Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sharing The Joy- My First Award



  The Liebster Blog Award

Dear all, there are some exciting news I would like to share with you.
My Blogger friends Rakesh and Swikruti from kumars kitchen  (be sure to check out their awesome blog!)  honored me with a nomination  for the Liebster Blog Award.


Now I had some research to do. What is this award all about? A kind of Oscar for upcoming bloggers?
The Translation was the easiest part ( I'm a German native speaker) - Liebster means favorite in german. The Award is given to rising Blogs with fewer than 200 followers. It's an excellent way to connect with other bloggers, to get to know each other and direct some traffic around. 
Thanks again Rakesh & Swikruti from kumars kitchen, you rock.  

It wouldn't be an award without a set of rules and there is some homework to do.

The Nominees have to follow these 3 steps:

1. Answer the 11 questions the person who has given the award has set for you
2. Nominate 11 Blogs with a following fewer than 200.
3. Ask them 11 questions (same 11 questions to all Bloggers you nominate)  Keep in mind  that you  should nominate new bloggers and do not repeat bloggers that have been nominated already.
Make sure you tell them they are nominated.

These are the questions asked by kumars kitchen:

1) Who/What inspires you to cook such delicacies?
So many things: family and friends, a visit to the farmer's market, cook books, restaurants, visiting food blogs... even the weather or an aromatic smell from a bakery.

2) What is your all time favorite snack?
Fresh, ripe raspberries - it's heaven to me.
3)What do you believe is most important thing necessary for cooking?
Definitely the joy of cooking.

4) What will you cook if you need to serve it within 30 minutes?
Una bella pasta.

5) What are the hobbies you cherish except cooking?
Hiking, horse back riding, reading and writing.

6) What would you choose - Cheese or Chocolate?
Without any hesitation-chocolate
7) If given a pint of strawberries,what would you think of doing with them first?
Eating them all, natural and plain :)

8) What is your favorite sport?
Horse back riding and skiing (I didn't mention skiing above because I can't practice it while living in Peru).

9) Which method of cooking appeals to you steaming/grilling etc?
I love baking. 

10) What is your favorite dessert?
Anything with chocolate in it.

11) What is the most memorable food you have had till date?...let us know when you post this on your blog :-)

The first dinner I prepared after coming home from our Honeymoon. It was a total disaster,  the kitchen was filled with smoke because I burned the meat, I forgot to put sugar in the dessert and therefore I would like to hereby officially nominate the "heroes of the kitchen", our friends who assisted at this mishap and ate everything without complaining.

I hope you understand why this won't be a blog entry :)

My nominees for the Liebster Award are:
1) Tricia Buice from     
2) Sammie from           
3) Jasline from              
4) Angie Schneider from
5) Bam from                 
6) Ashley from             
7) Anne from                  
8) Mr. & Mrs. P from   
9) Beth from                
10) Julia from               
11) Evelyn from           

My questions for the nominees are:

1)  How did you start cooking?

2) What is your favorite dish and regional kitchen?

3) How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

4) What inspires you to blog?

5) Are you a collector or a minimalist?

6) Shaken or stirred?

7) Whom would you like to invite for dinner (past or present, name 8 people)

8) What are your interests and hobbies apart from cooking ?

9) People who inspire you? 

10) What do you looking forward most for next year?

11) What's your life dream?

Thanks again to Rakesh and Swikruti for this wonderful award!
See you next week!

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  1. Thank you for thinking of me. I am certain that your honey moon dinner is one that will always bring a smile to your faces. Take care, BAM

    1. Your very welcome Bam, it's a pleasure to nominate a great blog like yours.

  2. Congrats on the award! Very well deserved. Fun learning more about you!

    1. Hi John,
      thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate them !

  3. Congrats! It was nice knowing a few things about your food connect :-)
    And I am going to head over to Kumar's. I haven't visited their blog since I took a hiatus from my blog a year ago.

    1. Thank you, isn't it nice to get to know a bit more about our community?

  4. Congratulations on your award! And how fun to read your answers. By the way, I love skiing too - that's what you do when you live in the Rocky Mountains! :)

    1. Thank you so much,Julia!
      As I can see we share, apart from food blogging, the same interest for skiing. Must be wonderful to ski in the Rocky mountains!

