Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Arrivederci Roma!

Arrivederci Roma!

Dear all,
we had a wonderful time in beautiful Italy but now it's time for us to say Goodbye as we are transfered to Peru.
I'm writing this with mixed feelings, I'm sad to leave Rome but looking forward for new and exciting challenges in Lima.
Anyhow, we will continue our journey with culinary, styling and travel adventures from a new city in a new continent.
I will be back with a new  post in about 2 weeks , until then - take care.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon :)
Here is a little "Best Of" from our stay in Bella Italia, hope you enjoy it!
 An incredible variety of chilies in all shapes and with striking colors at display at a roman market.

Evening light at Ponte Milvio

Roman Broccoli
If there is a  beauty queen amongst winter vegetables the title would certainly go to the exotic and elegant looking roman broccoli.

 A Lion Fountain dating back to roman times and still working and watching over the city.

 Solving the parking problem, eternal as the city, a la romana.

Breakfast at my "little bar at the corner".

Packing..... our apartment in total chaos!

 At the Flower Market, combining flowers and vegetables  in  beauitful compositions.


  1. It'll be hard to leave Rome, I'm sure - such a great city! But Peru sounds so interesting (I've never been, but would like to someday). Look forward to hearing about your new adventures!

    1. Yes, its always dificult to leave such a beautiful and interesting place as Rome but you are right, Peru is a fascinating country which I know already very well, so I'm looking forward!

  2. I would love to go to Rome. It's a city with not only so much history but such great food. I hope you enjoy your time in Lima. My husband's parents have lived in South America for many years. They have traveled to Lima but not lived there - they've just had a lot of robberies there! Good luck! xx

    1. If you have the oportunity to travel to Rome, I would really recommend, it's so interesting in all aspects!
      So sorry to hear that your parents in law had these problems :( in Peru.
      We are really looking forward to our stay in Lima, now its summer, the country is fascinating and the gastronomy has an excelent reputation and is outstanding.
      I will come back to this in my next blog,as soon as we are (kind of) settled down.
      Until then-take care!

  3. That first forkful photo looks simply delicious!

    1. Thank you! Actually it's the Italian flag,made from the ingredients of ¨Caprese Salad¨

  4. Happy New Year Daniela! It'll be very hard to leave Rome once I get a chance to visit...especially food is wonderful! I have lots of expat friends here and their moving is like crazy, but I'm sort of jealous to live in different countries too. Well, I love Peruvian food and look forward to your future posts! :) Take good care!

    1. Thank you Nami,Happy New Year for you as well!
      Of course it's not easy to leave a place like Rome,but we are more than happy to go to Peru, a fascinating and interesting country. And -you are right -the food is absolutely delicious. They have quite a variety of fusion between Peruvian and Japanese dishes. I´ll write more about it in my next postings.

  5. Hi Daniela, you're sad to leave Rome but same time you're looking forward to stay in a new country. This type of mixed feeling is kinda of a little stress but very soon you get over with it. Anyway I wish you all the best moving to Peru, another beautiful country to stay.

    Looking forward to see exciting posting from you in Peru.
    Love all your pictures, thanks for sharing. I especially love the bicycle, it sure solve the parking problem. LOL

    Till we meet online again. Please take care, my warmest regards to you.

    P/s I'll see you in facebook, just notice you got a fan page. :)

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you so much for your kind words and wishes.
      Actually I'm looking forward for new challenges in Peru. Its such an interesting country and its cuisine has a very well earned reputation.
      Looking forward to hearing from you soon, it's always a pleasure!
