Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Baked Camembert In A Box With Pear Chutney

 I don't know if that has happened to you as well, but lately I had problems with my comment box.
Several of my readers wrote me on FB that they were unable to comment because there was no comment box at the post page.
I'm really sorry for this inconvenience and want to thank them for trying and often insisting, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
Thanks a million, I really appreciate it, comments are the soul food for all of us bloggers, the feedback that let us know your thoughts , suggestions and support.
The other issue was that after a certain amount of comments ( usually about 50) no other comments entered. I could read them by E-mail but they didn't appear on my post and I was unable to reply.
Suggestions or proposals for solutions are highly appreciated. :))

But now let's  go back to a much more pleasant subject.
As you may have noticed  when reading my last posts, I'm still a bit cheeseaholic and discovered a delightful recipe watching a cooking program on TV last week that presented baked Camembert in a box with crunchy crostini.
As I had some fresh pears at home, I thought it might be a good idea to prepare a pear chutney and pair it with the warm Camembert.
The result was delicious- the warm,melted Camembert with a mild Rosemary fragrance matched very well with the spicy sweetness of the Chutney.
A real danger on our table - we could have repeated once or twice sans regret! 

Here is what you need :
2 whole Camemberts in its box
1 clove of garlic, peeled and finely sliced
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 sprig Rosemary

For the pear chutney
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1/2 kg ripe but firm pears, cored and cut into 1/4 dices
1 tablespoon brown sugar (I didn't have brown sugar at hand so I used white granulated sugar, but I recommend brown sugar for this recipe)
1/2 cup cider vinegar
1 teaspoon freshly grated garlic
1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon nut meg
1 teaspoons brown or black mustard sheets
A good pinch of Tumeric or Saffron  to add color
1 sprig rosemary

Peel and grate the ginger, set aside.

Peel and core the pears, cut into medium dices.
Heat a large pan with the oil and add pears,ginger,garlic and rosemary.

Fry until pears soften slightly, than add the sugar, cloves, mustard sheets and nutmeg until fruits start to caramelize.
Add the cider vinegar, bring to a boil,turn down the heat and let simmer until most of the liquid has evaporated and begins to thicken.
Stir frequently during this process, so the pears won't stick.
Do not overcook, the pears should keep their shape.
Add Saffron or Tumeric, season with salt.

Remove Rosemary sprig. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Sprinkle with chopped rosemary.

Baked Camembert in a box.
Preheat the oven at 180C / 350F
Remove any plastic packaging from the cheese, put the camembert back in its box.

Cut off the top layer of the skin.
With the help of a knife, insert some rosemary tips and garlic slices.

Dizzle with olive oil.

 Bake in the hot oven for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the center of the cheese is melted.
Some cheesy leftovers from the baking tray ,mmh :)

 Decorate with rosemary sprigs and some dried cranberries.

Serves 2. Bon Appetit!
See you next week.
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  1. This is HEAVENLY! Gosh..I want this so badly!
    I have always had problem to leave the comment in your blog...I just had to reload and reload the home page and if I was lucky...I would see the number of comment after a few times of reloading...and clicked it to enter the comment section...

    1. Hi Angie ,
      glad to hear you liked the post.
      Thank you so much to take the time to comment, even it was quite an issue.
      Thanks also for letting me know how you manage to do so, it is very helpful for me to know.

  2. Mouthwatering! I love Camembert and chutney. This combination is fantastic.



    1. Hi Rosa,
      Thank you so much for your kind words!
      Have a great day.

  3. I could not comment either. I had to switch to different browser to leave comments on some blogs and for your blog nothing worked. I found out that my problem was that my "third part" cookies were off. It's all OK now. Drooling over recipe. Camembert and fruit compote are perfect together. Do you know what we say in Italy? 'Don't let the farmer know how good cheese is with pears.'

