Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mushroom Capuccino Soup

Mushroom Capuccino Soup 

If you want to surprise your guest, this delicious soup will do the trick.

I saw the mushroom cream soup in this presentation for the first time in a restaurant in Vienna, it's maybe because Viennese love their coffee so much that they prefer even other dishes looking like coffee!

Trying it convinced me, it’s a great treat! 

For the Mushroom Capuccino soup you need:

300g Mushrooms

1 medium onion

1 spoonful of butter

1 spoonful of Olive oil

1 spoonful of flour

5 cups of chicken broth

1 spoonful of chopped parsley

2 cups of light cream (reserve 1 cup for decoration)


1 spoonful nutmeg


Wash the mushrooms carefully and divide into four or smaller,according to the size of the mushrooms.

Chop the onion.

Melt the butter together with the Olive oil, then add the onions and sauté slightly until translucent , then add the mushroom and sauté until everything is tender.

Add the parsley and cook for 2 more minutes until the flavors are blending into each other.

Salt and pepper then add the flour through a colander and stir well until the flour is absorbed.

 Stir frequently until the flour is absorbed

Add the chicken broth stirring frequently until thickened.

In blender or food processor purée the mixture until smooth.

Whip the cream with a tiny bit of salt until soft peaks are formed, top the hot soup with it and sprinkle with nutmeg.   
Note: This recipe works also very well using foamed milk instead of the whipped cream.

Serves 4-6

For the ones of you that have read my previous post, I just want to assure you that cooking is a real stress reducing therapy!
Have a look at the picture below of the disaster area in our home during unpacking. :)

So I went into exile in my kitchen for a while to prepare today's recipe and hectic was gone and calm was restored. Now I have only about 60 more boxes to unpack!


  1. Daniela, I love how whimsical this soup is. My mom was just asking me to plan a menu for a special dinner for her; I'm including this soup is that menu for sure!

    1. Hi Kari,
      so glad you liked this extravagant recipe (actually it's not the recipe, it's the presentation that is extravagant!)
      Have fun preparing it for your Mum and guests. Enjoy and thank you for sharing it in Twitter!

  2. Hi Daniela, how you doing? I cannot imagine the unpacking and rearranging all your furniture and stuff. Must be very stressful and tired. Will take you another few weeks to get everything in order. Good ideas... the best is hop into the kitchen and forget everything. LOL

    For a moment I thought there is capuccino in the mushroom soup. hahaha Very creative and innovative ideas. Your mushroom soup look awesome, great to dip in french loaf. :) I have not try making my own mushroom soup, usually just use the canned type.
    Love the last picture, save that cup of soup for me. :)

    Have a lovely weekend. Take care. With hugs to you.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you I'm doing fine, working a lot still with the unpacking but bit by bit we are getting settled-exhausted but happy.
      Glad you liked the Mushroom Capuccino Soup, it's a fun presentation and my guests always enjoyed it! Thank heavens there is NO Capuccino in the Mushroom Soup :)
      Have a nice weekend, looking forward to hearing from you.

  3. What a clever idea and really fun presentation! I do enjoy a nice cup of mushroom soup.

    1. Hi Amy,
      well it's fun to serve it if you want to surprise your guests and serve them a nice Mushroom soup in a different presentation :)

  4. such a fun soup idea! so clever! it looks and sounds so wonderfully delicious!

    1. Hi Jenn, very glad that you like the idea of this recipe with a somehow different :) presentation!

  5. Such a fun soup! I love the whipped cream topping. Very creative. Hope you get unpacked soon, and life gets back to normal.

    1. Thank you,I'm flattered :)
      Hope as well that we get back to normality soon to have time to enjoy this beautiful country.

  6. I love the presentation of your soup - what a surprise!
    Good luck with the rest of your unpacking.

  7. Hi Daniela,
    Yes, cooking is a good stress release and looking at the pictures I think you'll need it...
    Your soup looks absolutely divine and so gourmet and delicious!!
    Cheers and hope everything is unpacked and in place as soon as possible,

    1. Hi Lía,
      Thank you so much for your good wishes and glad to hear that you liked the post!

  8. Daniela this soup is super cool, I'm so gonna try it! Good luck with the unpacking, seems like you have a lot on your hands!

    1. Hi Mike,
      thank you so much for your good wishes and have fun when you try out this special " Capuccino" :)

  9. This look beautiful and perfect!
    Good luck eith the unpacking dear:)

  10. Love mushroom soup and yours look so delicious. Good luck on the unpacking!

  11. Thank you so much Kiran for your good wishes!

  12. Delicious! A refined and tasty soup.



  13. Daniela - what a beautiful and clever presentation! I love mushroom soup and can't wait to try this! ~ David

  14. What a fun soup and mushroom happens to be my favorite. As for unpacking-I helped my parents move this fall. There were 240 boxes. I thought I'd never be able to go home. Hang in there! Looks quite orderly to me!
