Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Part 2 A Magic Journey To The Heart Of The Inca Empire

A Lake Like an Ocean, Sunken Treasures, Knitting Men and a Community Life of Long Gone Times.

 After spending some days at the ancient capital of the Inca Empire,Cuzco, we continued our journey to the lake Titicaca, one of the most fascinating places I have seen so far.
Situated between Peru and Bolivia  at an altitude of 3.800 m (12507 feet) above sea level, this place leaves you literally breathless, not only because of the altitude but as well because of it's extraordinary beauty.

The lake is studded with many islands, both natural and men-made.
According to mythology, a large gold treasure was sunken by the Incas in this mysterious waters.
Looking much more like an ocean than a lake,  the Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America. It's water is of a deep blue ( maybe due to the good weather :=) ) and its inhabitants have developed  the most extraordinary variety of cultures and ways of life.
There are different tribes living in the area.
The Uro people living on their floating islands are a relatively small but very interesting community.
Their islands are made (and must be maintained and replaced regularly) from totora reeds which provide home, sustenance and transportation for their residents.
The islands vary in size and according to the needs they can provide homes for 3 up to 6 or more families.

Walking on them is quite an experience, a bit like walking on a waterbed, as everything moves beyond your feet. The Uros developed through the centuries their own way of life,social system and nature cure.

The inhabitants of Taquile Island
the main village at this small small island is situated about 3950m above sea level.
The Islanders are masters at knitting and weaving and their textiles and clothing was proclaimed "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" by UNESCO.
Men are usually the ones that knit wheras women weave.

The society is runned based on community decisions and on the Inca moral code "ama sua,ama llulla, ama qhilla" which is quetchua for "do not steal,do not lie, do not be lazy.
These people are friendly and proud (but in a rather shy way) of their Island and society and it needs a sensitive and respectful tourism in order to preserve their way of life intact.

One of the youngest inhabitants playing on a floating island made by his parents

This Lama just stepped before my camera at the right moment

Looking for something?

Men knitting at the Taquile island

A Lama somehow puzzled about the speed limit

The austere beauty of the landscape

The huge lake seems to melt into the horizon


So we will go to rest,tired but happy after an extraordinary day.
Hope you enjoyed the journey.
See you next week.

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  1. Wow, these are great photos! The floating islands are so interesting. And, what a beautiful place. I'd love to visit the lake.

    1. Thank you Lisa, happy to hear you enjoyed the pictures and the journey:)

  2. Ooh, these is so perfect, another great collection of your photos. The Lama boy, is cute.

    1. Thank you so much and yes, the little boy was very cute!

  3. Sounds like a great trip! Thanks for sharing your journey with us Daniela.

    1. Hi Anne,
      it was really a great trip, thank you for joining me at this journey !

  4. Wow -- more lovely photos! It looks and sounds wonderful!

  5. such amazing snaps, hats off to you Daniela...all the pics are fabulous :-)

    1. Thank you so much my dear friends, glad to hear you enjoyed the journey:)

  6. The lake is breathtakingly beautiful and peaceful and the floating fun and interesting! Thank you for sharing, Daniela.

    1. Hi Angie,
      The lake was really incredibly beautiful and the atmosphere of the place is unique.
      Thank you for accompanying me at this journey!

  7. Magic indeed! A delight for the senses. I dream of seeing lake Titicaca one day...



    1. Hi Rosa,
      happy to hear you enjoyed the journey. I'm sure you would enjoy it enourmosly and that you would take tons of amazing pictures :)

  8. Danielle, what a priceless adventure. Thank you for sharing with us through words and pictures

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      Happy to hear you enjoyed the journey :)
      Have a great weekend!

  9. My husband's parents lived in La Pas for five years and they would often holiday at Lake Titikaka. It does look very beautiful although they weather was never quite warm enough for sun bathing! xx

    1. Hi Charlie,
      so true, it's always freezing cold, even when the sun is shining.
      But then you have this nights......with stars that seems so close you have the impression you can nearly touch them.

  10. Beautiful photos! What an amazing, ancient culture it is! Thank you for these photos and providing a glimpse into this beautiful land!

    1. Hi Julia,
      Happy to hear you enjoyed the virtual journey.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hi Daniela, thanks for the tour, I really enjoyed and admire your very well taken pictures. Love the exotic beautiful scenery and the culture. Arhhh. I like the pic of the girl bending down looking for something. :))

    Have a lovely weekend, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia,
      Thanks to you for acompanying me at this virtual journey!
      The picture about the girl you mentioned was so funny because she literally was hanging over a cliff, looking at the lake as she would have lost something. Maybe it was the Inca treasure ?? :))
      Have a great week ahead.

  12. Love that lama picture! In fact all of the pictures are so much fun - I feel as if I was there! Really entertaining post - thanks so much.

    1. Hi John,
      Thank you for your great feedback, happy to hear you enjoyed the journey!
      Have a great week ahead.

  13. Hi Daniela! I've seem some pictures of Inca culture when my brother traveled there. It's always nice to see some travel photos of places that I am not sure if I could ever visit soon. I enjoyed your post. :)

    1. Hi Nami,
      Thank you for accompanying me on this magic journey,I'm so glad you liked the trip&pictures:)

  14. I love when moments like that lama stepping up happen, it's photography magic! These are such stunning images that all of them are magic!

    1. Thank you so much Angela!
      In fact it was like magic when the Lama stepped out just at the right moment :)
      Have a great week ahead.

  15. Replies
    1. These men in their colorful clothes knitting and chatting were quite a sight!
      And they do an amazing job with this handicrafts.

  16. Daniela, This two part journey is so beautiful. I really want to see all of the Inca empire and experience the culture, with food too of course.:) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Nancy,
      I hope you can do this trip once, I'm sure you would enjoy it enormously :)

  17. What an amazing trip - and such beautiful photos! You were so lucky to be able to visit this tribe and share in their culture.

  18. Hi Beth,
    Happy you enjoyed this virtual trip. Thanks for coming along!

  19. Magical place, gorgeous pictures...I so want to visit Peru one day!

    1. Hope you can make this trip, I'm sure you would enjoy it very much!


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