Monday, July 14, 2014

Fresh And Light : Summerfruit Terrine

What does a foodie under stress?
Goes straight to the kitchen and prepares something comforting and yummy.
After a hectic week involving a small traffic accident (fortunately only a fender bender) I was taking refugee in my kitchen practicing a kind of gourmet yoga,
After lots of OOOms and some goodie sample testing I recovered my mental peace :)
Lima is a great city but traffic is..hmm..exciting.
Traffic rules are "flexible" and due to interpretation of the one with the more powerful car.
Don't get me wrong, I love to drive here because it provides you with the perfect adrenalin kick and strengthens your ability  to react on the spot.
It's a kind of daily surviving training on an asphalt jungle and can win you the title of Iron Driver.
If you think I'm exaggerating check out this link from the TV series "You don't want to drive here"
which has devoted a whole chapter to traffic in Lima.
Back to my kitchen I decided that something fresh,light  and easy to prepare would be the perfect way to relax.

This terrine is a stunner for summer parties and even people who usually don't eat dessert cause of diet reasons will love it.
And nobody will suspect it's so easy to make.
This is what you need:

About 900g of fresh summer fruits like strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and white or black grapes.
-2 sachets of unflavored gelatin powder (11g  or 1/4 ounce each)
-2 cups cranberry juice or rose wine
-1/4 cup sugar , if you use rose wine take 1/2 cup of sugar
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

Remove stalks and halve or quarter strawberries so that they are not much larger than the other berries.

Gently mix together fruits in a large bowl.
Place berries in a loaf pan ( 6 cups capacity). Put some of the smaller berries on the bottom of the loaf pan.

Bring 1/2 the cranberry juice or Rose wine to a boil.

Remove from heat and whisk Gelatin powder, sugar and lime juice into it.

Make sure that everything has dissolved well, than add remaining fruit juice and let the mixture cool down.
*If you want some delicious extra flavor add 1 spoonful of fresh raspberry puree.
Pour gelatin mixture over the berries mixture until covered.

Lay a sheet of cling film over the tin.

Place another loaf pan or something similar to act as weight over the cling film to weight the mixture down and refrigerate over night or until firm.

Dip bottom of pan in hot water for about 10 seconds to unmold.
Slice with a sharp knife and decorate with some strawberry or mint leaves.

Serve pure or with Greek yogurt or Crème fraiche.
Serves 10 to 12 portions.

















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  1. Hi Daniela, wow....this is so refreshing and awesome!! Your mixed fruits terrine look really beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful dessert, great for our current heat wave. All the berries are my favorite, eat this can see shooting stars. :)))

    Lucky your traffic accident is just a minor one, God Blessed. Do take care.
    Have a lovely week ahead,regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      hope you are doing fine despite of the heat wave and that this little treat helps to refresh you a bit.
      Here it's actually quite cold and misty so I enjoy preparing summer desserts, it makes me looking forward for sunshine and warm weather:)
      Have a great week ahead, hugs

  2. Oh yes, I think I'd enjoy this with a good thick Greek yoghurt.

    1. Hi Monica,
      Greek yogurt is my favorite to accompany this dessert, the
      combination tastes divine. Enjoy!

  3. i have never tasted it before but i am sure going to love it

    1. Hi Cindy,
      I'm sure you won't be disappointed:

  4. Fruity and summery, I love it!

  5. I LOVE This!! :-D I would definitely head for this first thing and skip the other courses....and you've just stolen my heart with the fruits combination, yummy....I want some, like right now! :-D

    1. Hi Christy,
      Thanks for this sweet comment, so glad to hear that you enjoyed this summer treat. Ah- and me too, I'm a total berries fan.

  6. Fresh and delightful! A wonderful summer treat.



    1. Thank you Rosa, hope you enjoy summer and that you have lots of sunshine!

  7. It looks delicious and pretty!

  8. This does look so refreshing! I love the Rose wine in the mix - sounds great. Looks great - and I would put a dollop of Greek yogurt on top and be a very happy girl! One of my cousins was in Lima for a summer and mentioned driving laws are more like suggestions. Stay safe - sounds crazy!

    1. Hi Tricia,
      glad to hear that you enjoyed this summer treat.
      It tastes great with rose and - extra tip- delicious with prosecco too.
      You made me :) when reading your cousins description about traffic in Lima!

  9. This looks wonderful. Very summery and refreshing.

  10. Mmm that looks so delicios!
    You're from Vienna?
    Few years ago, I went back to Austria.
    But that time I went to see Achensee Lake.
    It was so beautiful.

    1. Yes ,I'm viennese but live an expat life since many years in different countries.
      Glad to hear that you liked Aachensee, it's a lovely place.

