Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Subtle French Temptation: Creme Brulée with Blueberries and My First Blogging Annniversary

It's hard to believe that it's already one year that I started this blog.
I remember when I used to check constantly on how many people saw my posts and was waiting with impatience for the first comments to come.
Suppose all of us bloggers were having similar feelings and experiences.
And how did all this start?
Once upon a time... no, just kidding :)
Actually it all started when I checked the attic of our house in Austria for some books and found an old, handwritten recipe collection of one of my ancestors written from the year 1844 on.

During the first half of the 19th Century was the time when Napoleon's troops occupied  Austria and later the Congress of Vienna decided the fate of Europe for the after Napoleonic area.
The collection contains such elegant recipes like Crayfish Mousse (crayfish is nearly extinguished by now in Austria) and Violet Ice Cream.

Some of the ingredients are not available any longer and the quantities of butter and eggs used would be the horror of every modern fitness fan.

But somehow this little book inspired me to start my blog and I keep it in a special place in my heart.

So I was thinking about what to prepare for my first blogging anniversary when I remembered this wonderful French Creme brulée which I use to prepare for special occasions.
Oh the French !
They are still the masters and divas of culinary delights and this dessert proofs it.
The creme literally melts in your mouth and its subtle flavor and the contrast in texture between the soft creme and the crunchy au gratin sugar topping is superb.
The best of it is undoubtedly that it looks as if you would have spent hours in the kitchen but it's actually very easy to do and needs only 5 ingredients!
Usually I prepare it in very small portions as this rich, luscious creme and is best enjoyed in "petit".

You need:

4 yolks
3 spoonful finely granulated sugar
300 ml Crème Double
300 ml heavy cream
seeds of 1 vanilla pod or 5 drops vanilla extract

for the crust (topping)
12 spoonful sugar
Heat oven at 200 C (about 350F)
Prepare 6 ramekins, 100ml each.
Whisk yolks in a large  bowl with sugar and the Vanilla seeds or vanilla extract until becomes pale.

Bring Creme double and heavy cream in a big pan to a boil, turn heat down and let simmer for about 8 minutes.

Pour the cream very slowly (so that the egg doesn´t get boiled) over the yolk mixture while stirring constantly until thickened. 

Place at the bottom of each ramekin some blueberries (or other berries).

Place in a jar and pour in the ramekins to about 2/3 full.

Put the forms in a large roasting tray, fill up with hot water, enough to come up half way up their outside.

Bake in oven for about 45-50 minutes.
The crème is ready when the surface is just firm but still wobbly in the center.
Let cool down, then place overnight in fridge.
Take out at least for 1/2 an hour before browning the sugar.
Put 1 spoonful of sugar on top of each form but be careful not to crash the surface.
Then put another spoonful sugar evenly on each top.

Put under the grill at highest heat until sugar is melted or use a torch to melt the sugar and form a crispy top.

Serves 6.

Thank you for following me on this blogging adventure for the past year and I hope we can share many more posts together.

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook as well! And if you like this post, please like it on Facebook as well and share with your friends!


See you next week!

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  1. Hi Daniela, Congratulations on your 1st Blogging Anniversary!!! You may have only 1 year in blogging, but let me tell you that you have a nice blog and it sure doesn't look yours is only 1 year old! Great job, and I am sure you have that talent in cooking, writing and photography too! Love to read your blog and thanks for sharing all your interesting recipes and travelling! By the way, this creme brulee is beautiful and yummy :) Have a wonderful day and cheers :)

    1. Thank you so much for this sweet comment Ivy, I truly appreciate it!
      It's so rewarding to get a feedback like this and to hear that you enjoy the posts.
      Have a great day!

  2. Happy 1st anniversary. I think you have the best story yet on what inspired the birth of a blog. That book is truly a treasure. And a crème brulée is very fitting to celebrate. So rich and such a treat.

    1. Thank you so much Evelyn for the good wishes and the great feedback!

  3. Happy 1st Anniversary, Daniela.
    Those blueberry creme brulee look scrumptious and perfect for the celebration.

    1. Thank you so much Angie!
      I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  4. Una gran delicia suave se ve irresistible muy perfecta ,abrazos

    1. Gracias Rosita por sus gentiles palabras!
      Un abrazo.

  5. Happy first anniversary! And you're celebrating with a wonderful dish - such a terrific dessert. Like all of your food, this looks wonderful. So glad you decided to blog!

    1. Thank you John for this sweet comment, I really appreciate your kind words and good wishes!

  6. OH my, what a precious thing you have there. A book to cherish.
    Happy One year! I know exactly what you are talking about, views, comments and all those small details.
    I enjoy visiting your blog, you have such a warm personality and it transfers through your blog. Loving the creme brulee, a dessert I can never say no to.

    1. Thank you so much Asha for your kind words and good wishes, I really appreciate this special feedback back!
      Have a wonderful day!

  7. Congratulations on a year of blogging. What a great recipe to celebrate with!

    1. Thank you so much Beth, I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the post!

  8. Happy 1st blog anniversary.. I love creme brulee.. Now I need to get some cream soon because this looks incredible.. Do visit my blog.. http://kitchenserenity.blogspot.in/

    1. Thank you so much Nilu for stopping by!
      I'm very lad to hear you enjoyed the post :)

  9. How neat it must have been to find that beautiful recipe book! I would cherish it.

    The creme brulee looks AMAZING!

    1. Hi Pam,
      yes, it was really wonderful to find this book, like a voice of times long gone by.
      I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the post!

