Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tagliatelle with Funghi Porcini Toscany Style

Tagliatelle with Funghi Porcini Toscany Style

Mushrooms are one of Mother Nature's best gifts.  Now they are in season and Sabrina’s comment inspired me to share one of my favorite  Funghi Porcini (wild mushrooms) recipe with you:
Tagliatelle with Funghi Porcini.

You need:
80g (about 2.8 ounces) dried Funghi Porcini or 350 g (3/4 pound) fresh Funghi Porcini *
4 garlic gloves
2-3 spoonful of high quality olive oil
5 small dried red chilies
½ cup of white wine
1-2 sprigs of Rosemary
½ teaspoon of chopped rosemary
1 spoonful of butter
3-4 spoonful of roughly chopped flat parsley
250g of Tagliatellis

* Dried Funghi Porcinis:
They have a wonderful aroma and can add flavor too many dishes. When selecting them, check out that they are not crumbled. To prepare them, cover with warm water for  about 1/2hour or until they have expanded. Drain and reserve the liquid.
Fresh Funghi Porcinis:
 They should be firm with white stems. Check out for worms, they love mushrooms too!
The best way to clean wild mushrooms is to whip them clean with a damp cloth.
Only give them a gentle rinse with cold water if it’s absolutely necessary.
(Mushrooms are very delicate and washing them for long with cold water makes them loose their delicious flavor).

Cut the Funghis in thin slices.
Heat the olive oil in a large pan, add the crashed garlic, the rosemary sprig and the chilies.

Cook until garlic is tender.
Remove the chilies.

Add the Funghi Porcini and let simmer for a couple of minutes.
Salt and pepper.
 Add the wine, 1/3 part of the chopped parsley , the chopped rosemary and the butter.

Aside,cook the Tagliatelle in slightly salted water(add the liquid in which you have soaked the dried Funghis to the water, they will get a heavenly flavor) and cook them al dente. Drain.
Top the Tagliatelle with the Funghi mixture and sprinkle with the chopped parsley.
Serves 3-4


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  1. Hi Daniela! I love all kinds of mushrooms and this pasta looks simple and delicious! Your plate is beautifully presented too. :)

  2. Hi Nami,
    Glad you liked the post!I love mushrooms too, this is why I enjoy this season where you can get a huge variety of them.

  3. What a fantastic recipe. As a matter of fact, what a fantastic blog. Everything looks wonderful. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. Thank you Mary, for the great feedback! I started this Blog only 3 month ago but it's really fun to write it and,besides, I learn a lot too.
    The best thing ,of course, is getting in touch with my readers. :)

  5. This looks to die for, Daniela! I am crazy for pasta and mushrooms...


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