Monday, April 14, 2014

Peru - A Gourmet's Paradise. Part 1: Fish and Seafood

 Peru Was Chosen The World's Leading Culinary Destination 2013 by the World Travel Awards and this is only one more landmark in the countries success story about food and gastronomy.
 Lima, the capital has become a gastronomic mecca and culinary tourism is booming.
Prestigious magazines as "The Economist" and BBC Travel published articles about Peru's Gastronomic Revolution and it's impact on the economy and social structure of the country.
Here, food cuts across all social, racial and geographic barriers.
People may literally swallow poor public administration, overpowering bureaucracy and a high crime rate but poorly prepared food is seldom tolerated.  
No matter if rich or poor, Peruvians pride themselves in eating well.
The cuisine is Fusion cuisine at is best, with a huge variety of ingredients  provided by the different geographical and climate zones of the country. The main geographical zones are the coast, the Andean Highlands and the jungle.
It is one of the ten countries world wide called "mega-diverse" regarding its bio-diversity and has one of the richest fishing grounds of our planet thanks to the cold water Humboldt Current.
The cuisine is influenced by native and foreign cuisines , brought by immigrants to the country. Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Italian and German dishes that are adapted with local ingredients go hand in hand with indigenous plates often dating from the Inca and Pre Inca period.
The Peruvian Nobel Price winner Mario Vargas Llosa calls it "one of the most inventive and refined cuisines in the world".
 But most important of all it represents Peruvian culture and identity and is a matter of national pride to all Peruvians.  
So as you can see, I'm lucky enough to live in a foodies paradise.
But I suppose we all get hungry about so much theory so let's get right to the subject and present you some of the Peruvian flagship dishes.
As already mentioned, there is a large varity of different meals, so the first part of this gourmet trip is dedicated to fish and seafood. 
Enjoy the trip!

Arroz con mariscos (Rice with seafood)

Tiradito con salsa de ajii amarillo (raw fish cut sashimi style and  marinated in yellow chilly sauce)

The shining star of Peruvian cuisine : Ceviche mixto (raw fish and seafood marinated in lime juice with chili, fresh coriander and onions served with yellow corn and sweet potato)

Ceviche de pescado (Ceviche for purists only with white fish like sea bass)

Conchitas a la parmesana (Gratinated scallops a la Parmesana)
As you can see in this pic my son couldn't wait to try :) 

Pulpo al Olivar  (Octopus in Black Olive Sauce)

Causa (cooked, mashed yellow potatoes mixed with lime juice,chili, onions and oil.)
Stuffed with a variety of foods like fish, chicken,seafood avocados or tomatoes. It is a delicious treat and everybody has his (her) favorite stuffing.  This ones are topped with fish and avocado and the other one with black olive sauce and crab meat.

Leche de pantera (Panther's milk) 
The ceviche juice that is with vodka. Tastes fantastic and after that whether you sleep for 3 days or you climb up the walls :) 

Grilled Octupus  with a spicy cheese Sauce and a glass of chilled Pisco Sour.

Still hungry? Visit the dessert selection at my FB page.

Wishing all of you a Happy Easter and great Holidays!


  1. What an appropriate title. In my opinion Peru has some of the most delicious food in the world.

    1. Hi Monica,
      I agree completely, it has so many fruits, veggies, seafood and other ingredients to offer and people show a lot of creativity in preparing these delights.

  2. Happy Easter to you too Daniela! This is a wonderful, informative and mouth watering post. I had no idea Lima was so far in front of the culinary curve. It is an awesome place for a foode to live - all that seafood is magnificent!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      yes I'm truly a lucky girl to live in a perfect place for foodies :)
      Happy Easter to you and your family!

  3. A VERY VERY HAPPY EASTER & HOLIDAYS TO YOU TOO!!! Oh these dishes look so tempting....especially rice with seafood and parmesan crusted scallops...lovely dishes and so much to learn about Peruvian cuisine,thanks so much for sharing...Have A Great Day our friend!!! :-)

    1. Hi dear friends,
      so glad I could show you around in Peru at least culinarywise :)
      Have wonderful holidays and a Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

  4. I am not familiar with Peruvian food, but my sister went to a dinner party, the hosts were Peruvian and she is still talking about it. Guess I need to research and this looks like the place to start.


    1. Hi Madonna,
      so nice to hear that your sister enjoyed the food at her friends place.
      Thanks for your kind comment and Happy Easter to you!

  5. Oh, I love seafood. Great for Easter. Happy Easter!

    1. Happy Easter to you Yummy and thanks for stopping by!

  6. A very Happy Easter to you!
    All the food looks gorgeous!

    1. Thank you so much Asmita, have a Happy Easter and great Holidays as well!

  7. Thanks for sharing this informative post about Peruvian Cuisine. I'm planning a trip to Lima this summer... this spot is spot on for me! Great pics, now I look forward to trying all these recipes.

    1. Hi Daniela,
      if you need any further info about don't hesitate to contact me, it will be my pleasure.
      Happy Easter to you!