  5. Congrats on your nomination Daniela! And thanks for passing the torch on to me. It was a fun read --thanks for sharing some facts about yourself. :)

    1. Thank you Anne for your kind words!
      It is real fun to get to know each other a bit better in this great blogger community :)

  6. Daniela,we are humbled by your words of have such a beautiful blog with delicious recipes,info on so many rich cultures and scenic snaps,we feel honored to have got a chance to nominate was fun to read we have so much in common like eating strawberries fresh,preferring baking and of course burning dinner(in fact we have burnt more than one dinner) and most importantly love for reading...we are glad you accepted our nomination and thanks a lot dear friend...HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY & LOTS OF FUN!!! :-)

    1. Hi my dear friends,
      It's me who have to thank you for this wonderful opportunity to get to know each other a bit better in this great blogger community and to meet new bloggers.
      I always enjoy visiting your amazing blog!
      Have a great weekend :)

  7. Congratulations on your award! I would do the same with strawberries!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Thank you so much for your congrats!
      Ah..and about strawberries, glad you agree "au nature" is best :)

  8. ivy sew http://simplybeautifulhealthyliving.blogspot.comAugust 29, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    Congrats on the award Daniela! You deserved it as your are really a great chef and excellent blogger :) Nice knowing you and take care. Cheers :)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, I really feel humbled by your comment.
      Have a great weekend!

  9. A big congratulations to you, Daniela! I'm sure there will be many more awards coming your way. I see we share a love for chocolate.:)

    1. Hi Nancy,
      Thank you so much for your kind words, I truly appreciate them!
      And talking among chcoholics........nothing beats a nice dessert or truffle with chocolate content :))

  10. Thanks Daniela!! We are very happy you nominated us!! You have such a great blog with recipes!!! Glad we have been following !!

    1. Hi dear friends,
      It was my pleasure to nominate you, you have such a great blog!
      Well deserved :)
      Have a great weekend!

  11. Hi Daniela, congratulation on your award. It's great to read more about you. I like your after honeymoon dinner, that is really a sweet unforgettable memory. :)

    Have a nice week ahead, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      thank you so much for your kind words, I truly appreciate them!
      As I have seen, you have received this award already, so you can understand how exciting this all is :)

  12. Felicitaciones por sus premios todo se ve muy rico me encantan sus postres ,saludos y abrazos

    1. Much as gracias Rosita, apprecio mucho sus palabras!
      A mi tambien me encanta su blog con estos postres tan deliciosos :)
      In abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  13. Congrats on the award and thank you so much for nominating me! I am honored. Love these posts were you get to know someone a bit better.

    1. It was my pleasure to pass on the torch Evelyn, you have such a great blog!
      I completely agree that this award is as well a great opportunity to get to know each other a bit better in this great blogger community.

  14. Congratulations on your exciting for you. It is always fun learning a little more about the person behind the blog.

  15. I enjoyed reading your answers. I love fresh raspberries as a snack too. But I think I would always choose cheese over chocolate!

    And thank you so much for your kind nomination of me. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness! It has been such a pleasure getting to know you through your lovely blog.

    1. it was my pleasure passing on the torch Beth, I always enjoy visiting your blog with such great recipes and ideas!
      And me too, I enjoyed enourmosly getting to know you through your blog :)

  16. Congratulations on your award - very well deserved. It sounds like you love to eat berries. When I have little time to cook I always turn to pasta too xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      Thank you so much for your kind words!
      As I can see we share a common taste for berries, pasta and blogging:)

  17. Congratulations on your Liebster Award, Daniela, although I'm sure you have many more readers than 200.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Kathleen, I really appreciate them.
      Have a great week ahead!

  18. Congrats on the award :) I love cooking for the joy of it too!

  19. That's very kind of you Brittany and thanks for stopping by!

  20. Congratulations! Thanks for including me too!

    1. Thank you Angie, it's my pleasure to pass on the torch :)

  21. Congratulations!!You definitely deserve this. Your answer to #11 was sweet. Thanks for sharing some nice things about you.

    1. Thank you for this sweet comment, Asha.
      It was so nice to get to know other bloggers better through this award.
      Have a great day!

  22. Congratulations on your award! Well deserved and cheers to you. Many many more awards to come in the future. :)

  23. Congratulations Daniela, it's such a nice award because we learn a little more about you! Now I shall roam around your lovely blog.

  24. Thank you so much for your congratulation Eva.
    You are welcome anytime to visit !

  25. I love reading your answers! This is how we get to know more about bloggers besides the food they eat and cook. :) I always want to learn horseback riding - it's wonderful it's your hobby!


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