Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Joy Of Easter

The Joy Of Easter

Easter is one of my favorite celebrations, a new awakening for mankind and nature and a celebration of life.
In Austria, it marks the beginning of springtime as well.
Even now that I live in the southern hemisphere and we are approaching the end of summer I still associate it, curiously enough, with springtime.

As they say: Old habits die hard :)

I love to bring this spirit of joy and celebration to our home and would like to share these pictures with you.
It was not easy to find a special dye  for Easter eggs, so in the end, after looking in many shops and supermarkets, I had to boil the eggs and simply paint them afterwards with food dye and not dye them during boiling as usual.

This is why the coloring is a bit irregular but it adds a little bit of personality to it, don't you think? :)

Most of my adornments miraculously survived the transport from Italy to Peru, so I was able to arrange a little easter tree.

Sadly, some of the most precious adornments, which were hand-painted  by my grandmother, didn't make it.
Here is one of the "survivors"

And here is one of the less fortunate ones

Anyhow, on Sunday we will enjoy a nice Easter Brunch "Al Fresco" with still warm weather and (hopefully) sunshine.

We will be enjoying these cupcakes we found at a local pastry shop, which are all handmade and really cute.

Only this little Bunny needs a bit of a cheer up :)

So, my dear friends, I wish you all a happy easter and a wonderful celebration with your loved ones!

See you next Tuesday!
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  1. Hi Daniela, Have a wonderful Easter. Love your traffic light color dye egg,it look very pretty and colorful. Your Easter decoration look very cute and the hand painted eggs are really beautiful. Very creative ideas but sad to know that some broke during transportation. But the broken one still look nice.

    Nice table setting, it must be wonderful to have your breakfast or tea break at the balcony and enjoy the beautiful scenery. :))

    Have a lovely week ahead. Regards.

    1. Hi Amelia ,
      always so nice to read your comment! The colors for the eggs turned out
      really VERY bright but it was fun to paint them somehow different :)
      We do enjoy our balcony and I hope the warm weather lasts for some more weeks.
      Have a great week ahead and Happy Easter!

  2. Your eggs look so pretty. We always had a tree branch egg tree when I was a kid with beautiful eggs that came from my great-grandmother and then some we made too.

    1. Hi Amy,
      It's so nice to hear that you had similar tradtions in your family for Easter.
      It's always a good idea to keep these decorations as a souvenir for the next generation.
      Happy Easter!

  3. Well, it's this time of the year when I get very "seasonal" :)
    Happy Easter!

  4. Great looking eggs! I love the vibrant colors - I think they look better than the regular ones. And how cool to have some decorated eggs from your grandmother! So sorry some didn't make it, but at least you figured out a way to use at least one! Happy Easter!

    1. Hi John,
      First I was a bit skeptical that the colors might turn out a bit too bright, but than I thought they look quite
      cheerful :)
      Happy Easter to you and Mrs. KR!

  5. i love your eggs! they have such a beautiful, vibrant color! hope you have a happy easter!

    1. Hi Jenn,
      I had fun painting these Easter eggs, even it was not easy to find an apropiate dye :)
      Happy Easter to you and your family as well!

  6. Oh my - those are the most adorable cupcakes! Love your blog - such gorgeous photos! :)

    1. Hi Jen,
      Thank you for your kind words I really appreciate them :)
      Happy Easter!

  7. That's such a shame you have some broken eggs but the cupcakes are stunning. Happy Easter to you and your family xx

    1. Hi Charlie ,
      yes it's a pity but next year I 'll use the ones my children painted for us which are also lovely and a great souvenir :)
      Happy Easter to you and your family as well !

  8. Those eggs are so cool! Seriously the coolest dyed eggs I've ever seen! P.s. I want one of those cupcakes. Have a great Easter weekend!

    1. Hi Ashley,
      what a nice comment!
      Would love to invite you one of these cupcakes, they taste as good as they look:)
      Thanks for stopping by.
      Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

  9. Daniela, forgive my late response. I read this earlier and thought I had commented on the post. I love the bright true colors you used for your eggs. They are beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful Easter holiday. Blessings...Mary

  10. Hi Mary,
    nothing to worry , it's always a pleasure to read your comments which I truly appreciate :)
    Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

  11. Hi Daniela, drop by to wish you Happy Easter Sunday. God blessed you and all at home.

    Best regards.

  12. Hi Amelia,
    Thank you so much!
    Happy Easter to you and your loved ones!

  13. So sorry to hear some of the hand drawn egg ornaments couldn't make it. :( So fragile and it must have been one of the hardest object to move! Your picture reminded me that my mom took a class to make these ornaments. I wonder if she still have ones she made... Sounds like you had a nice Easter holiday, Daniela!

    1. Hi Nami,
      it was a pity because there was an emotional aspect to this ornaments, but next year I'll use the ones my children painted :)
      Hope you will find the ones your mom painted, these are precious souvenirs!


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