  11. En definitiva esto es justamente lo que yo necesitaría cada vez que regreso a casa luego de sobrevivir a la jungla del tráfico limeño :)

    1. Hola Nydia,
      parece que es un postre "terapia" pues para mi también tiene un efecto
      relax :)

  12. Daniela this look beautiful and delicious!!!! Love it!! all these fruits:)

    1. Hi Gloria,
      you know I 'm kind of berrie- addicted, they are my favorite summer fruits.
      But the good thing about it is that this is light and probably one of the nicest ways to fulfill your daily vitamin intake :)

  13. Daniela , mi niña espero estés recuperada del susto del accidente y que solo haya sido eso ,un susto!!!!!!!!!!!!!,y que por otra parte con este postre de frutas que nos has hecho se te quita todo los sustos y las penas según lo comes yo creo que subes a la gloria y te olvidas de todo lo demás, se ve deliciosssssss, gracias por compartirlo con nosotros, un beso y sigue muy bien

    1. Hola Conchi,
      que linda, gracias por preocuparte!
      Felizmente no fue nada grave pero. todo una experiencia.
      Que bueno que te gusto este postre sencillo pero muy fresco y llena de vitaminas.
      Me imagino que ya hace mucho calor en España, espero que pases un lindo

  14. Daniela: What a light and super refreshing summer treat! I am crazy for fruits so this would be the most delightful dessert to eat (and also guilt-free!!).

    1. Hi Denise,
      thanks so much for the compliment, I feel honored.
      Actually this is a very fresh and as you say, guilt free treat and w all at home do enjoy it.
      Have a great summer!

  15. LOVE the phrase Gourmet yoga. That is EXACTLY what I do!! This looks lovely too, refreshing AND healthy. :)

    1. Hi Emma,
      Your comment made me smile.
      So there are already two of us practising Gourmet yoga:)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Sorry about your traffic accident! And I'm glad it's a minor one. I don't think I'd enjoy Lima driving -- it really does sound like a competitive sport! (And that aspect of it might be fun!) Anyway, love this dish -- just right for this time of the year. Thanks.

  17. Hi John,
    I think your interpretation of traffic in Lima is just perfect: it IS a kind of competitive sport :)
    Glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
    Have a great summer!

  18. I hear you - driving can be so stressful, as I can attest to as 2 cars nearly backed up into mine today when I took my son for ice cream. I agree that cooking is a great way to de-stress. This looks like a wonderful summery choice!

    1. I couldn't agree more Monica, I'm seriously thinking about a bicycle as an alternative choice. Healthier and figure friendly too:)
      Thanks for stoping by!

  19. I love how refreshing and colorful this dessert is! So delicious!

  20. I'm sorry to hear about your small accident. In Napoli the traffic is horrible too, I feel your pain. The terrine is a great consolation, I bet!

    1. Hi Daniela,
      so true, traffic in Napoli is quite exciting too, but it's such a beautiful city!
      Thanks for stoping by.

  21. Beautiful terrine, and you sure know how to use these summer fruits...delicious!
    Thanks for the inspiration Daniela...hope you are having a colorful week :D

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Juliana have a colorful and great week too :)

  22. This is a stunner and hopefully will cool one off after a heated day on the road!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      thank you so much, glad to hear you liked this little fruit dessert.
      Have a wonderful summer!

  23. Daniela, I'm so glad you were not hurt. I'm also happy that you were able to find your balance again after preparing this gorgeous fruit terrine. I've never had a fruit terrine but yours looks delicious!

    1. Hi Nancy,
      thank you for worrying, really appreciate it, fortunately it was only a small incident.
      Hope you had a wonderful summer vacation!

  24. My mum makes something similar using Jello, it's so good and so fresh. Perfect as a dessert on a hot summer day!

    1. Hi Mike,
      fun to hear that you enjoyed this little dessert at your mum's place.
      The great thing about it is the "Je ne regrette rien" effect. :)

  25. Oh, WOW! This looks very good, very elegant and gourmet but refreshing and tasty too :)

    1. Thank you so much Joyti, so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post!

  26. Daniela, gut zu hören, dass dir bei dem Autounfall nichts passiert ist, zum Glück "nur" ein Blechschaden! Deine Obst-Terrine sieht besonders hübsch aus mit den vielen verschiedenen Farben - frisch und leicht und lecker, geradezu der perfekte Nachtisch wenn es so schön warm ist wie hier (wir scheinen da gerade in einer kleinen Hitzewelle fest zu stecken).
    Ganz liebe Grüße und pass´ gut auf dich auf!

