Tuesday, October 9, 2012

La Vie En Rose

This is a great way to extend the life of your your roses.  Easy and chic.

You need:
-8 to 12 roses
-A glass centerpiece, not to high as floating flowers are meant to be seen from above

Cut the stem of the rose with an all purpose scissors.

If roses have not quite opened, open them the delicately, rose blossoms float better than rose buds.

Cut the prettiest  green leaves from the stem.
With a jar  pour water into the glass center piece. Fill the container up to  2/3 with water.
Tipp: Add some drops of bleach to the water, so they water stays clear and the rose blossoms last longer. Be careful not to spill the bleach.
Arrange the rose blossoms and then the green leaves in the Glass center piece.
Voilá  -La Vie En Rose.


  1. Que detalle tan fino como centro de mesa o como elemento decorativo.
    Tienes un blog elegante.

    ☾ °☆ ★ ° :. * . • ○ ° ★  . * ☆.  
      * . ☾°☆ FELIZ  ★ * °
    ¸. * ● ¸ . ☆ NAVIDAD ★ ☾°☆
    °☾°☆ ¸. * ● ¸ . ☾ °☆  ¸. *☾ ★


  2. Muchas gracias Ana y Blanca por sus simpaticos comentarios!
    He comenzado mi blog hace poco y me encanta recibir feebacks de mis lectores.:)

  3. Ah,y por supuest una Muy Feliz Navidad para ustedes!
