Wednesday, November 20, 2013

From Rome With Love: Delectable Pumpkin Crostinis

Do you enjoy traveling?
Most people would affirm, I suppose.
The issue is when it comes to unpacking. There are those who let their suitcase "rest" for a few days before they empty their luggage and there are those who have to unpack immediately as soon as they walk over their own doorstep. 
I'm rather a member of the frenetically unpack ASAP club - even when coming home after midnight.
We just returned from a short trip to Rome where we used to live for two years and... we came home after midnight. Guess what I did?
Anyhow, it was a wonderful trip and the memories will stay on.
It was so beautiful to come back, see our friends there and enjoy the charm of La Bella Roma. 
It felt as if we would have never left, walking the narrow streets of the city center, visiting our favorite restaurants and bars (Just want to clarify before you might think that we are totally devoted to alcohol that a bar in Italy is actually a cafe) :)
We also visited an exceptional exhibition about Cleopatra in a lovely old monastery called the Chiostro del Bramante.
The queen conquered the eternal city by storm.
Visitors are streaming to the Chiostro to pay tribute to Cleopatra much the same as the Roman emperors Julius Cesar and Marcus Antonius did at the time of the Roman Empire.   
Here are a few of our Roman Impressions I would like to share with you.

Evening light at the Ponte Milvio. Couples in Rome have long been attaching padlocks to the bridge as symbols of love.

A sculpture watching over the bridge

A delicious treat with fresh Carpaccio di Manzo , Ruccola and shaved Parmesan at a restaurant at the Campo di Fiori.

Strolling Piazza del Popolo on Sunday afternoon

Any idea how he does this"meditation" trick?

Would H.M. be amused?

And finally a delectable Italian treat, presto and with only 5 ingredients for a surprising, easy holiday appetizer.
For the Pumpkin Crostini you need:

1 small baguette
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
2 cups coarsly shredded pumpkin
1 cup coarsly shredded Parmesan cheese
Salt, freshly ground pepper
basil leaves for decoration

Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat.
Add chopped onions,cook until traslucent.

Add shredded Pumpkin and cook for only 2 minutes or until al dente (do not overcook) 

Season with salt and pepper.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Cut the baguette into 1/2 inch slices.

Cover generously with the pumpkin mixture.

Spread with shredded Parmesan. 

Bake until cheese has melted (7 to 10 minutes) and turned into a golden brown color. 

Garnish with fresh Basil leaves and serve immediately

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  1. Nice invention appetizer.....
    great job!

  2. Nice little appetizer with an original twist. Love all the travel pics, that ad with H.M. is hilarious.

    1. Hi Evelyn,
      H.M. pics are my favorites too, so funny !
      Have a great weekend ahead.

  3. Lovely crostini! And some great pictures. We tend to be pretty quick about unpacking, too, although home after midnight? I'd let it wait until morning!

    1. Hi John,
      wise decision to wait until the next day to unpack- it's just- I can't help it :)
      Nice te hear you enjoyed the pics.

  4. I almost never unpack immediately when I get home...requires too much energy!!

    These crostini are full of such great flavor! Perfect for the holidays.

    1. Hi Joanne,
      you are so right, it does require too much energy-it's just- I can't help it :)

  5. Appetizing little crostini with all those colorful carrots in it...must taste delicious :-)

  6. Crostines golosos para un tentempiè lindos lindos,abrazos.

  7. I love the pumpkin crostini, looks delicious. Sounds like you had a nice trip, I too like to unpack ASAP after a trip.

    1. Hi Dawn,
      yes the trip was beautiful and now we are packing again- off to Madrid:)

  8. Hi Daniela, Love the beautiful scenery pictures of your Rome holidays. By the way, your pumpkin crostini looks so easy to prepare and awesome too. For your info, I love pumpkin and love it in whichever ways it's being cooked. Thanks for sharing this great recipe of yours and have a wonderful day :)

    1. Hi Ivy,
      Thanks so much for this sweet feed back!
      I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the virtual trip and the crostini :)
      Have a wonderful weekend ahead.

  9. I totally relate to the unpacking immediately - no matter the time, I need to unpack! these are gorgeous appetizers - so colorful!

    1. Hi Jenn,
      Just unpacked and now we are packing again- off to Madrid.
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the post.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Bonjourno and welcome back home! What a fantastic trip and a great little crostini to celebrate your return. I wonder how that guy does his little meditation trick? Cool! I personally am like you and unpack right away as we have the worlds most smallest and most incovenient washer/dryer here in HK. It only washes about 3 pairs of socks at a time and then you have to line dry them... LOL Take care, BAM

    1. Hi BAM,
      you made me smile with your description of the 3 pair of socks size of the washing machine :)
      Thank you for accompanying me on this virtual trip!

  11. My best memories come from Rome! These crostinis look fantastic :))

    1. I couldn't agree more, Rome is such a gorgeous city.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I am with you -- I unpack as soon as I get home, or very shortly after. This is a nice pumpkin appetizer - look delicious!

    1. Hi Amy,
      Welcome to the club of fast unpackers :)
      Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Lovely photos...there is nothing like a Roman holiday. What a great holiday appetizer to take to my friend's house for Thanksgiving.

