Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hearty Hungarian Goulash Soup

I don't know about you, but here in Vienna it's freezing cold and after walking a while through the city we were longing for some warm comfort food.
For tomorrow temeratures below -6C are expected, but despite of the weather we will be visting the New Years Trail. Now you might ask - what's the New Year's Trail?
For the last night of 2014 and following a 25 year old tradition, the Vienna News Year's trail offers
12 hours of entertainment - a great way to begin the New Year.
The programe starts at 2pm with children activities and continues  from the late afternoon on with everything from live bands and DJs to free for all waltzing clases and a live broadcast from the Vienna State Opera where traditionally "Die Fledermaus" is performed.
Apart from that, countless stalls around the city offer all kinds of treats from sparkling wine to toast to the New Year to hot goulash soup, sausages and sweets to keep the visitors warm.
Every year there is a beautiful firework at one of the big squares in down town, the Heldenplatz.
At midnight, the big bell of St. Stephen's Cathedral, called the Pummerin will ring to announce 2015.
For the ones who prefere to dance into the New Year, the glittering New Year's Eve Ball in the Imperial Palace "Hofburg" will be the place to be and to enjoy a unique experience.
To keep you warm during walking through the city, Gulaschsoup is the classic  soul warmer from the Austrian-Hungarian cuisine.
Spicy, hearty and restorative, it's the star during the ball season when nights are short and people are dancing and celebrating until dawn.
Before going home, it's tradition that everybody tastes this amazing soup.
It's Hungarian roots makes it spicy and passionate and the Austrian background adds a touch of harmony and perfect balance between the different flavors, light and charming as a Viennese Waltz.
There is a "student version" of Gulash soup - lots of gravy and less meat for a small Budget and the Fiaker (carriage driver) version, adding a hearty sausage.
This dish is easy to cook, can be prepare at least 1 day in advance and is a crowd pleaser on cold Winter days.
This is what you need:

2 yellow onions, chopped
1 clove garlic,crushed
200g bacon, chopped
2 spoonful olive oil
1/2 kg stew beef, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 spoonful flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 1/2 spoonful sweet (Hungarian) paprika 
1/2 spoonful spicy (Hungarian) paprika 
1 spoonful tomato paste
2 beef stock homemade or low sodium beef broth
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar 
3-4 medium size potatoes, quartered
Salt, pepper
Sour cream and freshly chopped parsley for garnish

Toss beef with salt, pepper and flour.
Heat the oil in a heavy-based frying pan over high heat

Add onion and crushed garlic and fry gently until it softens and starts to turn Golden.
Add bacon, fry until golden brown, add beef, sear on all sides.

add beef, sear on all sides.

Add both paprikas, mix well until blended with the other ingredients, add tomato paste, beef stock and vinegar.

Stir thoroughly , leave covered to simmer gently for about 1 hour or until meat is soft.

Add potatoes and continue simmering until soft.
Check seasoning.
Serve warm and top with sour cream and chopped parsley.

Enjoy! Serves 8P.

Happy New Year to everybody!

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  1. A wonderful tradition! Would you believe I've never made Goulash? I have to add this to my bucket list of recipes to try in 2015. Happy New Year, Daniela!

    1. If you try it ,let me know how it turned out.
      Happy New Year to you and your family Susan!

  2. Like Susan, I have never made goulash either. Yours looks so warming and packed full of flavours.
    Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Angie,
      Happy New Year to you and your family, thanks for stopping by!

  3. A VERY VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND FAMILY DEAR DANIELA!!! Even though we are vegetarians....when we were not...we have had goulash...so at present we cannot give up that dish,rather we make it with textured soy,pumpkin and double beans....and yours has just inspired us to make a bowlful for supper,thanks for sharing such delectable recipes every time,we feel inspired :-)

    1. Hi my dear friends,
      find your idea for the vegetarían version of Goulash very interesting and inspiring. Have to try it out.
      Wish you a Happy New Year and I'm looking forward for new and exciting recipes from Kumar's kitchen!

  4. Right now, it's even rather cold here in Southern California- so I could definitely go for this Hungarian Goulash dish. Daniela, Happy New Year to you and your family!

