Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A First Taste Of Summer - Strawberry Delight

Strawberries are one of  Mother Nature’s best gifts.
Their appearance is a sign that summer is underway; they are healthy, low in calories, have a reputation of being very sensual and taste delicious.
Plus they are loaded with vitamins and minerals… what else could we wish for? 
There are so many ways to prepare them, but today I felt like presenting something very uncomplicated and fresh.

With my husband just recovering from a minor surgery, I wanted to spoil him a bit, knowing that he loves desserts and he loves strawberries.
So, who says an easy dessert can’t be delicious?

To prepare the strawberry delight you need:

1 ½ packet of soft cream cheese

¼ cup light cream

¼ cup of sugar
1 ½ teaspoon lemon juice

2 ½ cups of oatmeal cookies

½ cup espresso

1 spoonful amaretto

1 cup strawberry jam

1 spoonful water

2 cups ripe, fresh strawberries


Put the cookies in food processor and crush to rough crumbs.
Apart, beat the cream cheese to soften, add sugar and lemon juice, beating again until mixed well.

 Add the cream and beat again until  mixed to a smooth batter.

Combine the espresso with amaretto

 and mix well with cookie crumbs.

Press the mixture into the bottom of a ring mold.

Pour in the cream cheese mixture.

Refrigerate for at least 3 hours.

Clean the strawberries choose six of the nicest ones and set them aside.

Cut the others into small pieces.

Warm the strawberry jam with a bit of water in a pan until it becomes liquid.

Brush the whole strawberries with the still warm jam,

Pour the rest of the liquid jam over the cut strawberries and mix gently. 

Top the ring mold with the strawberry mixture and place one whole strawberry on top.
Take the ring mold carefully out and dust with icing sugar.

Serves 6.

Enjoy, see you next Tuesday!


  1. So yummy! I love recipes with fresh strawberries. This is a great spring time recipe :)

    1. Hi Natalie ,
      So true, strawberries are just the best "ambassadors" of spring and summer. :)

  2. I'm so ready for strawberry season to hit Chicago. These strawberries look tasty!

    1. Hi Yummy ,
      Hope strawberry season starts soon for you, for us in the southern
      hemisphere it's coming to an end, but we are still enjoying the last , delicious ones :)

  3. Looks so beautiful...I would to have one now...and yes, I love strawberries...jam and fresh looks delicious!
    Hope you are having a lovely week Daniela, and thank you so much for stopping by :)

    1. Thank you Juliana for your nice feedback and for stopping by.
      I enjoyed the visit to your blog very much and for sure will visit again!

  4. there are only three of us and we still somehow manage to go through three pints of strawberries a week - we are addicts :) this is such a lovely dessert, i'm saving this for the weekend when we get our fresh container of strawberries for the week!

    1. Hi Jenn,
      we too are strawberry addicts and
      I love to prepare them in different ways.
      Thank you for your kind feedback!

  5. This looks quite delightful! I love using fresh strawberries as much as possible when they are in season. This dessert sounds great!

    1. It's such a wonderful feeling when
      the strawberry season starts and we are looking forward for summer with all its pleasures.
      Thank you for stopping by Amy !

  6. We have tons and tons of strawberries at the moment (well, figuratively speaking!) and can't get our fill. They're our morning breakfast, every morning, and a frequent dessert at night, too. This looks wonderful! I'm sure it cheered up your husband (and I hope he's recovering promptly and thoroughly). Good recipe - thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      Thank you so much for your well wishes for my husband!
      Actually he is recovering quite fast,
      must be cause of the lots of strawberries he is eating :)

  7. Hi Daniela, I love strawberry. Your this simple dessert look heavenly and luscious. Very pretty and delectable too, great for party. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Wishing your hubby speedy recovery. With your tender loving care and awesome dessert, I'm sure he will get well soon. :)

    Have a lovely week ahead, warm regards to you and all at home.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you so much for your well wishes for my husband!
      Actually he is recovering fast and enjoying his strawberry delight :)
      The recipe is indeed great for parties, its always a big hit!
      Have a great weekend.

  8. A lovely summer dessert! Very fresh and delicious.

    1. Thank you Angie,always a pleasure to read your coments which I truely
      appreciate !

  9. Daniela, what is it with cream cheese in the spring? I've been seeing so many food blogs posting recipes with cream cheese these spring days... Oh, well, I do love cream cheese. And strawberries. This is a lovely idea for dessert.

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      good question, I don't know maybe spring inspired us all for recipes with cream cheese :)

  10. I just brought home more strawberries today. Can't get enough! This dessert looks delightful. Every layer sounds delicious.

  11. Hi Lisa,
    thank you, I'm so glad you like the strawberry delight!

  12. A divine dessert! Fresh, luscious and wonderfully fruity.



    1. It's for us a kind of spring ritual to prepare this dessert with the first
      stawberries and we always enjoy it , thank you Rosa!

  13. Oh my, yum - I just can't get enough strawberries this time of year :) What a wonderful treat for your husband! ;)

    1. Hi Jen,
      Welcome to the club of strawberry fans!
      They are at their best at this time of the year and addictive :)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  14. I am so happy that strawberry season is here! What a great idea to use oatmeal cookies for the layers. I know some recipes like this that uses biscuits. I like oatmeal cookies idea better. Such a pretty summer treat!

  15. Me too Nami, fresh strawberries are so delicious.
    The oatmeal cookies give a bit of crunchiness to the recipe this is why I prefer them to other cookies.
    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. What a yummy treat! I love strawberries and all desserts made with them. Thanks for sharing!:)

    1. Hi Nancy,
      As I can see from your kind comment
      we are both members of the strawberry fan club :)
      Thanks for dropping by!

  17. This looks delicious. Our strawberries have been divine lately. Good timing.

    1. Hi Denise,
      so true, strawberry season is one of the best times of the year!
      Cheers, have a great week ahead.

  18. What a gorgeous dessert, Daniela!!! I love strawberries and everything else that is in this dessert. I'd be really delighted to eat this piece of heaven.

    1. Hi Denise,
      I couldn't agree more there is nothing that beats fresh strawberries!
      Thank you so much for your kind feedback and for stoppping by!
