Friday, June 5, 2015

Celebrating Spring With Music at Ernstbrunn Castle and Elderberry Delights

Ernstbrunn Castle in Lower Austria

Elder flowers in the castles gardens

Two weeks ago we left behind the grey winter days in Lima to enjoy spring time in Austria.
So far so good, sounds great to enjoy two summers in one year, travelling to nice places but the truth is we were living several days of pure chaos, stumbling around lots several pieces of luggage (3months is a long time) and trying to get organized.
Now we are finally settled down and enjoying the company of family, friends, spring, cultural events and culinary highlights.
Today is a holiday here in Austria and we made an excursion to Lower Austria, assisting to a wonderful concert in a fairy tale setting, the castle of Ernstbrunn situated in the soft hills of the region of Weinviertel.
The castle dates from the eleventh century and was constantly enlarged during the following centuries.
It actually belongs to the princely family of Reuss.
Beethoven, Reger and Mozart were on the program and the musicians members of the Viennese Philharmonics.
And as concerts make me hungry,a picnic in the shadow of flowering elder bushes with an out of this world view ended the day in style.
Elder flowers are in season here and there are so many wonderful drinks, jams and desserts made with them that it was a quite difficult choice which one to share with you.

 The outline of Castle Ernstbrunn dominates the landscape what you see here is the castle's back side, which dates from another, elder period then the front side. 

The entrance of the castle of Ernstbrunn

The code of arms

The second entrance gate

A deer watches over the staircase

Details of the ceiling

A beautiful Baroque sculpture shows us how to age gracefully

A room with a view

Another courtyard, sleeping beauty like, is waiting to be restaured

So many entrance halls - this one was my favorite ones.

The Festival hall where the concert took place. There is no electricity, just gorgeous candle light.

Concert programm

A rather grim ancestor watches over the festival hall.

Sleeping beauties - pot-bellied pigs at the nearby Wild Life Parc. Any suggestions for a diet?

La vie en bleu. Starting to unpack our Picnic.

A fairy tale view.

So romantic- a pair of weather beaten horse sculptures guarding the entrance to the garden

If you are interested about information regarding the castle and cultural activities go to:
Elder flower Delights:
*Elder flower and strawberry sorbet:
4 cups strawberries
1/cup boiling water
1 1/4 cup elder flower cordial
Zest of 1 organic lemon
Place all ingredients in a foodprocessor and process until combined.
Fill in a freezer safe container and place in the freezer for about 3 hours.
When the sorbet starts to freeze around the edges, take it out of the freezer and  place in a food processor, process until smooth.
Return the sorbet to freezer until ready to serve.
Serve in Coctail glasses, add 1/2 glass of Prosecco (optional) and decorate with fresh mint.
Serves 8-10 p.
*Recipe adapted from Donna Hay.


  1. Hi, Daniela! I am so glad you caught some spring, and I am sad I will not be there for elderflower season. I might have to bring back some elderflower cordial, though. The concert you took in looks wonderful, and quite varied. Glad you are having a nice visit. Only a couple of weeks before I am back in Salzburg! ~David

    1. Hi David,
      I'm so glad for you and quite excited about your trip to Salzburg. The weather is wonderful right now and quite warm. Cross my fingers that it will last. Are you visiting Vienna too? Cheers.

  2. It is good that you had a very wonderful summer holiday in Lower Austria. Every photo is great and has a story to tell. Love the room view and also the fairy tale view. Oh my, the sleeping beauties are overweight! ha ha...

    1. Hi Nancy,
      We really enjoy summer here in Austria. The sleeping beauties are quite happy with their XXl figure, think we should leave it like this :)

  3. Oh this is my dream. What I would give to spend even a few weeks in Austria. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos. Have a wonderful summer!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed this trip and thanks so much for accompanying me to This excursion.
      Have a wonderful summer too, dear friend!

  4. So beautiful! And those sleeping beauties...too adorable!

    1. Hi Angie,
      The sleeping beauties were really adorable and....what a life, only sleeping and eating and nobody complains :)

  5. aww Daniela absolutely beautiful!!
    Que lugar más maravilloso, me encanta!
    Thanks by sharing!!

    1. Hola Goria,
      Que gusto saber que has disfrutado la excursión :)
      Buen domingo!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! The architectural details, the views, everything! :)

  7. Absolutely gorgeous! The architectural details, the views, everything! :)

  8. Those pigs are so adore. I wouldn't mind a vacation in that lovely place, it's so dreamy.

    1. Hi Asha,
      those piggies are in urgent need of a diet but they enjoy their life obviously a lot- stress free :)

  9. Absolutely fantastic! I love this place! Looks lovely! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Wow... A stunning and so elegant castle! I love your travel pictures, Daniela... I wish I can visit Austria one day. Have a ball!

  11. Wow. Looks amazing. I love the details and scenery.

  12. That sure is some beautiful scenery. The luxury of space.

  13. Sounds like a wonderful day with music, scenery and lovely food! Quite the perfect outing!

  14. One of these days I'll make it to Austria! Love the pictures. And the post, of course. ;-) Thoroughly fun read -- thanks.

  15. Just gorgeous pic, I wish I was there with you. And I keep saying I got to buy some elder flower liqueur!

  16. Ahh, a recipe from Australian Donna Hay- I subscribe to her magazine and I am glad to see that she is known internationally! I have never seen such fat pigs- I am thinking my next blog post will be pork belly!

  17. Awesome pictures Daniela....I only been to Austria one, by Italy border...and one day I will be back...thanks for the pictures...
    Hope you are having a fabulous week :)

  18. Hi Daniela, thank you for the tour and the spectacular pictures. Beautiful scenery...really enjoyed looking at it.
    Oh my.. the pigs are so rounded. :))
    Love the gorgeous elder flowers, thanks for sharing with us.

    Have a lovely weekend,regards and hugs to you.

  19. I really need to check into planting an elderflower bush! I love the stuff and would love to try infusing something with it! Beautiful castle and photos! What a great trip Daniela!

  20. i will gladly curing the fatty piggy leg for making some prosciutto, please don't made them diet thou, lol
    Dedy@Dentist Chef

  21. Liebe Daniela, dann wünsche ich euch wunderschöne Ferien in Österreich. Das Wetter ist ja gerade wunderschön, frühsommerlich und nicht zu warm!
    Liebe Grüße nach Wien und alles Gute,

  22. What beautiful scenery's!! Hope to visit Austria someday :)
