempting. And I love to eat the boil chickpea on it's own as a snack. Excellent presentation, love the cute elephants and teapot holder. :))

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards. Hugs to you.


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