Monday, January 19, 2015

Shall We Dance? - It's Ball Season In Vienna


 Its ball season here and everybody is in excitement.
If you have ever dreamed of dancing the Waltz  at one of Vienna's famous balls this is the time for it.
It sounds unbelievable but over 400 balls are staged here every year with nearly 300.000 dance crazy assistants.
There are the very fancy and elegant balls like the ball of the Wiener Philharmoniker, one of the world's finest orchestras.

Poster announcing  the ball of the Vienna Philharmonics

And there is of course the glamorous Opera ball.

Here a picture of the legendary entrance of the debutants and the exquisitely decorated opera house.

The flower arrangements are fantastic and the whole atmosphere is elegant and festive.
Images of the Opera ball are broadcasted each year around the whole world.
Another beautiful event is the Hunters ball where all assistants dress in National costume ( Dirndl for the ladies and Steirer for Gentlemen)

Opening ceremony at the Hunters Ball.

And then there are of course the balls for nearly every imaginable profession:
Police, lawyers, technicians, owners of cafés , doctors,confectioners ... you name it.

Poster announcing the police ball.

Carnival masks made of chocolate.


The dress code for the most elegant balls is quite formal:
White tie and decorations ( if you own one , if not - rumor has it that some of them are bought at the flea market :) )  for gentlemen and evening gown for ladies.

For a prime loge at the opera ball you will be charged the bargain of about US$ 21.000.-!

Couples made of marcipan dancing on a sugar cloud displayed at the famous Demel pastry shop and cafe.
 By the end of carnival (Ash Wednesday) the city life returns back to normality but sometimes it seems that the whole town is just waiting for next year's carnival to come back to life again.
See you soon with new adventures,until then....I have to get dressed for the next ball :)

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  1. When I was principal bassist for the Albany (NY) Symphony Orchestra, we had a Viennese Ball, and it was exquisite. The flowers, all the men in white tie, women in gowns, truly a thing of beauty. There was a dinner with dancing between each course. So, yes, I dream of seeing the real thing in Vienna some day...

    We are going to be in Salzburg this summer. I am afraid Vienna will need to wait for another visit!

    Enjoy the ball(s)!

    1. Hi David,
      I had no idea you were member of such a wonderful orchestra, it must have been a fantastic experience.
      And a Viennese ball... I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed it.
      Hope you can make it once to Vienna for the ball and opera season, it's quite unique.
      Enjoy Salzburg, it's wonderful music and otherwise.

  2. Wow! What a wonderful life full of wonderful experiences! I can't imagine going to a real ball. What a blast! Thanks for sharing this adventure - can't wait for the next one.

    1. Hi Tricia,
      Thanks for your kind comment, so glad o hear that you enjoyed the trip to Vienna!
      We actually enjoyed this experience a lot. When I was at School, I attended my first ball and coming back after many years abroad was a wonderful experience.

  3. What a fun experience! And fun post, too. Never been to a ball (really not my thing), but what a festive time it must be. Love the post -- thanks.

    1. Hi John,
      Yes we had great fun and enjoyed the experience. Ah, and by the way, it's not only about Waltz, there is room for rock and disco too :)
      Happy to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  4. Love those pictures! I always wanted to be a deb or a princess! Just for the dress, of course!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      So true, the dress is for us girls one of the most fun parts. As Teenagers we used to spend days to choose the right gown.
      And the guys look great too in their white ties.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love watching the ball scenes in movies. How amazing it must be to attend a real one!

    1. Hi Susan,
      Yes it was amazing and great fun too, you should have seen all the beautifully dressed debs dancing techno after the official ball opening.

  6. I love to dance- I'm currently taking salsa dance lessons to 'get my hips going.' I think I'd enjoy these balls but would probably have to hire a partner since my hubby doesn't like to dance.

    1. Hi Fran,
      wow, salsa classes, that sounds like a lot of fun.
      There was an area with salsa music too at the ball, I could have needed more practice for that.
      Enjoy your classes, it's a wonderful idea!

  7. I'm a terrible bad dancer, so no thanks, lol

    1. My husband said that too, but I convinced him otherwise :)

  8. Hi Daniela, thanks for sharing the fantastic festival. Nice pictures. I love ball room dancing but never have the chance to learn. :))

    Have a nice day, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thank you for joining me at this journey.
      And no worry about ball room dancing, there are many areas at these balls with disco, techno and salsa music too :)
      Have a great weekend ahead!

  9. such a beautiful post...we don't dance but love watching it a lot....beautifully captured clicks Andrea....and those pretty little marzipan figurines look adorable,beautiful,thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Hi my friends,
      Oh those marzipan doesn't really know what would be better, watch them or eat them :)
      Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

  10. Beautiful photos! What a great tradition and I am glad people are keeping it up. You're probably a great dancer!

    1. Hi Julia,
      Well, to tell the truth, I'm NOT a great dancer, but still had great fun.

  11. I've always heard about the Viennese balls, but have never read a lovely description like you've provided. Just magical. I don't think I'm elegant enough to attend, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall!

    1. Hi Beth,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed the excursion to Vienna at the ball season.
      Thanks for joining me at this adventure.

  12. So incredible to see all the pics and to see such a tradition alive and well. I have two left feet!

    1. Hi Evelyne,
      me too, I have two left feet, but I had fun anyhow :)

  13. How absolutely lovely…a memorable experience, I'm sure.

    1. Hi Karen,
      It was a real fun experience and the whole setting was beautiful.

  14. Wow, what a lovely experience Daniela...I would be so happy if I could experience something like this...thank you for the pictures...awesome!
    Enjoy the rest of your week :)

  15. Hi Juliana,it was fun and a great experience.
    Thanks for joining me at the ball season!

  16. Wow - a real ball? It sounds so fun and exciting!

  17. Gorgeous photos of the ball and interesting celebration, Daniela! But I have to say that the chocolate masks were my favorite. They are so artful and I bet, quite decadent.

  18. Liebe Daniela, alle Welt schaut ja auf Wien wenn der Opernball und all die anderen Bälle dort stattfinden - ist alles ein bisschen wie im Traum. Auf welchem Ball war ihr denn? Seid ihr noch in Wien?
    Freue mich immer von dir zu hören - ich hoffe, es geht euch gut und ihr seid all wohlauf!
    Ganz liebe Grüße (wo immer ihr auch gerade seid),

  19. If only we were all in Vienna right now...


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