    1. Hi Karen,
      I couldn't agree more- Roman Holidays are wonderful.
      Glad to hear that you enjoyed the recipe!

  14. Love the photos of Rome - you must've had so much fun there, I am sure! And no, I never unpack right away after traveling - I let my suitcase sit for quite a few days before I approach it. :) Love the idea of pumpkin crostini! So fit for current season for the Holidays!

    1. Hi Julia,
      may be it's quite wise to let "rest" your luggage after traveling , so all the new impressions can settle down too:)
      So nice to hear that you enjoyed the crostinis.

  15. Great crostinis! I can't get enough of pumpkin.
    Have a great weekend!

  16. Rome is on my bucket list - great pictures!

    The crostinis look really delicious.

    1. Hi Pam,
      hope you can make this trip soon, I'm sure you would enjoy it a lot.Cheers!

  17. I'd love to be in Rome right now. I don't see visiting there anytime soon. These pumpkin crostini look wonderful and so simple and fresh. What a perfect appetizer for this time of year.

    1. Hi Vicki,
      so glad to hear that you enjoyed the post. Hope that you can make the trip to Rome soon!

  18. Daniela, gracias por visitarnos, nos conocíamos tu blog y nos ha encantado.

    Ayy Roma, qué recuerdos nos has traído y esos bocados tan deliciosos, anotamos tu receta, gracias!!

    un abrazo

    1. Hola Piedi y Maria,
      Me encanta saber que les ha gustado el blog.
      Para mi, igualmente el vuestro es una inspiración y buen ejemplo.
      Estoy ya con ilusión de ver vuestro prójimo post:)

  19. Lovely appetizer and a lovely trip. I unpack within 24 hours. Manservant, who travels a lot, leaves his a LONG time. Sometimes he has me wash and then just repacks. Very irritating indeed!

    1. Hi Abbe,
      so true the other half of mankind can have sometimes quite irritating habits:))
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the virtual trip and the Crostinis!

  20. Such a beautiful and yummy looking appetizer bites.
    Thanks so much for some beautiful pictures. I love seeing places but I agree, the unpacking and getting back to the routine is not so much fun at all.
    We've visited so many places, but my teen loves Rome the best. It was so full of history and a stunning city.
    Have a great week.

    1. Hi Asha,
      thank you so much fr your sweet comment!
      Glad to hear you enjoyed the post.

  21. What a bright and delicious appetizer! Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures from your holiday. I too need to unpack the minute I step home.

    1. Hi Sonali,
      great to hear that you are a fast unpacker too:)
      Thank you for your kind feedback!

  22. Hola Daniela que envidia del viaje a mi me encanta viajar enseguida preparo viaje lo que menos mejusta tambien es hacer y desacer las maletas, espero que lo hayas pasado muy bien, y que decirte de este aperitivo se ve delicioso y sencillo este lo hago, gracias por enseñarnos esas fotos tan bonitas un beso

    1. Hola Conchi,
      Que lindo feedback, gracias!
      Me alegra mucho que te ha gustado el post y el viaje virtual:)
      Un gran abrazo.

    2. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday in Rome. Thanks for sharing the photos, and the recipe!

    3. Hi Beth,
      Yes I really enjoyed rediscovering this beautiful city.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Love love love Rome. one of the most beautiful cities in the world and so much good food. I love the cacio e pepe pasta and also the Saltimbocca romana, I could have those anæ day of the week!
    Oh, btw loving the crostinis!

    1. Hi Mike,
      I couldn't agree more,it's such a beautiful place.
      Culture, history great food and nice people-who could wish for more?

  24. Es verdad, a todo el mundo le gusta viajar y conocer lugares diferentes...pero que terrible es llegar a casa y desempacar, lo odio...ja,ja,ja...

    1. Si es cierto Nydia, pero es tan lindo viajarque ya no es tan grave desempaquar :)

  25. I have a baguette lying in my fridge. So I can try this recipe anytime! This crostini looks great! I bet the combination of pumpkin and cheese is great :)

    1. Hi Purabi,
      So great to hear that you enjoyed the post.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  26. I can see you enjoyed Italy. I bet food was a great plus :) The simplicity and freshness of the Italian coisine is well represented in this great appetizer!

    1. Oh yes Daniela I did.
      It's a wonderful country that has everything: culture,history,great food, nice people and a fantastic way of life :)

  27. These crostinis look great, like the idea of topping with pumpkin and lot of cheese...
    Thanks for the travel pictures...awesome!
    Have a wonderful week Daniela :D

    1. Hi Juliana,
      so nice to hear that you enjoyed the virtual trip and the crostinis.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  28. Oh how I wish I could visit Rome one day! I'm sure you're settled back to the routine now. I don't enjoy post-travel so much - a pile of laundry, depressed that holiday is over, and back to reality! LOL. I hate having souitcases around the house so I usually clean up in 2 hours after I come home while doing laundry immediately. I only had that energy right after I come... Love your pumpkin crostinis. Great idea!

    1. Hi Nami,
      wish you could visit Rome one day, I'm sure you would enjoy every moment of the trip.
      It's such an amazing city that offers everything: history,culture,marvelous food, lots of sunshine and very nice people.


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