Friday, October 17, 2014

Breakfast Delight-Dill Pesto&Scrambled Eggs Baguette

Are you traveling light or are you the kind of traveler that brings half his home with him, just in case?
I belonged for years to the second category, bringing heavy suitcases along, causing astonished looks from fellow travelers and furious ones from my husband. He is usually a very relaxed and patient guy , but when it comes to too much luggage....
I know, I know, over packing tops the list of biggest travel mistakes but the temptation of being prepared for every kind of weather, occasion, sport, allergy- whatever - was irresistible.
Until I got my luggage lost at a Spanish airport and had to live out of my emergency package from my hand luggage for 2 days.
First, I wanted to faint, then I remembered all the Jungle Camp and Survivor reality shows ( I seriously compared me to them, being in Madrid!!) and thought, if they could I could manage too.
Realizing how little you really need and still being able to have fun was surprising.
Of course I tricked a bit and shopped for 2 or 3 basic things.
No, it was not a Chanel suit, just a shampoo ( I hate the one you usually get at the hotel) and an umbrella.
Lesson learned, I'm traveling light since then, bringing only the basics and actually enjoying my new freedom.
Should I ever have an emergency like being invited spontaneously by the Queen, I'll buy what I need , but not bring it along just in case.
So this week we are traveling to Colombia and despite of the two climate zones we will be visiting, my luggage will be a small one and my husbands smile a big one.

But before leaving, I wanted to share with you this little breakfast or brunch treat that makes you start the day with an energy kick and will spoil your taste buds.

You need:
4 thin slices Prosciutto
30g ( about 1/2 cup) fresh dill
40g pine nuts
30g grated parmesan
1 clove of garlic
3 spoonful olive oil ( this is aprox. depending on the consistency of the mixture)
1/2 baguette, cut in medium slices
For the scrambled eggs:
4 eggs
1/2 spoonful olive oil
1 teaspoon butter
1 spoonful whole milk
salt and pepper
-Bake prosciutto on parchment paper at 200 C until crisp.
-Mix dill, parmesan, garlic and pine nuts in a food processor adding bit by bit the olive oil until obtaining a smooth mixture.

-Roast baguette slices in oven until golden brown and crispy.
-Whisk whole eggs with milk, salt and pepper thoroughly to incorporate air.

-Heat olive oil and melt butter in a non stick pan. Don't overheat, this will discolor the egg mixture.
-Let the mixture just sit, then, with a wooden spoon or a flexible heat proofed spatula scrape the bottom frequently until just set.

-Do not overcook! The egg mixture should be soft and still a bit moist.
-Spread pesto evenly on the baguette slices.
-Top with scrambled eggs and crispy prosciutto

Serve immediately
Serves about 12p.










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  1. I used to be like you in the past as well. I packed for every situation I could possibly come up with. Then I realized that this happened by starting to pack too early. Now, even when I am headed across the Atlantic, I pack the morning that I leave, and you know what? I never seem to miss anything that I forgot to pack. I just go with it and enjoy the lighter load. I hope you have a wonderful trip. This recipe looks absolutely delicious. I can't wait to give it a try. Bon voyage!

    1. Hi Karen,
      As I can see, you know this problem very well and solved it.
      Will try your trick next time and start to pack in the last last moment.
      Have a great weekend!

  2. This recipe looks delicious! This is a really special breakfast/brunch.

  3. These breakfast delights look awesome..actually they are great for any meal!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Liebe Daniela, ich wünsche dir von ganzen Herzen ein gute und schöne Reise! Freue mich schon auf die Fotos! Dein Frühstücks-Rezept sieht wunderbar lecker aus, ich liebe solche "savory breakfasts", machen mich immer total glücklich!
    Alles Gute und auf bald,

    1. Liebe Andrea,
      Sitze gerade am Pool unseresHotels in Cartagena während ich diese Zeilen schreibe und überlege schon neue Inspirationen für den nächsten Blog, sicher mit viel Kokosnuss, die werden hier für süßes und saures verwendet und schmecken köstlich.
      Liebe Grüße, schicke Dir ein bißchen Sonnenschein ins herbstliche Deutschland.

