Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Herb Crusted Pork Filet

Airplane travel is nature's way to make you look like your passport photo.
I think it was Al Gore who made this statement and I couldn't agree more.
The trip from Vienna to Lima lasts door to door about 20 hours

 and after finally arriving I looked even worst than my passport picture. Believe me it is possible.
 Nowadays a good flight means probally that your plane didn't have any major delight, that you didn'tget hijacked and that you did arrive at the right airport. So you see, making passengers happy is quite easy for the airlines.
 Now we have recovered and I can't believe that it's already two weeks that we are back to Peru.
Actually, sometimes it feels as we would have never left, so fast we were back to routine.
Anyhow, looking at the bright sight of life, we have escaped the incredible heat in Europe and are emjoying an extremely mild winter in Peru, due to "El Nino"
After redirecting my kitchen GPS, I was finally able to find my way around and even found surprising kitchen items I didn't know I had.
The piles of laundry have disaapeared, luggage is stored and I was in the mood for some comfort food that is light and easy to prepare but still wakes up your taste buds and appetite.
This pork tenderloin, combined with fresh, aromatic herbs that melt together with bredcrumbs to a crispy, delicious crust is one of our family favorites, no leftovers ever.
Pork filet is one of the moste tender  and lean parts of pork meat.
Preparin it is easy and fast but keeping it moist and juicy can be tricky as it tends to try out soon when overcooked.
Just use your kitchen "Sense Ad Sensibility" and you won't be sorry to prepare this fantastic meat.

Herb Crusted Pork Filet (Tenderloin): 
1 cup of finely chopped toast bread
1\2 cup of olive oil
2 spoonful olive oil to brown the meat and seal in the juices
1 crushed garlic clove
1 spoonful Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
3\4 cup finely chopped parsley
2 spoonful finely chopped chives
2 spoonful finely chopped roesmary
1 spoonful finely chopped thyme (fresh or dried)
1 spoonful mild paprika
 Freshly ground salt and pepper

With a sharp knife rempve the white, tough membrane from the meat.

Preheat oven to 450 F (230C )

Heat the 2 spoonful of olive oil in a heavy frying pan, season the meat with salt, pepper and paprika and brown it well on all sides to seal in the juices.
 Combine chopped bread, herbs , lemon zest, mustard, crushed garlic and olive oil in a bowl.

Press herb mixture on both sides of the tender loin adhering well.

Transfer the fillet to a roasting pan. 
Roast pork fillet only 15 to 20 minutes or until just a hint of pink remains.
 Transfer to a cutting board and let rest for about 5 minutes before cutting into slices.


Serves about 4 p.


  1. I couldn't agree more... Flying from Texas to my home city in Brazil can be a one exhausting trip. Long hours and discomfort caused by all the protocol and flights.
    On the other side, these pork fillets look so mouthwatering. It is the type of pleasure one want to have after long traveling hours.

    1. Hi Denise,
      So nice to hear from you. I can imagine you had similar experiences on the long way home to Brazil.

  2. I just had lamb with a herb crust last week. I haven't seen this dish it seems for years and here it is popping up again twice in one week. Your version looks delicious.

    1. Hi Monica,
      Isn't that incredible, the same way to prepare meat in just one week.
      You know what they say about great minds :)

  3. This looks so fancy - I am going to try it next time I have dinner guests!

    1. Hi Ashley,
      Glad to hear that you liked the post, hope you will enjoy the filet.

  4. Perfectly cooked pork tenderloin, juicy and tender and love that herb topping. I am glad I am not the only one that looks worse than my passport picture after a flight from Hong Kong via Shanghai to Detroit metro airport. Seriously long and miserable flight...and the 12 hour time change...ayyahh..but it is good to see family. Take care

  5. Hi BAM,
    you are right ,it's all worth while when it's to see friends and family.
    OMG, 12 hours time change, for us it's only 7 hours and believe me, that's more than enough.

  6. Oh my goodness Daniela, all that traveling you've done!!! It's so nice to be back in the kitchen, right? Your pork tenderloin looks so incredible!! I have one in the freezer and I must prepare it like this when I cook it. I love the idea of the herb crust, which must keep the interior so moist. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Kitty,
      Yeess ,it is nice to be back and establish a daily routine again.
      It was really relaxing to prepare this post and of course we enjoyed the result as well :)

  7. That pork looks spectacular and I'm betting it packs a serious flavor punch too. What a great recipe my friend!

    1. Thank you so much Mike, glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  8. Glad you made it back to Peru! pork tenderloin is my favorite cut for this animal. And look at that imposing herbed crust, I would have no leftovers either!

    1. Hi Evelyne, it's good to be back, here from my friends and enjoy some comfort food.
      Have a great week ahead!

  9. What a beautiful way to cook a pork tenderloin. I know what you mean about those long-haul flights! Living in Oz, it seems everywhere we go means at least 12 hours on a flight and you can double that for NY or Europe. You arrive looking and feeling so haggard. If I had the time, I should would prefer to travel by ship! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      to travel by ship would be my first choice too, but of course, there is the time issue. Time has become such a luxury.
      Have a great week ahead!

  10. Me encanta el color y lo jugoso que se ve el chanchito, queda perfecto!!!

  11. Pork filet is my favorite cut of pork and this recipe sounds like one I can make often with herbs from our garden! I will report back when I have made it - perfect for a weeknight as it cooks so quickly!