    1. Hi Karen,
      I'm surprised to hear that it can get so cold in California but on the other hand it's the perfect excuse to try out this Goulash soup :)
      Happy New Year to you and your loved ones,dear!

  5. Thanks for a wonderful tour of Wien at the New Year! The trail sounds a lot like First Night in Boston - lots of safe and wholesome fun! The soup looks amazing - I look forward to trying it soon. Happy New Year, Daniela! ~ David

    1. Hi David,
      So happy to hear that you enjoyed the Vienna New Year's tour!
      Funny that there is a similar celebration in Boston, would love to visit ones.
      Happy New Year to you, looking forward for new, delicious recipes from Cocoa & Lavender!

  6. I've always loved the idea of spending New Year's Eve in Vienna. It's such an amazing city! Hope the soup kept you warm, and you all enjoyed a wonderful last night of the year.

    1. Hi Beth,
      Yes, we were celebrating until late and for sure this soup helped to keep us warm.
      Just returned from a marvelous Velasquez exhibition, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it.
      Happy New Year to You and Your family!

  7. Ooh this dish looks so comforting and filling. I'd love a huge bowl of it right now - with a slice of thick crusty bread. Happy new year Daniela.

    1. Hi Monica,
      Who knows, maybe we will meet once in Vienna and then I would love to invite you a goulash soup :)
      Happy New Year to you ad your loved ones!

  8. I cook a Delia Smith recipe for meatballs in goulash sauce that is a family favorite. Your version will soon be on our table. My family is going to love this!

    1. Hi Karen,
      Your version of Goulash soup with meat balls sounds very interesting and I would love to try it!
      Maybe we can make a culinary exchange once.
      Happy New Year, Karen!

  9. What a fun New Year's tradition! It's colder than it should be here, and a hearty meal like this would be perfect today. Hope your 2015 is off to a great start!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Wish I could share with you some of the Goulash soup to keep warm in these freezing temperatures!
      Happy New year to you and your family!

  10. Goulash has always been on my to do list but I've never made it. My hubby would love this because it has meat and potatoes!
    It's been very cold here too, it has been snowing here all day and the temp now and overnight is looking at -13C. Brrr! This would go down a treat. Happy New Year Daniela xx

    1. OMG, - 13C, that's REALLY cold. You definitely need some Goulash soup to keep you warm:)
      Happy New Year to you and your family, Nazneen!

  11. I love love goulash...it's a comfort food to me maybe because I grow up eating it! Yours look amazing...my mouth is watering! Oh and happy New year, best wishes! :)

  12. Thank you Sandra, I ' m happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.
    Goulash soup is a really amazing dish, especially for cold days.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  13. My two youngest sons went to Hungary one summer on art scholarships and they raved about the goulash that they ate there. Thank you for sharing this recipe, Daniela. I would love to make this and see if it's close to what they remember.
    Happy New Year!!

    1. Hi Kitty,
      Hope your sons had a fun time in Hungary, it's such a great country.
      Just let me know how the Goulashsoup turned out.
      Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

  14. Hello Daniela! The goulash looks amazing. You had me at bacon and onions and beef and..... :) Will definitely try it! Thanks for the inspiration. ~ denise

    1. Hi Denise,
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Happy New Year to you!

  15. My mother always made goulash for parties. My favorite part was stirring in the sour cream and watching it make pretty swirls! It has been cold here so this is a very welcome recipe idea! Have a Happy New Year, Daniella!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      I can understand you very well, stirring in the sour cream is such fun, looks like the Austrian flag in red and white :)
      Happy New Year to you my friend!

  16. Ufff, tengo tiempo que no hago goulash, me encantan los guisos, esos donde la carne se deshace y está llena de de salsa.

  17. It looks delicious and hearty.

  18. I love comfort food like this! It's going to be sooo cold here this week - not looking forward to it! I feel your pain :)


    1. Hi Ashley,
      Wish I could send you some of this Goulash soup ver to keep you
      warm. :)

  19. I could use a BIG bowl of this! So hearty and total comfort food!

    1. Hi Joanne,
      It would be my pleasure to invite you some.

  20. Hi Daniela, I first tried goulash when I was in Hungary and I loved it so much! Your goulash looks amazing and so delicious, will definitely try this at home one day!