  5. What a colorful and flavorful breakfast, Daniela! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. Enjoy your trip and I know how happy you've made your hubby with your light suitcase!

    1. Hi Kitty,
      Thank you for yourkind words! My husband was actually very happy, you are right, and I'm trying to adapt :)

  6. I'm trying to pack lighter, it's tough though. Love this breakfast, I always like to have some protein first thing when I travel, looks amazing!

    1. Hi Cheri,
      So glad to hear that you liked this easy breakfast, perfect for travelers.

  7. That is my kind of lovely! Lol Daniela, I think we've all been in that second category at some stage in life. Have a great trip!

    1. Hi Sonali,
      Yes, I suppose it depends on which stage of life we are and I suppose as well that I was too long at the travel heavy stage :)
      Have a great day!

  8. Ha ha glad you are a light luggage convert. I have backpacked a lot so I always travel light but it seems with the years I need a bit more. Love these breakfast baguettes, just delicious! Have a great trip.

    1. Hi Evelyne,yes, I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a travel light convert, but conversion was not easy :)
      Thanks for your good wishes!

  9. I like your "buy what you need" attitude! And what delicious toppings for a baguette--win!

    1. Hi Angie,
      Glad to hear that you liked the " but what you need attidude" but it depends of course on the price :)

  10. My mom has a habit of packing like one month early, so I started to copy her way when I started to travel. Then I met my husband who packed last minute and I'm so used to pack last minute! I have a packing list in my phone and pack on the same day (sometimes a day before) I travel... even from the US to Japan. My mom goes panic when I try to do that from Japan back to the US. =P Have a safe trip!!! Meanwhile, I'm very interested in trying this recipe... it looks so good. Dill pesto is a new thing for me, but I usually don't know what to do with the leftover dill (it comes with so much!), that this is perfect recipe!!

    1. Hi Nami,
      It's so funny to hear how you switched from your Moms cautious packing approach to your husbands last minute deal.
      It's all a question of getting organized , I suppose.I make a packing list too and find it very useful.

  11. I travel light yet, i can't imagine losing even that!!
    I love the idea of pesto with eggs for breakfast.
    Have a great time at Columbia and do share your travelogues :-)

    1. Hi Taruna,
      So you haver ever traveled light without undergoing the learning process?
      You rock! I had to learn it the hard way :)
      I'm right now in Colombia and already editing the pics for the next post.

  12. Hi Daniela, bon vovage and thanks for sharing such a healthy and yummy breakfast. Do enjoy and warmest regards:)

    1. Thank you so much for your good wishes Ivy!
      Have a great day.

  13. I hate carrying things, so I am definitely more of a light packer. Love the sound of these breakfast sandwiches! Breakfast of champions, right here.

    1. You area lucky girl that you have always been a light packer Joanne, I had to learn it the hard way :)

  14. Your breakfast recipe certainly looks better than the food they serve on airplanes. In fact, airlines seem to not serve food anymore on shorter trips. I always try to pack light on taking trips, but sometimes wind up shoving some of my things into my husband's suitcase, much to his chagrin!

    1. Hi Fran,
      Well, I know very well what you mean by smuggling some items to your husbands luggage. I don't know about yours but mine always finds out :)

  15. What a gorgeous breakfast Daniela! Thanks for the packing inspiration - getting ready for a trip to Ireland and waffle back and forth about what to take, what not to take, etc. Have a wonderful safe trip!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      So happy to hear that this post served for some travel inspiration.
      Although I must confess, now that I'm here in beautiful Cartagena, looking at my luggage there are a few things not absolutely necessary which I brought along :)
      Have a wonderful trip to Ireland!