  8. You are so fortunate to be living in such a wonderful, culinary hub! Each dish looks delicious but the seafood with the creamy sauce over rice is making my mouth water :)

    1. Hi Susan,
      I really feel fortunate and the rice with seafood is my favorite too :)
      Susan wanted to tell you as well that I tried several times to leave a comment at your blog but there seems to be no comment box. Pls. Advise. Thank you and Happy Easter to you!

  9. Interesting post. I enjoyed reading about Peruvian food. I hope you have a Happy Easter!

    1. Hi Dawn, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the post about Peruvian food.
      Happy Easter to you!

  10. I've never tasted Peruvian food but have to admit that it looks very impressive. I'll have to refer back to your article when I feature Peru for my Earth Eats. Thanks, Daniela!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      glad to hear that you discovered Peruvian food through this post.
      I'll be more than happy to contribute for your article for your Earth Eats.
      Have a happy Easter!

  11. Liebe Daniela, die Fischgerichte sehen alle ziemlich verführerisch aus, aber ich glaube ich würde mir den "Grilled Octopus with spicy Cheese Sause" aussuchen. Das hast du dir ja eine unglaubliche Auswahl an Rezepten ausgesucht - über Peruanisches Essen wußte ich bis jetzt eigentlich nicht allzu viel.
    Vielen Dank für den tollen Post und dir und einer Familie ien wunderschönes Osterfest!
    Liebe Grüße aus Bonn!

    1. Liebe Andrea,
      Freue mich, daß ich Dir eine kleine Auswahl an peruanischen
      Gerichten vorstellen konnte.
      Wünsche auch Dir und Deiner Famile ein frohes Osterfest!
      Liebe Grüße aus Lima.

  12. Happy Easter to you too Daniela!
    I am drooling over those gratinated scallops a la Parmesana!

    1. Hi Angie,
      I can highly recommend the gratinated scallops :)
      Happy Easter to you and your family!

  13. Everything looks wonderful but the seafood with rice is calling my name!

    1. Thank you so much Pam and Happy Easter to you and your family!

  14. I really want to visit there someday! What an amazing array of food -- it all looks so terrific. Such good stuff! Thanks, and Happy Easter!

    1. Hi John,
      hope you will visit one day, I'm sure you would enjoy it.
      Happy Easter to you and Mrs. K.R. As well!

  15. Happy Easter to you too. All the dishes look so amazing. I enjoyed my food experiences when I was in Peru but it was not as pretty as yours. The seafood and fish was great, roasted baby pig. Oh and the cream and pastries.

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      I remember you mentioned that you visited Peru some time ago.
      Now food and food presentation has evolved and become more sophisticated.
      Yes I know the Guinea Pig dish , it shocked me when I first saw it because I had one as a much beloved pet when I was small.
      But so could people say about many countries where for example bunnies are eaten as delicacy. It's all a question about culture and traditions I suppose.
      Have a Happy Easter and great Easter weekend!

  16. Great food! I'd love to visit thi scountry and taste its specialities.



    1. Hi Rosa,
      Hope you will visit one day, I'm sure you would enjoy it
      Have a great weekend!

  17. I'd love to visit Peru. All of the dishes look wonderful - but the octopus ones especially!

    1. Hi Amy,
      You are so right the Octopus is delicious.
      Hope you will visit one day!

  18. What a wonderful line up - delicious looking dishes. I've never been to Peru - what a wonderful place it looks!
    Mary x

    1. Hi Mary,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post about Peruvian gastronomy.
      Have a great weekend!

  19. wonderful meal. i love to visit Peru too. I heard is very beautiful place.

    1. Hi Candy,
      hope you will visit, I'm sure you would enjoy!

  20. I'm emailing the link to my sister for this! She loves to try new foods, especially seafood. I'm not quite so adventurous as she is in that respect. I wish I could be! I'm just an old Missouri girl married to beef! :-) She has traveled the world and has a much more sophisticated palate. (Actually, I'm pretty sure she was in Peru for a summer a few years back.)

    Beautiful photos! The food looks so appealing!!! I can see why your son had trouble holding off!!!

    Happy Easter to you! Enjoy!

    1. Hi Alycia ,
      Thank you so much for forwarding the post to your sister, hope she will enjoy it!
      My son was quite embarrassed when he saw the pic , but then he laughed and said :" It was sure worth it :) "

  21. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Ashley, have a Happy Easter and a great Easter weekend too!

  22. Everything looks wonderful. I've been reading about Lima's new restaurants and exciting culinary scene. I hope to make it there someday!

    1. Hi Beth,
      Hope you will travel, I 'm sure you would enjoy it !
      Happy Easter to you and your family!

  23. I should have visited Peru when living in it seems so far.
    Everything looks so good Daniela...I would love to try them all...awesome pictures.
    Happy Easter :D

    1. Hi Juliana,
      Hope you can make a trip to Leu ones, it's never too late even now you are not living so near any longer.
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the food presented in this post!
      Happy Easter to you my friend!