    1. Hi Jasline,
      How nice to hear that you have visited Hungary, it's such a great country and Goulash is it's national dish.
      Happy New Year to you, dear friend!

  21. Wishing you a Happy New Year :-) What a great day to spend in Vienna. Cold! Tell me about it here with the wind factor it is -15C. I really need a bowl of this hearty goulash now!

    1. OMG, - 15C!
      Wish I could send you over some of this soup, it would cheer you
      up a bit :)
      Happy New Year to you, my dear friend!

  22. Happy new Year to you and your family Daniela. Such a lovely tradition and an equally amazing soup! The heat is getting unbearable here as we are in the midst of summer but I would still love a bowl of this deliciousness.

    1. Hi Sonali,
      So nice to hear that you are enjoying lots of sunshine but may be with a little less heat it would even be better.
      Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

  23. Happy New Year Daniela!
    This goulash looks delicious, I had only once and love it! Thanks for the recipe, I sure would love to try it.
    Enjoy your week :)

    1. Hi Juliana,
      Happy New Year to you as well!
      Looking forward to your posts for this year, they are always inspiring.

  24. I love goulash! And yours looks superb. And so appropriate for our weather today -- it's supposed to get down to -1F! That's cold. Anyway, thanks -- and Happy New Year!

    1. Hi John,
      wow, it's getting really cold at your place, so Goulash would be the perfect treat.
      Happy New Year to you and Mrs.K.R.!
      Looking forward for new posts from K.R. this year, they are always inspiring.

  25. I would just love to cuddle up with a big ole bowl of this!!! It looks so warm and hearty.

    1. Thank you Angie, so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  26. I've never heard of goulash but this look so comforting!

    1. Hi Kiran,
      so glad to hear that I could present something that's new to you.
      Hope you enjoyed it.

  27. I love goulash and all its variations from different countries! It is a very hearty and filling meal! Looks delicious!

    1. Hi Katerina,
      Isn't it amazing how many variations of Goulash exist in different countries?
      It's a real success story!

  28. Even with braving the cold, that's a lovely NYE tradition. I do like the sound of the ringing bells at midnight. And what a hearty and warming soup - perfect for the weather conditions xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      You are so right, it was worthwhile resisting the cold.
      Happy New Year o you and everybody at home!

  29. Hi Daniela, Happy New Year to you and all at home. Wishing you all the best in 2015.
    Very interesting comfort soup, it look superb. Just mix the rice with the soup, should be very delicious. :))
    Thank you for sharing.

    Have a lovely day ahead,regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Hope you had wonderful Holidays.
      Your idea of adding rice to the Goulash soup is brilliant , I will try it out ext time I'm preparing this dish.
      Thanks for the inspiration.
      Wishing you and everybody at home a wonderful 2015 with lots of blessings!

  30. Looks like a wonderful way to spend the holidays! Hungarian goulash must taste amazing! Happy New Year - looking forward to more of your adventures :)

  31. Hi Tricia,
    We did enjoy this Holidays a lot and the Goulash soup helped to keep us warm.
    Have a wonderful 2015! Looking forward to reading you soon.

  32. Looks so so delicious!! I bet it's so comforting for these freezing weather!

  33. Thats one hearty soup but ideal for that freezing cold. Here in Mumbai we r enjoying a balmy sun and very pleasant weather :-)
    Happy New Year to btw

  34. Damn delicious spicy goulash stew!!!

  35. Your goulash looks wonderful - so flavorful and rich! This is perfect for a wintery dinner.

  36. Liebe Daniela, ich hoffe von Herzen, dass ihr alle gut und gesund in das Neue Jahr gekommen seid! Von hier aus wünsche ich dir alles Liebe und Gute und ein tolles Neues Jahr!!!
    Deine Gulaschsuppe sieht absolut fantastisch aus - ich liebe Gulaschsuppe, ist so wahnsinnig lecker! Toller Post, wunderbare Fotos und ein leckeres Rezept!
    Liebe Grüsse aus Bonn,

  37. This is so hearty and packed full of flavours!

  38. I need to make this ASAP - you're reminding me of one of my most favorite foods!


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