  16. We try to travel fairly light too. And as you point out, if you really need something you didn't bring, you can always buy it. Anyway, lovely dish! Any recipe with Prosciutto is one I know I'll like. :-)

    1. Hi John,
      Lucky you that both of you are light travelers.
      I had to learn my part of the lesson the hard way :)

  17. Those delights...all I can say is YUM!

  18. This look delicious Daniela, and Im hungry:))
    Have a nice and safe trip!

  19. This looks like my kind of breakfast - I love dill with eggs. Have a fun trip.

  20. Cuando empecé a trabajar caí en un tipo de trabajo donde tenía que viajar mucho, mis primeras maletas tenían TODO, pero con la frecuencia de viajes me di cuenta que una maleta grande era un estorbo y que al final no usaba ni la tercera parte de lo que llevaba, así fui aprendiendo a optimizar el espacio en la maleta.

    1. Hola Nydia,
      Creo que eso es uno de los grandes secretos: optimizar el espacio y hacer una lista de que empacar.

  21. This is the kind of breakfast that I would love to wake up the fennel sure looks very tasty.
    When traveling I try to pack only the necessary...and keep a check list, hehehe!
    Have a great trip Daniela :)

    1. I mean dill pesto...and not fennel...the little green thing got me confused :)

    2. Hi Juliana,

      happy to hear that you enjoyed this little breakfast treat and thank you for your good wishes!

  22. Eggs, prosciutto, and dill pesto - everything looks so good! I want this for breakfast now!

    1. Hi Julia,
      would be my pleasure to invite you this breakfast :)

  23. What a delicious, comforting breakfast before traveling to the gorgeous Colombia. Enjoy the great food there as well as the enchanting scenes. I am looking forward to seeing here the pictures.

    1. Hi Denise,
      I'm writing this reply from beautiful Cartagena and we are enjoying our trip enormously.
      Already working on the new post :)

  24. A fantastic appetizer! I like the way you prepare the eggs.

    I pack light, let's say very light. I am now moving out... all my belongings fit in 3 suitcases! (p.s.I got rid of old clothes and kitchen tools). Like you, I used to bring with me lots of stuff. I had to change my habits and become more flexible while travelling.

    1. Hi Daniela,
      as I can see, you are a very well organized girl!
      I'm still on the road for learning to travel light, but it's at least one step in the right direction :)

  25. These breakfast delights look so tasty. I am probably likely to pack more stuff, but then most of my travels are road trips right now. I wish you a lovely and safe trip!!

    1. Hi Dawn,
      Thank you or your god wishes and I'm very happy to hear that you enjoyed this little breakfast treat.

  26. I travel probably quite heavily with lots of equipment, cameras and computers. It would be wonderful to be one of those light travellers though!

    1. Hi Lorraine,
      It's quite impossible to downsize on equipments and computers.
      But still- traveling is lots of fun, even when carrying your working tools around.

  27. Oh dear..I over pack all the time. With 5 in the family I always think I need this and that on the end we end up wearing far less than I expect. :D Your breakfast look indeed delightful!

    1. Hi Sandra,
      You are not to blame. Who said traveling in a group of five is easy?
      But it's 5 times more fun too :)

  28. It's only Monday, but now I'm dreaming of what I'll make for brekkie on the weekend.

  29. A splendid recipe. Those are such wonderful breakfast bites!



  30. Wow! What a treat! I wish I could have a breakfast like that once...

  31. That looks really yummy. What a great breakfast with so many yummy flavours. I do try to pack light but always, I pack things that I bring back from my trip having never worn. Packing correctly is a real art. I do hope you have a great time in Columbia xx

  32. What a lovely appetizer! I love the combination of flavors!

  33. This looks wonderful - as an appetizer or even a light luncheon or brunch! Safe and wonderful travels! ~ David

  34. This looks awesome! Great for anytime of the day :)


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