  10. Hi Daniela, happy blog anniversary. Always love to drop by your blog to see your beautiful creation. Keep up the good job, looking forward to see more spectacular recipes from you.

    The creme brulee look fantastic. I would love to have one right now. :))

    Have a wonderful weekend, regards.

    1. Thank you so much Amelia for this sweet comment, I really appreciate your kind words, my friend!
      Have a wonderful weekend ahead!

  11. Happy first anniversary! Your creme brulee looks delicious, it's one of my favorite desserts.

    1. Hi Nick,
      thank you so much for your good wishes and kind words!
      I'm very glad to hear that creme brûlée is one of your favorites too:)

  12. Happy anniversary! What a lovely way to punctuate such a happy moment! =)

  13. Congratulations on your first anniversary. I love that antique cookbook! What a treasure. How wonderful that it's remained in your family for so long. I also love your table setting. It looks so elegant. xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      Imagine the surprise when I found this book and for sure I'll pass it on for the next generation:)
      So glad to hear you enjoyed the post.
      Have a great weekend!

  14. CONGRATULATIONS & HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!! such a precious book to be treasured....looks so warm with all those wonderful recipes from loved ones of the family...this brulee looks and we bet must have tasted divine,creamy,melt in mouth and addictive....we await to see and learn many many many more recipes and posts on your adorable blog...HAVE FUN!!! :-)

    1. Thank you so much my dear friends for this sweet comment, I truly appreciate your kind words!
      Your good wishes made my day:)
      Have a great weekend!

  15. i love creme brulee, but here very expensive and hard to find. thanks for the recipe i am going to try to make it.

    1. So nice to hear that you are a creme brûlée fan too.
      I had no idea that the ingredients are so hard to find and expensive in Japan.
      So maybe it would be a good idea to try it when you are at one of your trips abroad.
      Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

  16. I need to try your creme brulee! My last attempt was such a huge failure. This one looks amazing. Congrats on your blogiversary!

    1. Hi Daniela,
      you will see, this recipe is quite easy to prepare and turns out delicious.
      Me too, I had some not so achieved experiments with creme brûlée , but with this recipe it was easy.
      Thanks for your good wishes!

  17. Me muero si encuentro un libro así. Bueno, aquí no tenemos áticos, pero tampoco libros así, es una joya.
    Oye, que buena idea hacer el creme brulee con blueberries, ahora que por lo que veo estarán todo el año en el supermercado pues se pueden aprovechar más...aunque me gustaría que bajen un poquito de precio..ja,ja,ja...

    1. Hola Nydia,
      si, fue una sorpresa maravillosa encontrar este libro con recetas increíbles.
      Es Verdad que se consiguen Blueberries frescos todo el año en Lima y estoy de acuerdo contigo que deberían bajar de precio un poco. Hagamos Lobby para eso :)

  18. YUM! This looks great! I have never made creme brulee before, but I really want to now!

  19. Hi Cathleen,
    glad to hear that you enjoyed the post and I'm sure if you decide to prepare creme brûlée you won't be disappointed :)

  20. I love creme brulee with fruit! Great photos! And, I am now following you on Facebook! :)

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, Julia! Thank you for your like on FB, I'm following you on your FB fan page as well!

  21. Happy first blogiversary! WOW a recipe book since 1844?!?! I can totally see how you were inspired by this and so glad you started your blog! What a beautiful Creme Brulee to celebrate this big milestone! Congrats Daniela!

    1. Thank you so much, dear friend for your congratulation and kind words , I truly appreciate them.
      Glad that you liked the creme brûlée , it's one of my favorites too :)

  22. Mr. Ps favorite!!! Looks like a wonderful recipe!!

    1. So Mrs.P. and me are definitely at the same wave length: Creme Brûlée is one of my faves too:)
      Have a great week ahead!

  23. Hi Daniela! It's so nice to meet you. I agree about creme brûlée. It's decadent, but oh so easy (sh-h-h!)!! It's a family favorite! xo

    1. Hi Kitty,
      happy to meet you too!
      So, as far as I can see it's agreed: Creme brûlée is one of our favorites:)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  24. Happy anniversary! The wonderful book you've shared would have inspired me too.


    1. Thanks for your good wishes, Denise!
      Have a great day.

  25. Congrats on your first bloggiversary!! It's crazy how time flies. These creme brulees are ideal for celebrating!

    1. Thank you Joanne for your good wishes!
      I'm glad to hear you liked the Creme Brulee :)

  26. Happy first blog anniversary, time flies doesn't it?
    I absolutely love that old book of yours, it's a true treasure to behold :)

    1. You are so right Gintare, time flies, it seems like yesterday when I started this blog.
      I will keep the book in a very special place and pass it on to my daughter.
      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. You are so right Gintare, time flies, it seems like yesterday when I started this blog.
      I will keep the book in a very special place and pass it on to my daughter.
      Thanks for stopping by!

    3. Yes time really flies, it seems to me like yesterday when I started my blog.
      Thank you for your good wishes Gintare!
      Have a great day!

    4. Yes time really flies, it seems to me like yesterday when I started my blog.
      Thank you for your good wishes Gintare!
      Have a great day!

  27. Happy anniversary Daniela!!!! I love your cookbook and love that it was your inspiration. I also love your Creme Brule, it's one of my favorite desserts. In fact I just got some Cream Brule dishes today, I'll have to do this soon!

  28. Happy anniversary, Daniela!! And what a treasure of family heirloom!! I'd be expecting a lot more deliciousness in your already so yummy space here :)


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