    Sorry about the long flight - but glad you are enjoying being back in Peru and are having a mild winter.

    Thanks again for this recipe, Daniela!

    1. Hi David,
      with fresh herbs from your garden this must taste fantastic, there is nothing better than home grown herbs and veggies.
      How are you doing, back home after a long trip ?

    2. Hi, Daniela!

      I made the pork for dinner tonight and it WAS the perfect weeknight meal, and the flavor was incredible! The balance of the herbs and mustard was a perfect complement to the pork. I highly recommend this to everyone!

      We are doing well after our trip - we both fell in love with Salzburg and look forward to returning and also visiting Vienna. You live in a beautiful part of the world... well, actually, you seem to live in several beautiful parts of the world!

  12. I can't say I'm a fan of Al, but that is a pretty funny comment! I love to travel, but I hate travelling. But I'd love coming home to this!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      Love what you said about travel and traveling, it makes such a difference.

  13. I've never seen a crust like that! sounds lovely.

  14. Traveling seems to get harder anymore - especially a 20 hour trip - not fun. Glad you are home safe and sound and all unpacked. We traveled for two weeks and I felt like I had been gone a month. Enjoy your mild weather and have a great week - oh yes - love the pork - it looks perfectly cooked :)

    1. Thank you so much Tricia for your kind words, me to I'm glad being back again.
      Soon spring will start over here and i'm looking forward yo celebrate the new season.
      Have a great week ahead!

  15. Liebe Daniela, schön, dass ihr wieder gut in Peru angekommen seid - euer Sommerurlaub in Europa hat sicherlich auch mal wieder gut getan. Schweinefliet ist immer außerordentlich zart und dein Rezept sieht einfach wundervoll aus! Die Kräuterkruste sieht nicht nur schön aus, sondern schmeckt sicherlich einfach nur gut!
    Ganz liebe Grüße nach Peru - es regnet vor sich hin in Bonn und soll die ganze Woche so grau und feucht bleiben,

    1. Hallo liebe Andrea,
      Schön von Dir zu hören, ich hoffe daß Ihr nach einer verregneten Woche einen wunderschönen Herbst habt.
      Freue mich sehr , daß Dir die Kräuterkruste gefallen hat.
      Liebe Grüße

  16. I'm sure I look worse than any other passenger after a long flight! What a great crust on this tenderloin. And, it looks perfectly cooked!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I suppose it's better not to look to much in the mirror after arriving but then- there is always the day after arriving and time to shine again :)

  17. Travel is exhausting, even with a 3-1/2 hour flight. 20 hours is a long time! Welcome home and your pork looks absolutely scrumptious, Daniela.

    1. Hi Susan,
      thank you so much for your kind words!
      Now I'm really glad to be back and looking forward to new culinary and travel adventures.

  18. The sight of those mountains coming into Peru look very dramatic- a lovely sight that might be worth the exhaustion- welcome 'home'!

  19. Nice piece of pork Daniela, and I absolutely love the herb crust...and it sure perfectly cooked. Thanks for the recipe...hope you are having a wonderful week :)

    1. Hi Juliana,
      so glad to hear tat you enjoyed the post.
      Have a great week ahead!

  20. wow , it looks so amazing , love it ! have to try it !

  21. Hi Daniela. Great recipe. We are not used to having our pork being this pink like yours, but slightly more white. Your plate of Herb Crusted Pork Filet ready looks so good, especially with the salad & veggie.

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy,,so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Pork tenderloin is the only pork cut that we use to prepare slightly pinkish, all the others are prepared well done.

  22. Hi Daniela. Great recipe. We are not used to having our pork being this pink like yours, but slightly more white. Your plate of Herb Crusted Pork Filet ready looks so good, especially with the salad & veggie.

  23. Hi Daniela, I have never traveled more than 8 hours. Sounds like a dreamy lifestyle. Your pork dish is wonderful, love how you used fresh herbs to spice it up. This is a dish the whole family would love.

    1. Hi Cherie,
      It is a dreamy lifestyle and I'm very happy with it, the only thing is I wish my to home countries would be a bit closer to each other.
      Have a great week ahead!

  24. Yummy! your pork dish looks wonderful I totally love the fresh herbs to spice it up! I'm dying to give your recipe a try!

  25. Daniela, this looks utterly delicious - so juicy and tender! Definitely giving this a try - thanks!

    1. Hi Donalyn,
      Let me know how it turned out, hope you will enjoy it.

  26. Yum, so simple and so good! This herb crusted pork filet looks very tasty! I love the flavors. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  27. That's a very long journey - you must have been happy to get back to Lima! Sounds like you had a wonderful summer and are enjoying a mild winter now. Thanks for sharing this pork recipe!

    1. Hi Beth,
      Yes we really enjoy the beautiful time we spent in Austria and Turkey and now we are glad to be back ( at least for some time :) )
      Thanks for stopping by!

  28. that pork looks so moist and succulent!

  29. Your pork tenderloin looks perfectly cooked and I'm sure it is wonderfully delicious.

    1. Thank you Karen, glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  30. Flying really has become no fun, hasn't it? Just back from vacation, and the flying was the only part I didn't like. Anyway, what a nice dish! The pork is perfectly done. Thanks so much.

  31. Well, that's a well said statement. But you found a great way to change mood and consequently appearance! Delicious pork!

  32. The pork looks so moist and delicious! Yum :)

  33. It looks delicious and the presentations are gorgeous!