    1. Hi Daniela,
      Thanks so much for the helpful tip how you solved the problem, will bear it in mind!
      Like this Italian saying very much:)
      Next week we are traveling to beautiful Rome, can't wait to come back ( we used to live their)

  4. I haven't had Bake Camembert in years! Such a great dish, and your pear chutney pairs so well with it. Really good post. Regarding comments, I've had problems too - often the comment box doesn't even show up. I don't know for sure, but I've read other blogs who are on Blogger and are using one of the dynamic themes - which you also use - who've said their comments sometimes go wonky. You might want to look at one of Blogger's more traditional themes. I use the "Simple Template" (that's the name) and if you look around you'll see it's one of the most popular of Blogger's templates on food blogs (there are loads of others in use of course, but that one has a high percentage of users). Anyway, something to think about.

    1. Thank you so much John, for taking the time and insisting on commenting and giving me this valuable advice about the different templates and their advantages, I really appreciate it :)
      Have a great day!

  5. Glad you got the comment box fixed. I had found a way around it but it was a problem for me (oups did not tell you). Love the idea of pear chutney and served with the camembert is perfect.

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      thanks for the effort you made to be able to comment.
      the issue is still not quite fixed, I'm working on it but it will take a bit of time to change the template.
      Happy to hear you liked the post!

  6. Hi Daniela, interesting recipe. Very delectable and delightful. Beautiful presentation. :))

    Usually I have to come back several times cos most of the time the comment box doesn't show. I would suggest you change the template to Awesome or watermark, I used these two very often and so far no problem. My other blog friends who used the same template as yours too facing the same problem.

    Have a lovely weekend, regards.

  7. Thanks a lot Amelia for your patience and for your advice which I'll take.
    Will change to another template and this will hopefully solve the issue.
    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the problems with your comment box. I've seen that happen on other sites, but never here. Fingers crossed that your problems are over!
    Your camembert looks terrific.

    1. Hi Beth,
      Glad to hear that you didn't experience the problems I mentioned on my site :)

  9. SOrry about your comment box!!! I know what that's like!! Love this recipe!

    1. Hi Ashley,
      Yes it is quite frustrating but I hope I can solve the problem soon.

  10. My oh my...all that gorgeous melted Camembert with that pear chutney, I'm dying just looking at it.
    It's such a refined dish Daniela, great job!

    1. Thank you Mike for this sweet feedback, glad to hear you liked the post!

  11. Well...I'm not having any trouble with your commenting system but I know how frustrating these blogging issues can be. I love the look of this meal. Melted, oozing camembert is so delicious and I love the sound of this pear chutney. I'll pin it! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      Good to hear that you didn't have any problem entering the comment box!
      Thanks for your nice feedback, glad to hear you are a cheese fan too.

  12. Well, i did get the comment box! And I have to say I never knew you could bake the Camembert in the box! That is a new one for me. I could eat the whole thing! But the pear chutney sounds fabulous!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      It's actually quite practical to bake the Camembert in it's box and the pear chutney works well with several dishes but this combination is my friends favorite.

  13. This sounds wonderful. I need to go to the kitchen asap

  14. I love cheese too, and I just love how you prepared this! The cheese looks so melty and flavorful. What a perfect appetizer - just like from a restaurant!

    1. Thank you for such a sweet comment, Julia, you made my day:)

  15. No sabes, he visto el queso todo derretido y me ha provocado comerme uno, sí, uno entero para mí solita.

    1. Confieso que he hecho exactamente eso despues de terminar el post :)

  16. I have never seen a salad such a this one. It sounds amazing...such wonderful pairings!

    1. And it tastes quite nice too, my husband couldn't stop eating :)

  17. Oh boy...that is cheese perfection!

  18. This with some wine would make for a lovely afternoon! The garlic and rosemary studded camembert looks delicious.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      actually we had it in the evening with a nice glass of wine from Rioja and it matched perfectly with the cheese.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Hola Daniela es uno de mis quesos preferidos suelo hacerlo muy amenudo con un pan especial al horno los dos, pero esta se ve deliciosa con la pera asi que tomo nota de ella para ponerla en practica gracias guapa un beso

    1. Hola Conchi,
      que bueno saber que para ti también es uno de tus quesos favoritos, debe ser delicioso igual con el pan al horno, excelente combinación .
      Un abrazo y gracias por tu visita virtual :)

  20. La combinación es fantástica se ve muy tentador una receta diga de preparar,abrazos.

  21. I'm definitely not a cheese girl, but that looks absolutely tempting!!

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