Thursday, May 7, 2015

Molten Chocolate Cake (Fondant Au Chocolat) for Mother's Day

Remember Juliette Binoche in "Chocolat" preparing all these sinfully delicious chocolates that put a whole village upside down?
I suppose you suspected it already from previous posts but I'm a confessed and convicted chocoholic.
Maybe it's a legacy from the time we lived in Switzerland, the world's top chocolate consumer.
There I learned that there are worlds within the world of chocolate.
The most common types of chocolate are dark, milk and white chocolate, depending on the proportion of coca used in the fabrication.
The quality of the cocoa beans, the way they are roasted and the quality and proportion of fat and other ingredients used in the process are crucial for flavor, aroma and price.
Of course, chocolate is rich in calories, but oh boy it's worth a try once in a while.
The good news is that chocolate, (especially dark chocolate) if consumed moderately, can be beneficially for your health, stimulates the brain, is considered an aphrodisiac and, most important of all, makes people happy.
Have you ever seen somebody eating a delicious piece of chocolate and looking depressed?
A praise to the Mayas for leaving us this fantastic legacy.
So if you are still looking  for the perfect sweet treat for Mother's Day celebration, look no further.
These mini cakes are so good; they will melt your heart.
Please don't let yourself impress by their sophisticated looks, they are actually quite easy to prepare, the whole trick lies in not overbaking them.
A crunchy rind and a delicious liquid chocolate filling at the center are heaven for chocolate lovers and they are addictive too, no rehab needed.

For the molten chocolate cakes you need:
100g of butter
60g of (powdered)  sugar
150g excellent quality semisweet chocolate, chopped
2 medium size eggs
2 yolks
2 spoonful of all-purpose flour
A pinch of salt
1\2 cup of whipped cream
With a brush,grease bottom and sides of six (  FOUR 6 oz.)  standard muffin molds evenly with liquid butter and dust them with cocoa. 

Remove excess cocoa by turning them upside down. Set aside.
Preheat oven to 175 C  (400 F).
In a double boiler, melt the butter and chocolate over simmering water (water should not boil!)

the color of rich, dark choclate and melted butter

Set aside.
In a large bowl, add the eggs and the egg yolks one at a time
and beat well with an electric mixer together with the sugar

 until the mixtures is pale in color and fluffy.

Then beat in the melted chocolate and flour

  Mix well until the batter is smooth.

 Spoon into prepared cups.

Let me share a little baking secret with you: Place one small piece of choclate in the center of the muffin moldit will help to obtain the chocolate filling liquid in the center of the cakes.

 Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until edges of dessert are firm but centers are still soft. 

(Tops will be puffed.)
Let stand 2-3 minutes.
Run small knife along sides of cakes to loosen.
Invert into heat proofed dessert plates.
Dust with powdered sugar.

 and serve warm with a bit of whipped cream  (optional)   
Serves 6 p.
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  1. I love chocolate too. This cake would make me very happy. I love that you put a piece of chocolate in the center of your molten cake.

    1. Hi Dawn,
      Welcome to the club of chocoholics.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. This looks like a REAL treat for moms. Thanks for sharing, Daniela.

  3. I do love chocolate and this looks fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Hi Linda,
      As I see, you too are a chocoholic. Welcome to the club :)

  4. Yum, this is the perfect treat for moms!

  5. I love chocolates and this is really yummy!

  6. this look absolutely delicious Daniela!!

  7. These are some of my favorite desserts in the whole world! I adore chocolate and loved that movie! So funny, and sweet and that shop was amazing! Have a great Mother's Day!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      the movie was so charming and made me hungry for chocolate too.
      Happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. I can never resist chocolate! And with a molten center? Score! This is terrific -- thanks so much.

    1. Hi John,
      I think to resist chocolate is nearly impossible. Just ask my son who ate 3 ( yes three) of these chocolate cakes immediately after I tooked the pictures.

  9. this looks so incredibly good!! i love chocolates

  10. I love this dessert but have never made it myself! I love your tip and hope to try them soon. Thank you, Daniela!

    1. Hi Susan,
      It's really very easy to prepare but looks as you would have spent hours in the kitchen:)

  11. So utterly delicious, I love molten cake but never made one myself. I always thought it was too difficult :) Your post proves me wrong!

    1. Hi Daniela,
      You will see that it is absolutely fool proofed and delicious.

  12. These look so good! I've made molten cakes before, but I can't wait to give them a try.

    1. Hi Lisa,
      You will see they are easy to prepare and taste fantastic.

  13. Qué idea tan brillante la de poner el trocito de chocolate, y qué chocolate, te luciste!!!

    1. Gracias, Nydia! Es un truco simple pero efectivo :)

  14. Molten cake is hands down one of the best desserts of all time. And yours looks perfect!

  15. It looks wonderful! I'd die to give it a try! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Marcela,
      So glad to hear that you liked the post!

  16. Oh Daniela, what a perfect cake! Thanks for the pictures...
    Have a great week :)

    1. Thanks so much, dear friend.
      Have a great week too!

  17. Daniela, ich hoffe, du hast einen wunderschönen Muttertag! Mit so einem leckeren Nachtisch lässt man es sich gerne gut gehen an so einem besonderen Tag! - Schöne rote Rose!
    Liebe Grüße nach Lima,

    1. Hallo Liebe Andrea,
      Hoffe Du hattest ebenfalls einen schönen Muttertag und wurdest gebührend verwöhnt!
      Liebe Grüße aus Lima

  18. Amazing looking molten cakes, mine are usually overdone. OK I tried like once lol. But yours look perfect. happy Mother's Day!

    1. Hi Evelyne.
      Already back from your beautiful trip to Latinamerica?
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  19. "if consumed moderately" are you kidding me!!! there is no such thing as consumed moderately when it come to chocolate hahahaha. Loved your recipe alot.. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Amira,
      OK, you win I suppose " moderation" and "chocolate" goes not always hand in hand:)
      As a chocoholic, hope you will give this a try- it's heaven.

  20. Your cakes look wonderful! Hope you had a happy Mother's Day.

  21. Hi Beth,
    hope you had a happy Mother's Day too and maybe next year you are celebrating it with Molten Chocolate Cake :)

  22. Hi Daniella, today I receivede a post with a listing of four posts of yours I had never seen! I wodner why I didn't receive them, but am happy to see them now. I just wanted you to know so that you didn't think I wasn't reading your posts all along! :)

    These molten cakes look amazing and, as a convicted chocoholic myself (just finished my morning cocoa), I think these are the best lookin I have seen. And I am so glad that they finally have realized the health benefits of chocolate!

    Getting ready for our trip and so grateful for all your thoughts and advice! David

  23. Thes elook absolutely delicious Daniela!
    How are you doing?

  24. This simple of my favorite desserts! It's so easy and impressive, but I've never placed a piece of chocolate in the center. What a great idea, Daniela!


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