  24. WOW, that seafood looks amazing!! I would love to visit Peru!!

    1. Hi Kristy,
      hope you will visit one day, I'm sure you would enjoy!

  25. I m agree I love peruvian food and we have here amazing restaurants from Peru.
    Also I have in my labels one to Peruvian recipes!
    Happy Easter Daniela!

    1. Hi Gloria,
      so nice to hear that you have tried and like Peruvian food.
      I will take a closer look at the labels of your blog.
      Happy Easter to you and your family as well, Gloria!

  26. Peru looks like a destination I need to put on my bucket list. I have not ever seen seafood with cheese before but wow those scallops baked on the half shell with parmesan looks amazing. Happy holidays to you. Take care, BAM

    1. Hi Bam,
      hope you can visit one day, I'm sure you would enjoy and not only for the food :)

  27. Oh boy! Everything looks so delicious and exotic to me!
    I have not tried any Peruvian food before.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and I hope that now, that you have heard and seen more about Peruvian food, you will try!

  28. Es verdad, nos gusta comer, bueno, a todas las personas les gusta comer bien, pero a nosotros además nos gusta comer comidas con sabores fuertes y sobre todo, cuando es abundante...ja,ja,ja...

    1. Hola Nydia,
      Es muy cierto: nos gusta comer y nos gusta comer bien :)

  29. My brother's GF has been back in Lima and I've seen some pictures she posts on Facebook. It's been fun learning about Peruvivan food culture from you and her. I love Peruvian food so much (one of my most favorite foods!), but I only know "good" ones here in the U.S. One day I hope to enjoy eating real food there. I love octopus and I wish we can get more octopus dishes here in the U.S! :D

    1. Hi Nami,
      I remember you mentioned your brother's GF is Peruvian.
      For sure the Peruvian food you have tried in the US is nice but I hope you can visit Peru one day to try " the real thing" and I promise you won't be disappointed.
      Just let me know so that I can invite you some octopus :)

  30. Looks like I'll have to hop onto the next plane to Peru! Forget about Paris or Italy- looks like Peru is the place to be. I especially like the looks of Causa- this gives me a new idea to try with mashed potatoes.

    1. Hi Fran,
      when you hop onto the pane to Peru just let me know , would be my pleasure to
      show you around :)

  31. What a beautiful roundup of delicious Peruvian dishes.

  32. I am not familiar with Peruvian fare at all so it's really nice to learn new things here! The seafood selection looks amazing. I will have to research Denver to see if we have any Peruvian places so I can go and try out some of this stuff. Thanks Daniela!

    1. Hi Nazneen,
      glad to hear that I could present something that is new for you.
      I don't know if there are any Peruvian restaurants in Denver, hope a good one.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  33. So much delicious food in this post!!

    1. Hi Joanne,
      glad to hear you enjoyed the presentation.
      Ah, must tell you-when mi son came here for a visit he tried all of this:)

  34. Thank you for all your history on Peruvian cuisine, Daniela. I'm happy to hear that all Peruvians take pride in their food. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

    1. Hi Kitty,
      glad to hear that you enjoyed reading about Peruvian cuisine.
      Have a great week ahead and thanks for stopping by!

  35. Hi Daniela, Happy Easter to you and family. Great posting, learn something new from you. Thank you for sharing with us. Wow... wow... all the food look really superb and delightful. You're very lucky.
    All your pictures are very spectacular, very well taken.

    Have a lovely week ahead,regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      thank you so much for good wishes!
      I'm glad to hear I could present something that is new for you.
      We have all to be very watchful here, if not the scale shows us how good food really is in Peru :))
      Thanks for stopping by, my friend!

  36. I surely need to make a trip in the near future. All the dishes look amazing...hard to choose a favourite. Love your passion for your local produce and food.

    1. Hi Sonali,
      Hope you can make this trip one day, I'm sure you would enjoy it and not only culinary wise.
      Have a wonderful week ahead!

  37. Love the look of that food, so authentic. I have a feeling I would enjoy Peruvian cuisine a lot. Hope you had a nice Easter, Daniela! :) ela@GrayApron

    1. Hi Ela,
      so nice to receive your great feedback.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  38. the spread looks amazing... Hope to visit one day :D

    1. Hi Lisa,
      hope you will visit one day, I'm sure you would enjoy the trip.
      Thanks for visiting!

  39. I think I will come to Peru to meet you and eat all this food! Maybe I'll be able to squeeze sightseeing in, but I'm not sure! This looks fabulous!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      would be so nice if you could come for a visit and I would love to meet you and show you around :)

  40. After reading your post I know for certain that I need to go to Peru asap. Thank you for the great inspiration Daniela!

    1. Hi Mike,
      your very welcome!
      Hope you can make this trip one day, I'm sure you would enjoy it!

  41. yum! everything looks sooo delicious! i think we have one peruvian restaurant in the city. will have to check it out!

    1. Thank you so much, Sarah and Arkadi, glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  42. Wow!
    This food looks amazing! I hope to visit some day.

  43. Thank you so much, Asmita, hope you will visit one day!

  44. wow, what a seafood fest menu,
    i adore the rice with seafood!!!

  45. I can see why this is a favorite post. I hope your "construction" is going well.

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