  27. Gourmet yoga! Love it. I think I practice that often! This dessert looks so fresh and light. And, the wine must be so delicious in this!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      Welcome to the Gourmet Yoga Club :)
      Actually I prepared mine with Rosé but it tastes as well divine with Prosecco Rosé.

  28. Oh my - Lima's on my list of places I'd love to visit. Guess I'd better prepare myself before I decide to drive there!
    Gorgeous terrine, by the way.

    1. Hi Beth,
      suppose a little basic survival training before you decide to drive here would do no harm :)
      Please let me know when you are planing to travel would be my pleasure to show you around a bit!

  29. Hi Daniela,hope you are fine now...sorry about the accident....please take care....this terrine is a stunner hands looks so lovely and what is the best part...there are loads of fruits,the dessert is low caloric and gets made quickly,thanks for sharing such recipes dear friend :-)

    1. Hi my friends ,
      Thank you so much for working, thank heavens it was only a minor incident.
      I totally agree with you, this is mi little " Je ne regrette rien" dessert :)
      Hope you have a wonderful summer!

  30. Your recipe just came in RIGHT time! I found a pack of gelatine earlier and we have some kinds of berries that we should be eating soon. Your recipe came in at the right moment! Looks delicious and we love gelatin desserts especially in summer time. Thank you Daniella. Going to make it tomorrow morning!

    1. Hi Nami,
      seems that we had the perfect timing for this little dessert, so glad to hear this :)
      Please let me know how it turned out and I do hope your kids will enjoy it as well.

  31. The terrine looks oh so inviting! Give me those fresh fruits and I can live on them throughout the summer!

    1. Hi Taruna,
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed this little fruit dessert.
      Me too, I could live only on fruits during summer, specially berries!

  32. So glad you are OK after the fender bender. yep it would be a fun place to drive...I crossed the streets on foot. And the kitchen is a great refuge to find peace....great fruit terrine result!

    1. Thank you so much for your good wishes Evelyne, fortunately it was only a minor incident.
      Actually it is a fun place to drive, kind of a mental Shangri-La that keeps you young cause you have to react so fast :)

  33. Glad to hear your accident was just a minor one, but still stressful I'm sure. This terrine looks lovely!

    1. Thank you so much for your worry, Angie!
      Fortunately it was only a minor incident but very time consuming.
      Glad to hear that you liked the little terrine.

  34. Such a beautiful celebration of Summer fruits. I am craving this terrine right now:-)

    1. Hi Sonali,
      love your expression " celebration of summer fruits "
      It lights up our rather grey winter days here in Lima :)

  35. Hola!!! Muchas gracias por la visita, así he podido descubrir tu maravilloso blog y deleitarme con recetas tan fantásticas como esta gelatina de frutas, sencillo y con muy buen resultado!


  36. Que linda, gracias!
    La verdad ha sido un descubrimiento mutuo porque a mi también me encantó conocer a tu blog y el maravilloso mundo de tus postres maravillosos.
    Un beso

  37. Thank goodness your accident was just a fender bender, but I love the idea of gourmet cute, Daniela!! Your summer fruit terrine looks so refreshing and has all the fruits that I love. It's beautiful, too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipe with us.

    1. Hi Kitty,
      Thanks so much for your kind words and what about if you become a member at the "Gourmet Yoga Club" ? :))
      So glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.

  38. what an awesome idea to do a sweet terrine.. love it!

    1. Hi Thalia,
      So glad to hear that and thanks for stopping by!

  39. I'm glad it was only a minor accident and I think you're really brave to drive in Lima. My sister lives in Beijing and she would never be brave enough to drive through that city. She has a driver! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      thanks for your kind words and what driving in Lima is concerned- it's only half of the fun with a driver- driving yourself keeps you updated and is a good training for reacting fast :)

  40. What a gorgeous terrine! It must be a crowd pleaser!

  41. This looks so delicious.

    I just read your about page. How exciting to be able to travel to so much of the world.


    1. Hi Madonna,
      glad to hear that.
      Ad what our living abroad is concerned it isa wonderful experience and I'm looking forward for the next challenge!

  42. Oh yes, indeed!
    I also fell in love with Innsbruck!
    The mountains behind the city were WOW!

  43. That looks very refreshing and delicious. Just the trick to getting someone to forget the cares of the world!

  44. very nice...I can envision lounging on a hammock enjoying a slice of this!

  45. Cooking is definitely a necessary de-stresser for me! Love the looks of this gorgeous terrine!

  46. I'm currently attending the advanced course at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris- I could use some of this refreshing terrine to DE-STRESS myself!

  47. Hi Daniela,
    I love terrines and specially fruit terrines and yours look so refreshing and delicious that my mouth is watering.
    Cheers darling,

  48. oh! this terrine looks insanely good! I love it!


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